July 26, 2013

Links to Fogus's CS on the Cheap

estimated reading time: 1 minute and 5 seconds.

Earlier this week, Michael Fogus wrote about his love of Dover publications and his desire to see some computer science texts published using the same model. It’s a great post, and I recommend reading it all.

Although I agree with Fogus that we need more publications like this, I recognize that actually producing them is going to be very, very challenging. Fogus mentions copyright as an obstacle, and I’m afraid it will be nearly impossible to overcome. Your best bet may be to collect essays and posts yourself if you want to see these sorts of things collected.

To that end, here are some links to essays mentioned in his post:

Copyright will likely prevent these and other seminal essays in computer science from being compiled in a single publication. However, we’re lucky that so many of the early works in computer science are available online. Take advantage of this and read some of them.