Soto Pérez was born on November 15, 1977 in the town of San Sebastián, in the
northwest corner of the island of Puerto Rico. She obtained
her undergraduate degree in chemical engineering at the University of Puerto
Rico, Mayagüez Campus, in 1999, and worked briefly in industry in the Boston
and Baltimore areas prior to enrolling in the Ph.D. program in in the Chemical
and Biochemical Engineering Department at UMBC in 2001.
Jessica joined Professor Frey's research group and began her thesis research in
the area of protein chromatography during the fall term of 2002.
Jessica was a warm and loving person who greeted everyone she met with a
cheerful smile. Her infectious
enthusiasm and sheer joy for life positively impacted everyone she encountered.
Jessica loved to teach and conduct research, and dreamed of returning to
the University of Puerto Rico as a professor.
Jessica especially wanted to become a role model for Hispanic women, and
enjoyed participating in activities where she could inspire other young people,
such as lecturing in the Maryland Regional Upward Bound Math and Science Center
program for high school students. Jessica
also participated in many campus activities, one of her favorites being the
Genesis Toastmaster club, where she was the vice president for education.
Jessica also participated in UMBC's
PROMISE program, which is dedicated to increasing the number and diversity of
Ph.D. graduate students who go on to academic careers. Tragically,
Jessica became a victim of domestic violence and died on June 29, 2004, at the
age of 26. The grief felt by
Jessica’s friends and relatives upon her death was truly overwhelming, and is
a testament to Jessica's wonderful nature and the positive influence she had on
those around her. Those of us who
were privileged to know Jessica will always treasure our memories of her.
Jessica is survived by her parents, Antonio I. Soto and Luz N. Pérez, and by
her younger brother Antonio I. Soto Pérez, Jr.
In the pursuit of her
Ph.D. degree, Jessica satisfied all the requirements for a M.S. degree, which
was awarded posthumously on August 31, 2004.
Below are a few
photographs to help remind Jessica's friends of her passion for life and, to
those who didn't know her, these photographs may help you gain a better appreciation
of this wonderful young woman.

photo: Jessica
presenting her research at
the HPLC-2004
meeting in Philadelphia.
photo: Jessica at the Baltimore inner harbor during the PREP-2004 meeting.

photo: Jessica
(near center of picture) on the CBE departmental ski
trip at Whitetail, PA.
photo: Jessica demonstrates her skiing prowess.

photo: Jessica
loved to meet people at conferences. This photograph shows her with
Lightfoot of
"Bird, Stewart, and Lightfoot" fame at
ACS meeting in New Orleans, LA.
photo: Jessica (on far right) at a birthday party for the CBE graduate

is how we will remember Jessica -- sitting at her desk, happy, smiling, and eager
to tell you about her latest exploits.
Links to related websites:
publication in Biotechnology Progress
Soto Pérez University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez - UMBC Graduate School Bridge
Department of Chemical,
Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering at UMBC
National Domestic Violence
Hotline Website