Women-Related Web Sites in Science/Technology
Last updated: December 26, 2023

Here are selected women-related sites focusing on science and technology. Though some sites aimed at encouraging girls' interest in these areas are included below, more can be found on the Websites for Girls page.
4000 Years of Women in Science
- (Biographies, bibliographic references, photographs, and links to related sites.)
Access and Merit: A Debate on Encouraging Women in Science and Engineering
- (Essay by Canadian professor F. Mary Williams that describes the debate about the wisdom of interventions to encourage more women to prepare for careers in science and engineering. Ultimately, she argues that "by using a narrow definition of what constitutes scientific knowledge, the 'meritocritics' have missed the reality, and the potential, of modern science." Her essay is in pdf format and requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat reader)
Accessibility of Computer Science: A Reflection for Faculty Members
- (Computer Science professor Dianne P. O'Leary's insightful discussion of the chilly climate for women in computer science. The discussion is arranged as a series of questions, such as whether women are less talented in computer science, why so few women enter the field and why so many who do enter do not stay, what makes the environment chilly, and what can be done at the faculty level and throughout the curriculum, from beginning courses to graduate education. References are provided for all sections. Highly recommended.)
Achieving Gender Equity in Science Classrooms: A Guide for Faculty
- (Concise handbook compiled by women science students and science faculty and staff at a consortium of New England colleges and published by the Dean's Office at Brown University. Topics include classroom dynamics, examination options, personalizing large classes, moving from a competitive to a cooperative educational model, and more.)
ACM's Committee on Women in Computing
- (The site reflects ACM-W's interest in activities and projects that improve the working and learning environments for women in computing. Very good sections on related sites and on articles about women and computing.)
Ada: Femmes et IT, Vrouwen en IT
- (A bilingual [French/Flemish] Belgian site that focuses on the under-representation of women in information technology and efforts to change the situation. )
AGORA: Online Forum On Women in Science
- (In 2006, UNESCO and cosmetics company L'Oreal launched this site to highlight and support women's contributions toward scientific progress. All Internet users can access and read forum entries, but only members of the L'Oreal-UNESCO "Women in Science community" may contribute to the website. Scientists from around the world are invited to join the community and express their views in the forum. The forum will focus on topics such as science education for girls and women, women of science and sustainable development, bioethics, and diversity.)
Alice: Learn to Program Interactive 3D Graphics
- (Alice is designed to make computer programming more accessible and appealing and to "provide the best possible first exposure to programming for students ranging from middle schoolers to college students." Middle-school girls are one specific group to whom Alice is intended to appeal. The site includes a free download of Alice, plus online forums, demonstration videos, and more.)
- (Formerly the Anita Borg Institute, AnitaB.org is an organization that "helps women make significant contributions to technical fields. Our programs and awards highlight the accomplishments of women technologists, while our events and communities enable women to establish their peer networks.")
Association for Women in Computing
- (Information about the AWC, links to local chapters and related sites, and a very interesting column entitled "Computer Confidence for Women.")
Association for Women in Mathematics
- (In addition to information about AWM membership, the site offers announcements of current grants, lectures, workshops, projects, and prizes, as well as extensive links to related sites.)
- (A site jointly sponsored by Arizona State University and the National Science Foundation to give women in STEM careers [science, technology, engineering, mathematics] resources and advice for dealing with issues such as facing a cold or isolating departmental climate, balancing career and personal demands, handling advisor issues, and/or staying motivated and productive despite delays and setbacks to research progress. One noteworthy resource: more than 180 video interviews with successful women in STEM who have completed their doctoral degrees and progressed into STEM careers. Each woman discusses and reflects upon her experiences during graduate school.)
AWE: Assessing Women in Engineering
- (AWE is an NSF-funded project that develops and makes available assessment instruments, literature resources, and methodologies for Women in Engineering and similar programs. The website provides information about the assessment instruments/surveys and offers an extensive annotated bibliography, literature overviews, annotated links to related sites, and more.)
AWIS: Association for Women in Science
- (Among the resources on the AWIS web site are information about awards, scholarships, statistics, job openings, book reviews, profiles of outstanding women in science, a searchable registry of women in science, links to related sites, and more.)
Barriers to Women Studying Information Technology Courses
- (Published in 2004 in the Bulletin of Applied Computing and Information Technology, this study focuses on New Zealand women seeking to retrain for the workforce, many of whom enrol in computer-based courses. The study indicates that women are far more likely than men to avoid IT courses, and it examines the reasons for these choices.)
BCS Women's Forum
- (This website from the British Computing Society focuses on issues concerning women's participation in information technology. The aim is to stimulate "dialogue and discussion about the policies and practices in IT and using them to make IT a place that is inclusive." The site offers profiles of women in IT, statistics and research, annotated links to related groups and organizations, and the opportunity to participate in online discussion forums.)
Best Online Resources for Women and Minorities in Science and Technology
- (Part of Educational CyberPlayground (ECP), this is an extensive, well-chosen listing of links to sites focusing on women in science and technology, as well as links to three other useful ECP pages: What you can do to help GRRLS get into technology, Computer Wonder Women, and International Gender Equity Resources Online.)
Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering
- (A 2006 report from the National Academy of Sciences and affiliated academies. The report finds that women are being filtered out of high-level positions in science, engineering, and math in the United States for no good reason. The report is for sale on this web site, but one can also read it for free on the site.)
- Bibliography on Gender and Technology in Education
- (The Bibliography on Gender and Technology in Education has been created by gender equity specialist Jo Sanders. Focusing primarily on information technology, the bibliography is comprehensive as of 2005 and draws on international research as well as intervention literature. It contains nearly 700 entries and is
extensively annotated, key-worded, and searchable. Sanders compiled the bibliography for her 2005 review article, "Gender and Technology: A Research Review." This version of the bibliography is in pdf format, which requires the use of a pdf reader such as the free Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Biographies of Women Mathematicians
- (Indexed alphabetically and chronologically)
Black Women in Mathematics
- (This site, created and maintained by mathematics professor Scott W. Williams, provides a history of Black women in mathematics, biographies of Black female mathematicians, relevant articles, and links to related sites.)
Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: A Report on Gender and ICT in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States
- (This United Nations report by Lenka Simerska and Katarina Fialova includes an inventory of gender equality projects and resources for the information society in the CEE/CIS region. It also "highlights the need for increased action to address imbalances between women's and men's access to and participation in ICTs" in the region and "emphasizes the powerful potential of ICTs as a vehicle for advancing gender equality." The report is available in .pdf format in both English and Russian; it requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
Career Options for Women
- (This Canadian website offers 13 half-hour programs highlighting women working in jobs traditionally held by men, primarily in trades and technology. Clicking on Profiles will reveal numerous categories, such as Information Technology, Robotics and Automation, Video Games, Gaming, and Biotechnology. The site claims that information is also available in French, but if it is, it's well hidden.)
Celebrating Diversity: Women Energize an Atomic World
- (This site from the International Atomic Energy Agency highlights women's contributions to the nuclear world. One can read or listen to accounts of the challenges women face in balancing work and home life. The site includes statistics on the number of women in the nuclear industry, efforts to
educate and include women among the next generation of nuclear scientists, and ways in which nuclear science is being used to help impoverished women.)
Changing Girls' Attitudes Toward Computers
- (Karen Ellis's rich resource, Educational CyberPlayGround, has devoted a special section to resources designed to get girls excited about computers and information technology. Here you'll find information about women who were/are computer pioneers; projects aimed at interesting girls in technology; links to sites dealing with the gender divide and the digital divide; gender equity resources; and links to "best online resources for women and minorities in science and tech.")
Chilly Climate -- See Academic Climate, above.
Coding Resources for Women at Every Stage of Their Career
- (This site, focusing on girls and women in technology, offers valuable resources arranged into four categories: The History of Women in Tech; Coding Resources for Girls and Women at Every Age and Stage; Resources for Women Already in Tech; and Ways Companies Can Make Equitable Changes. There are also links to Columbia Engineering Boot Camps.)
College Success for Women in STEM
- (This site from the organization Affordable Colleges Online offers information about "scholarships, programs, and organizations helping women bridge the STEM gender gap." In addition to financial aid info, there are sections on attracting girls to STEM, degree trends for women in STEM, best careers for women in STEM, and more.)
Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W)
- (Site includes a number of useful annotated links to sites/events/statistics of particular interest to women interested in computer science, including articles dealing with Expanding the Pipeline, an extensive description of Career Mentoring Workshops that covers such topics as Building a Research Career, Getting a Job, Networking, Tenure, and more, and a listing of Computer Science Books by Women Computer Scientists.)
Computer Geek versus Computer Chic: IT Career and IT Education
- (A 2005 paper by Reena Pau et al. that "explores whether there is a relationship between the ways IT is taught in schools and the pupils' perception of what a career in IT is really like." One focus on the paper is the decline in girls' participation in IT in the United Kingdom.)
Computer Girl
- (Started by Stanford undergraduate Amy Wu, the Computer Girl site is designed "to bridge the gap between young women in high school and the computer world." It offers abundant resources: web sites, articles, role models, statistics, job categories, summer camp listings, and more. It also provides a place where students can ask questions about the field of computer science [e.g., the job market, salaries, finding mentors, scholarships, work/life balance, etc.] NOTE: It's not clear that this site is being kept up. Some sections--e.g., role models--have many broken links. I'm keeping the site in my listing for the moment because some parts are still useful.)
Computer Science Books by Women Computer Scientists
- (The Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research [CRA-W] has put together this list of computer science books by women computer scientists. Organized into more than thirty categories, the list includes links, where possible, to the authors' web sites and to the publishers' sites.)
Computing, Diversity and Community: Fostering the Computing Culture
- (A talk by computer science professor Danielle Bernstein about how how to attract and retain women in math, science, and, especially, computing.)
The Construction of Gender at UBC Computing Services
- (Interesting essay by Diane Currie, who works at the computing department at the University of British Columbia. The essay's relevance extends far beyond UBC.)
Contributions of 20th Century Women to Physics
- (American Physical Society project documenting women who have made original and important contributions to physics in the 20th century. Includes accounts of the work, citations to important publications, biographical information, and some photographs. Searchable.)
- Digital Opportunity Chanel
- (The mission of the Digital Opportunity Chanel is "to educate a global audience on the use of information and communication technology (ICT) as a tool for promoting digital opportunity for all..." The site is a portal that highlights news and current trends in ICT for development, as well as issues such as the digital divide and the efforts to tackle it. The site also showcases best practices and provides shared spaces for interested practitioners to network with one another, collaborate on common projects, and campaign for common goals.
Diversity in Science Association
- (This site provides the results of and information about the diversity surveys conducted by Professor Donna J. Nelson of the University of Oklahoma. The surveys "determined demographics of tenured / tenure track faculty at pertinent departments of the 'top 50' universities, ranked by NSF (National Science Foundation) according to research expenditures in that discipline. These are the first published data, disaggregated by gender, by race, and by rank, on faculty at the top 50 research universities in each of 14 science and engineering disciplines."
Douglass Project for Rutgers Women in Math, Science, and Engineering
- (Extensive, award-winning program established in 1986 to encourage more women to study math, science, and engineering.)
Educational Pipeline Issues for Women
- (Written by Nancy Leveson in 1990, this still timely article about the under-representation of women in computer science does a very good job of setting forth the issues.)
Eldis ICT for Development Resource Guide
- (Eldis describes itself as a "gateway to information on development issues." The Resource Guide offers an extensive collection of high-quality reports, news, web sites, statistics, etc. concerning ICT [information and communication technologies] and development. One section deals with ICT and gender. Eldis is hosted by the Institute for Development Studies at the University of Sussex in England.)
E-Mentoring for Women of Color in Engineering and Science
- (A 2004 MentorNet study of responses to e-mentoring by African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latina, and White protégés and mentors. Statistically significant differences in the needs, experiences, and perceived benefits were found for the different groups. A 2.9 MB Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] file.)
Empowering Women Through ICT
- (in 2007, eGov, a UK-based online newsletter, added this section about the challenges and opportunities that ICT offers for women around the world.)
Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
- (Information about and a link to a guide in .pdf format from the U.S. Department of Education. Developed by a panel of experts, the guide "brings together the best available evidence and expertise to provide educators with specific and coherent evidence-based recommendations on how to encourage girls in the fields of math and science.")
- (Web site designed to encourage girls' and young women's interest in engineering. The site includes information about what engineers do, great achievements in engineering, career facts, puzzles and games, the opportunity to ask questions of engineers, and links to related sites. Sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering.)
Engineer Your Life
- (This site describes itself as "a guide to engineering for high school girls." It includes photos and videos of young women who are engineers as well as information about what engineering is, why it is important, attractive careers in engineering, and how to prepare to become an engineer. The site also includes sections for counselors and parents and for engineers.)
The ENIAC Programmers
- (Information from the WITI Hall of Fame about the six women who were selected in 1945 to be the first programmers of the pioneering ENIAC computer. Includes photos and links to more information, including an interview and a video.)
European Database of Women Experts in Science, Engineering, and Technology
- (Searchable database of European women in SET. In addition to being able to search on fields (e.g., "physicist"), you can search for women willing to serve as mentors, role models, speakers, and media contacts.)
European Platform of Women Scientists
- (An organization formed "to build a structural link between women scientists and research policy makers. The aim is to introduce a new key strategic actor into the research policy debate by making the voice of women scientists heard." The site offers relevant news, position papers, official publications on women in science, and links to European Union institutions involved in the decision-making process.)
Exploring Gender and Technology
- ("This site presents current research, perspectives, and innovative approaches to the gender gap in technology collected from secondary research." It offers statistics, case studies, a video, online discussion, an annotated bibliography, and annotated links for educators and for girls.)
Fairer Science
- (A joint project of the Wellesley Centers for Women and Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc., Fairer Science offers current information and presentations about women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that can be of use to policy makers, educators, and parents. Funded by the National Science Foundation, the site includes accessible material on "Unlearning Gender Stereotypes," presentations on topics such as "Using Women in Science Blogs to Encourage Girls in Science" and "Using Electronic Communities to Support Women in Science," media tools, presentation tools, an annotated bibliography, other free resources, and a blog.)
Female Nobel Prize Laureates
- (Information about all the women who have won the Nobel Prize. Arranged by field and chronologically. The site also includes links to books and web sites dealing with women in science and technology. Part of the Nobel Prize Internet Archive.)
50 Women in the Tech Industry Every Man Should Know
- (This article, written in 2020, is a response to research showing that almost 80% of students cannot name a single famous woman working in technology. The article highlights fifty highly accomplished women who are "innovators, visionaries, and founders" in the tech industry.)
Rosalind Franklin: Secret of Photo 51
- (Fifty years after James Watson and Francis Crick won fame for
discovering the structure of DNA, a PBS TV program, "Secret of
Photo 51," explores the role of Rosalind Franklin, the woman who
paved the way but never got the credit she deserved. This web
site was created to accompany the program, but it is valuable in
its own right. It includes a background article by Franklin
biographer Brenda Maddox about the events leading up to the
discovery of DNA, a discussion of why Franklin should have shared
the Nobel Prize that went to Watson and Crick, valuable
illustrated explanations of the science involved, and a short list of related web sites and books.)
Gender & Computing
- (Norwegian academic Hilde Corneliussen originally created this blog [i.e., web log] to focus on her research on gender and computing. More recently, the focus has shifted to gender and ICTs in a historical perspective.)
- Gender and Development
- (The World Bank created this site to further its goals of promoting gender equality and empowering women. Among the site's resources are news, a gender mainstreaming strategy paper, a report on engendering development [available in several languages], tools for specific sectors, an electronic database of gender statistics and indicators, and information about gender and ICT.)
Gender and Electronic Discourse
- (Four hypertexts dealing with the effect of electronic discourse upon gender and/or the effect of gender theory upon electronic discourse, along with three indirect "responses." From Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments)
Gender and Technology in Education: A Research Review
- (This extensive 2005 article by Jo Sanders, an internationally recognized authority on gender equity, offers an extraordinarily clear, comprehensive, well-documented account of worldwide research in the area of gender and technology in education, both in and outside the classroom, from pre-school through the university. It includes coverage of efforts to remedy the imbalance between males' and females' involvement with technology.)
Gender Differences in Major Federal External Grant Programs
- (A 2005 study carried out by the Rand Corporation that looked at possible gender differences in awards by major federal grant-giving agencies. The document is in pdf format, which requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Gender Differences in the Careers of Academic Scientists and Engineers
- (A 2004 National Science Foundation study that used the literature on the careers of women scientists and engineers employed in academia to examine how women in these disciplines fare compared with their male counterparts.)
Gendered Attrition from I.T. [Information Technology]
- (Website of an ongoing national study by J. McGrath Cohoon et al. that investigates "how departmental characteristics and practices can influence the disproportionate loss of undergraduate women from computing majors.")
Gender Equity in Education
- (Martha C. Phelps-Borrowman has created a useful site that focuses primarily on gender equity in science and mathematics. It includes lessons to interest girls in science and math and to acquaint students with the accomplishments of women in these fields, along with links to related sites.)
Gender Equity for Mathematics and Science
- (An account of a conference sponsored by the Woodrow Wilson Leadership Program for Teachers. Includes interviews with faculty contributors, comments on papers, descriptions of suggested activities, ideas for parents, a bibliography, and more.)
Gender Equity Resources
- (Experienced author and gender equity project director Jo Sanders has put together an impressive set of online gender equity resources, including articles she has written, an interactive tutorial entitled Equity in the IT Classroom, and links to relevant web sites. The web links are arranged in six categories: General Education; Math, Science, and Technology; Gender Equity, General; Gender Equity in Math & Science; Gender Equity in Technology; and Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status.)
Gender in the Blogosphere
- (Doctoral student Clancy Ratliff is writing her dissertation on women, gender, and blogging. She has put together this collection of links to discussions of gender in the blogosphere [i.e., women's participation, representation, etc. in web logs]. The collection is arranged chronologically, from early to late.)
Gender in the Internet Age
- (The Winter 2000 issue of The CPSR Newsletter, edited by Ellen Spertus and Evelyn Pine, is devoted to exploring "how the Internet and other computing advances subvert or reinforce gender roles." The issue includes articles by Susan Herring, Lisa King, Virginia Eubanks, Elizabeth Buchanan, Alison Adam, Karen Coyle, Vanessa Davies, Tracy Camp, Dale Spender, and Ellen Spertus.)
Gender Issues in Cyberspace
- (This is chapter 7 of Anita Colyer's Penn State thesis, "A Trip through Cyber Cinema Fandom: The Ethnography of CINEMA-L." The entire thesis is available online.)
Gender Issues: Women's Participation in the Sciences Has Increased, but Agencies Need to Do More to Ensure Compliance with Title IX
- (A report released in July 2004 by the U. S. Government Accountability Office that looks at how four U.S. federal science agencies--The National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Departments of Education and of Energy--make sure that their grantees comply with Title IX (Title IX was enacted by Congress in 1972 to bar gender discrimination in "any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance"). The report also includes data on the progress of women in math, science, and engineering. The report is in pdf format, which requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
- (An international portal developed by the Association for Progressive Communications "to broaden awareness of gender and ICTs [information and communication technologies] and to offer a practical tool for ICT advocates, especially women's organisations and movements, to ensure that ICT policy meets their needs and does not infringe on their rights." It offers extensive, searchable resources, papers, and articles on gender and ICT policy issues around the world. Among the gender and ICT policy issues featured are economic empowerment, education, health, violence against women, communication rights, universal access, cultural diversity and language, governance, and more. The site also tries to explain and demystify the jargon often used in discussions of ICT policy and technical issues.)
Gender-Related Electronic Forums: Science & Technology
- (Annotated, frequently-updated listing of women- and gender-related email discussion forums focusing on science and technology.)
- ("An applied research project whose mandate is to create conditions within which girls and women have maximum access to, and confidence in, a wide range of new information." Includes useful articles and related links.)
The Girl Difference: Short-Circuiting the Myth of the Technophobic Girl
- (A 2001 research report issued by the Girl Scouts of the USA debunking the myth that girls are afraid of or uninterested in technology. A detailed executive summary is available for viewing or downloading; one can also order a hard-copy version of the entire report.)
- (The original GirlGeeks organization and terrific web site went belly up in 2001in the wake of the U.S. economy's dramatic downturn. Well, GirlGeeks is back, this time under the aegis of the non-profit BAVC [Bay Area Video Coalition]. The web site looks as if it will soon have many of the same extensive and useful kinds of resources that made the earlier GirlGeeks site so valuable. Among the current web site's resources are career and business information; interviews and profiles of women in IT; book recommendations; IT news, training, and certification info; links to job resources; and more.)
Girls and Computers
- (A wiki piece that discusses the issues concerning girls' involvement or lack of involvement with information technology. It offers extensive links to relevant articles, research, organizations, and other websites.)
Girls and ICTs
- (This Australian site offers abundant information about girls/women and ICTs, including projects and suggestions for how to interest more young women in ICTs and ICT careers.)
Girls and Women in Science
- (Beloit College program to encourage girls' interest in science; includes a bibliography and links to related sites.)
Girls Creating Games
- (The website of an after-school and summer program designed to support middle school girls' interest in computers and information technology. Though the program itself has ended, the site makes it possible to view the games the girls developed, download tools for teachers [on pair programming, problem solving, game design, tech identity (including lesson plans), and retaining girls], and read about the research findings that came from the program.)
Girls Tech: Girls, Science, and Technology
- (Web site helps teachers, parents, and youth group leaders evaluate electronic resources such as web sites, CD-ROMs, software, and games that will encourage and increase young women's interest and participation in the sciences and technology. The site provides evaluation criteria with citations, an explanation of the theory underlying the research, sample sites, and a bibliography.)
Girly Geekdom Blog
- (A UK-based blog by Sarah Blow and others "based around technology, events, women and all things geeky.")
GREAT: The Effect of Computers on the Gender Gap in Education
- (This "special issue" of GREAT: Gender Relations in Educational Applications of Technology was created by Stanford University students in early 1998. It offers a series of articles addressing gender inequality in the classroom, gender disparity in computer-related fields, and the introduction of computers into the classroom, as well as case studies, personal stories, and software reviews.)
A Guide for Women in Cybersecurity
- (A useful and fairly extensive site that provides information about the growing need for more people trained in cybersecurity. It includes information about the current underrepresentation of women in this broad and important field, as well as descriptions of twenty different cybersecurity careers, courses of study at different levels, and online opportunities. It also includes extensive informaton about resources, such as internship and scholarship opportunities, and a section aimed at students in K-12.)
A Guide for Women in Tech
- (The Guide begins by examining the gender gap in tech fields. The Guide's useful second half, "Scholarships and Assistance for Women in Tech," lists and describes resources in 4 categories: Coding Bootcamp Scholarships, STEM Scholarships for Women, Organizations for Women in Tech, and Companies Supporting Women in Tech.)
The History of Women and Science, Health, and Technology: A Bibliographic Guide to the Professions and the Disciplines
- (Part of the excellent bibliography series from the University of Wisconsin Women's Studies Librarian's Office. Includes separate listings for the history of women & science, health, and technology; women in the scientific professions [by field]; health and biology; technology; books for older children and young adults; and more. Partly annotated.)
How to Encourage Women in Linux
- (Though the focus is on Linux, this web site also talks about why women stay out of computing in general. It then moves on to look more specifically at what discourages women from using Linux and how to encourage more participation from women. The detailed table of contents gives a good overall idea of the points covered.)
How You Can Support Your Daughter in Math and Science
- (This blog by Pat Oaklief begins by asking parents to examine their own biases and then outlines what parents should watch for as their daughters progress through school,
what they personally can do to support their daughters, websites to go to
for more help, and resources for finding appropriate role models for their
Hypatia Institute
- ("A website for gender equity in science," this site offers resources concerned with the history of women in science, current events concerning women in science,
mentoring opportunities, fellowships and post docs, advice for science students, a feminist physicist's gateway to the Internet, and more.)
IEEE - Women in Engineering
- (The web site of the Women in Engineering Committee of IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers] offers information about membership, job openings, workplace issues, related links, and more.)
Improving the Graduate School Environment for Women in Computer Science
- (A list of programs and practices that enhance the quality of the graduate school experience for female graduate students in Computer Science. Compiled by Sohelia Bana and Soha Hassoun in 1997.)
The Incredible Shrinking Pipeline
- (Prof. Tracy Camp's 1997 paper discussing the declining ratio of women studying computer science as women move from high school to college to graduate school.)
Information and Communication Technologies and Gender Seminar Series
- (This series, affiliated with the World Bank, looks at the impact that information and communication technologies (ICT) are having on gender relations and innovative ways that ICTs are being used to overcome gender inequalities. The site offers presentation materials from the seminars, including links to video recordings.)
- Institute for Women and Technology - see Anita Borg Institute, above.
International Journal of Gender, Science and Technology
- (A British-based online journal established in 2009 that seeks to provide international perspectives on issues concerning gender and SET. Abstracts and full-text articles are available on the journal's web site.)
- IWITTS - See below: National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science
Interview with Ellen Spertus
- (In July 2004, the blog misbehaving.net featured a very interesting interview with computer science professor Ellen Spertus, who talks about her education at MIT, her decision to teach at Mills College, a small liberal arts college for women, and her thoughts about ways to encourage more women to enter computer science through reentry programs. The interview contains numerous links to relevant sites.)
INWES - International Network of Women in Engineering and Science
- (The INWES web site offers "information, knowledge, and ideas that can provide a significant voice, for women around the world, a voice that is heard by mainstream mainstream science and engineering on issues such as the environment, sustainable development, gender equity, and many other critical issues." The web site helps to publicize international news, events, and organizations active in promoting women's participation in science, engineering, math, and technology.)
Is the Glass Half Full or Half Empty?
- (1998 report in Scientific American about a New York Academy of Sciences conference that celebrates the advances that women in science have made over the past 25 years and examines why disparities still exist.)
Is There an Unconscious Discrimination Against Women in Science?
- (A brief article by Harvard physics professor Howard Georgi. Of related interest may be Prof. Georgi's slide show [in various formats] on Women and the Future of Physics.)
Java, Women and the Culture of Computing
- (Paper by computer science professor Danielle Bernstein, published in July 1999)
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
- (This U.S.-based journal, founded in 1994, is "designed as a unique and much-needed resource for educators, managers, and policymakers. . . . [It] publishes original, peer-reviewed papers that report innovative ideas and programs for classroom teachers, scientific studies, and formulation of concepts related to the education, recruitment, and retention of under-represented groups in science and engineering." More information and access to abstracts are available at the journal's web site.)
The Lives and Careers of Minority Women Scientists
- (Detailed summary of a study by Anne J. MacLachlan on minorities in the University of California System who received Ph.D.s between 1980 and 1990 in science and engineering. Though the larger study looked at all under-represented minorities and a matched group of all other ethnicities, this detailed summary focuses on women and looks at how and why they succeeded and whether their careers correspond to their training and aspirations. The summary includes statistics about minority women Ph.D. recipients in science and engineering fields in the 1980s and 1990s.)
LiveWire: Computer Confidence for Women
- (A series of approximately 20 enjoyable, well-written columns by Rachel Adelson that explore "the ways that women can become confident and self-sufficient" in dealing with computers.)
The Math Forum @ Drexel
- (A page of highly selective, annotated links to sites dealing with gender equity in math and science)
- (National mentoring network for women in engineering and science. Site includes information about the program, a list of participating institutions, guides for students and mentors, and links to other resources for women and other underrepresented groups interested in science and engineering.)
- (Very useful web site developed by Ruta Sevo, formerly Program Director for Research on Gender in Science and Engineering at the National Science Foundation. The site focuses heavily on resources for getting more women and girls into science and engineering.)
Mujeres en Red: el periódico feminista
- (An interesting Spanish-language site that describes itself as "el portal de género en Internet." It covers a vast array of feminist issues, among them Comunicación, Cultura, Economía, Empoderamiento, Globalización, Igualdad, Lenguaje, Política, Salud, Sociedad de la Información, Tecnología, Violencia de género, and a lot more.)
National Center for Women and Information Technology
- (Established in 2004, the National Center for Women and Information Technology is a coalition of more than 100 corporations, academic institutions, government agencies, and non-profits working to increase women's participation in information technology. The website offers varied resources related to this mission.)
National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology, and Science
- (The National Institute, formerly IWITTS, is dedicated to integrating women into nontraditional careers by providing training, technical assistance, and publications to schools and employers. The web site offers resources for assessing how well high schools are preparing girls for nontraditional careers, strategies for recruiting more women and girls into information technology, information about preventing sexual harassment, and more. Of special note is the WomenTech Portal.)
NEEDS Digital Library
- (The National Engineering Education Delivery System [NEEDS] is a searchable digital library of learning resources for engineering education. It contains an extensive collection of gender equity resources [use the site's search capability].)
- (Tracy Kennedy, a graduate student in Sociology at the University of Toronto, has created this exceptionally interesting blog (i.e., web log) focusing on gender, technology, and the Internet. In addition to news and views about these topics, it includes an archive, links to other blogs, links to other relevant sites, and a link to Kennedy's homepage.)
Nobel Prize Women in Science
- (The National Academy Press site offers the complete text of Sharon Bertsch McGrayne's book Nobel Prize Women in Science: Their Lives, Struggles, and Momentous Discoveries, 2nd edition (2001), as well as the opportunity to buy it in paperback at a discount. The book includes biographies of the ten women who have won the Nobel Prize in science and five other women whose work contributed substantially to others' attaining this honor. The online text is fully searchable.)
No Girls Allowed!
- (Melissa Koch's 1994 article in Technos Quarterly describes factors that may cause some girls to turn away from technology.)
Pair Programming Research at UC Santa Cruz
- (Pair programming has been identified as a way to make computer programming more attractive to women and girls. This site includes more than a dozen articles, including some that directly address gender issues, such as "Pair Programming Strategies for Middle School Girls," "Female Computer Science Students Who Pair-Program Persist," and "Retaining Women in Computer Science: The Impact of Pair Programming Project Update.")
PDK Poster Project: Using Visual Means to Challenge Stereotypes
- (The PDK Project has two major goals: to promote "awareness and appreciation of science and technology by humanizing the image of research science and scientists" and to support women and girls who choose to pursue careers related to the physical sciences and mathematics. The site's resources include 36 visually stunning posters; study guides to accompany each poster; videos, interviews, and biographies of the poster participants; links to related sites; and more.)
Preparing Women and Minorities for the IT Workforce: The Role of Nontraditional Educational Pathways
- (A 2005 study by the AAAS that examines the surprisingly large role that "nontraditional educational pathways" play in preparing women and underrepresented minorities for the information technology (IT) workforce.)
Recruitment and Retention of Women Graduate Students in Computer Science and Engineering
- (Report of an NSF-sponsored workshop organized by the Computing Research Association, San Francisco, June, 2000. Written by Janice Cuny and William Aspray, this best practices report is available as a pdf file, for which you'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader, available for download at no cost.)
Research Foundations for Improving the Representation of Women in the Information Technology Workforce
- (An extensive report arising from an NSF-sponsored "virtual workshop" held in late 1999. The report tries to address causes of the under-representation of women in the information technology workforce and what can be done about it. Available in Adobe Acrobat format.)
Research on Young Women in Computer Science: Promoting High Technology for Girls
- (Text of an invited presentation by Dr. Gail Crombie in 1999 to the annual meeting of the Professional Engineers of Ontario)
The Rise and Fall: Women and Computer Science
- (This paper by Hiromi S. Matsui and Parmit K. Chilana, both of Canada's Simon Fraser University, reviews the enrollment of women in science, engineering, and computer science from 1995 to 2001 and asks why there have been substantial increases in the number of women entering biology and chemistry but not physics, engineering, and computer science. The article is in pdf format and requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat reader)
The Roles, Reactions, and Attitudes of Women in Computer Science from the ENIAC into the 1990s
- (An extensive paper written by student Carolyn B. Boyce for her Computer Science Colloquium at Beloit College in 1999. It includes a bibliography and an interesting Addendum from 2000.)
Science and Technology Web Sites
- (Part of WSSLINKS, the Association of College & Research Libraries' first-rate collection of Women's Studies links)
The Science of Gender and Science
- (A debate between two distinguished Harvard psychology professors, Stephen Pinker and Elizabeth Spelke, about "the research on mind, brain, and behavior that may be relevant to gender disparities in the sciences, including the studies of bias, discrimination, and innate and acquired difference between the sexes." Spurred by Harvard president Lawrence Summers' remarks in January, 2005, this debate claims to differ from most other discussion of the controversy by focusing on the relevant science. The presentation includes video, audio, slides, and text.)
Scientiae: Stories of and from Women in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Math
- (This multi-author blog is, as its title indicates, written by and about women in STEM fields. It also includes links to a number of related blogs.)
SCWIST: Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology
- (SCWIST is "a non-profit association established to promote, encourage, and empower women working in science and technology." It offers a newsletter and two programs--ms.infinity, a mentor program for young girls, and IWIS, Immigrating Women in Science. The website also provides annotated links to related sites and annotated listings of scholarship opportunities, as well as links to news and upcoming events.)
See Jane Compute
- (This blog, by an anonymous woman who is an assitant professor in a computing field, deals with topics related to computer science and academe, such as teaching computer science, gender in computer science, life on the tenure track, mentoring, and research.)
Sex, Math, and Scientific Achievement
- (A lengthy article in the December 2007 issue of Scientific American that examines the issue of why men dominate in the fields of science, engineering, and mathematics. The article's authors are Diane F. Halpern, Camilla P. Benbow, David C. Geary, Ruben C. Gur, Janet Shibley Hyde, and Morton Ann Gernsbacher.)
Shiny Shiny
- (Describing itself as "a girl's guide to gadgets," London-based Shiny Shiny aims to appeal to women and girls who find most geek sites oriented overwhelmingly toward males. Categories include accessories, cameras, celeb gadgets, gadgets, games, grooming, music on the move, phones, product reviews, soft 'ahem' furnishings, telly stuff, and things to do online.)
Speak Softly and Carry a Big Gun: A Case Study of Professional Danish Female Counter-Strike Players
- (A master's degree thesis by Tore Vesterby at the IT University of Copenhagen. The thesis is a case study of Team All 4 One, but Vesterby believes that the implications of his study are broader, and that the experiences of Team All 4 One "show some vital issues that women gamers face both online and offline." This page includes Vesterby's overview of his study and a link to the thesis itself.)
STATUS: A Report on Women in Astronomy
- (This is the January 2000 issue [in .pdf format] of STATUS, a publication of the American Astronomical Society Committee on the Status of Women in Astronomy. The issue contains a number of articles about women in science; some focus primarily on women in astronomy, but some deal with issues concerning women in science more generally. Sample titles include "Glass Ceilings and Ivory Towers," "Views from an Affirmative Activist," and "Young Astronomers' Views.")
Status of Women Faculty in Science at MIT: A Study
- (Only 8% of the faculty in MIT's School of Science are women. This 1999 report surveyed these women and their department chairs and makes recommendations for increasing the number of women and improving their professional lives at MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology].)
Studio XX
- (A bilingual [French/English] Canadian site focusing on media arts and on demystifying women's experience of digital technologies. Includes art exhibits, activist projects, workshops, and an annotated list of related resources.)
Sundials in the Shade: A Study of Women's Persistence in the First Year of a Computer Science Program in a Selective University
- (A doctoral dissertation by Rita Manco Powell, submitted to the University of Pennsylvania in 2005. Powell's study examines the preparation and experience of female computer science students in their first year at the University of Pennsylvania and seeks to identify how best to support female students' persistence in the major.)
SWE: Society of Women Engineers
- (Active organization offering a wide variety of services and support to women interested in engineering.)
SWIFT: Supporting Women in Information Technology
- (Canadian five-year research, action, and implementation project in effect from 1997-2002 to increase the participation of women in information technology. The project has ended, but the site offers statistics, game reviews, links to relevant articles and related sites, and more.)
Talking about Leaving: Why Undergraduates leave the Sciences
- (Computer Science Professor Danielle R. Bernstein offers a summary of this 1997 book by Elaine Seymour and Nancy Hewitt, including a section on gender, along with her own response to the book and the reactions of others.)
TAP: The Ada Project
- (The Ada Project, now located at Carnegie Mellon University, is a clearinghouse for information and resources related to women in computing. TAP serves primarily as a collection of links to other online resources that can be "tapped." Sections include Conferences, Funding, Organizations, Projects, Employment, Famous Women, and TAP Junior, aimed at girls.)
Tech-Savvy: Educating Girls in the New Computer Age
- (Summary of a report issued in 2000 by the American Association of University Women about many girls' lack of enthusiasm for computer science and for technical careers, some of the possible explanations for this, and what can be done to change the situation--and why. The full report is available for sale, but the summary itself is informative.)
TeleMentoring Young Women in Science, Engineering, & Computing
- (An NSF-funded project to build on-line communities of support among female high school students, professional women in technical fields, parents, and teachers.)
10 X 10 List: Recommended Resources on Women in Science/Engineering/Mathematics/Technology
- (Annotated list of recommended resources dealing with the participation of women and girls in science, engineering, mathetmatics, and technology. The list is divided into four categories: Resources for Anyone, Resources for Parents and Afterschool Learners, Resources for Educators and Researchers, and Resources for Girls and Boys. The list was compiled by Dr. Ruta Sevo, former Program Director for Research on Gender in Science and Engineering at the National Science Foundation.)
Thus Spake Zuska: A Blog for All and No One
- (Suzanne Franks has focused her blog on engineering/science/gender equity (in education and in the workplace--recruitment, retention, and workplace culture) and on feminism/science/engineering topics. The latter group of topics includes consideration of feminist critiques and analyses of science--what might be missing from an adequate feminist theory of science and engineering, and what feminist insights might be missing from gender equity analyses of science/engineering.)
Tips for a Massive Academic Job Search
- (Computer science professor Ellen Spertus wrote this very useful document offering extensive advice about looking for an academic job, especially a search involving two people on the job market simultaneously. Her discussion focuses especially on jobs in technical fields, but many of her points apply to searches in any field. The discussion includes numerous links to related sites.)
Tutorials for Change: Gender Schemas and Science Careers
- (Prof. Virginia Valian, author of the highly acclaimed book Why So Slow: The Advancement of Women, has created four online tutorials to inform students, educators, and administrators about the relevant research concerning the role of gender in science. The tutorials cover the topics "The Data on Sex Disparities in Rank and Salary," "Gender Schemas and Our Evaluations of Others," "Gender Schemas and Our Evaluations of Ourselves," and "Remedies: What You Can Do." In addition to the tutorials, the site offers bibliographies and transcripts for each of the tutorials, as well as some related links.)
UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology
- (British site offering information, support, and statistics to encourage more girls and women to pursue careers in science, engineering, and technology (SET). Among the resources are links to organizations/opportunities for women in SET, U.K.-based projects, research reports, statistics, and governmental policies designed to encourage more women and girls to prepare for SET careers.)
Under the Microscope: A Decade of Gender Equity Projects in the Sciences
- (This 2004 report from the American Association of University Women [AAUW] looks at hundreds of gender equity projects in the sciences funded over the past decade by the AAUW and the National Science Foundation and addresses the following questions: 1) what can we learn from a decade of gender equity efforts in the sciences? 2) what types of gender equity projects in the sciences have been supported and promoted? 3) which STEM disciplines and project approaches have been favored and which have been overlooked? The report is available at no cost as a downloadable pdf file for which you need the free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
UNESCO Observatory Portal on the Information Society: Special Focus: Women
- (A United Nations listing of networks and programs around the world that provide information and resources to increase women's participation in and use of information and communication technologies.)
Upgrade Your Future
- (Upgrade Your Future is a Chicago-based organization whose web site focuses on providing women with information about IT careers and how and why to prepare for them. The site includes information about jobs, salaries, training, online resources, etc., as well as personal stories of women in IT and a downloadable booklet entitled "Introduction to Information Technology Careers.")
Videos and Films on Equity in Mathematics, Science, & Technology
- (A short, annotated listing of films and videos dealing with gender equity in STEM [Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics].)
Want to Increase Retention of Your Female Students?
- (An article by Linda L. Warner and four others that looks at the problem of retaining women in computer science courses and offers suggestions, especially the use of pair programming. This article appeared in the March 2005 issue of Computing Research News.)
WEPAN: Women in Engineering Programs & Advocates Network
- (This site offers a variety of valuable resources related to women and engineering, including a very extensive bibliography of articles and research on women in engineering and the sciences; data and statistics; funding sources; K-12 and college programs to encourage women to pursue careers in engineering, and more.)
Who Will Do the Science of the Future? A Symposium on Careers of Women in Science (2000)
- (Full text of a National Academy of Sciences symposium held in 2000. Also available for purchase as a hard copy book.)
Why Are So Many Women and Girls Leaving Science and Technology Careers?
- (A three-part series of articles (see also Part II and Part III) by Samia Melhem, Senior Operations Officer, Policy Division, The World Bank Group, that appeared in eGov Monitor in July/August 2007.)
Why Are There So Few Women In Science?
- (A debate, sponsored by the British magazine Nature, that took place in Fall, 1999. All the messages are archived, along with some footnotes and links to related work.)
Why Women Choose Information Technology Careers: Educational, Social, and Familial Influences
- (This 2002 paper by Sandra V. Turner, Phyllis W. Bernt, and Norma Pecora of Ohio University "focuses on the influences that successful women in IT cite as being the dominant forces that led them to their career choice." The participants in the study, members of the SYSTERS email list for women in computer science, arrived at their careers via a wide variety of academic paths; fully two-thirds had not majored in computer science as undergraduates. The paper is in pdf format and requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat reader.)
WIGSAT: Women in Global Science and Technology Network
- (The purpose of this exceptionally information-rich site is "to help increase international networking among women scientists and technologists, and
especially to help promote information-sharing with and among women from developing countries." WIGSAT also hosts the Gender, Science, and Technology Gateway, a valuable portal of international information, with a particular focus on technology, gender, and development.)
Wired Woman
- (An ezine that "explores how technology affects women's lives--from our day-to-day challenges to the ways we interpret art, culture, and society.")
WISE: Women into Science, Engineering, and Construction
- (WISE is a UK-based organization whose mission is "to encourage UK girls of school age to value and pursue STEM [science, math, engineering, technology] or construction-related courses in school or college, and to move on into related careers." The website offers profiles of "inspirational women" in these fields; information and resources aimed at girls, employers, parents and teachers; booklets, periodicals, and other print resources to encourage girls and young women to pursue STEM careers; annotated links to related sites, and more.)
- (An international community and network dedicated to supporting women who work as, or aspire to become, web designers, developers, and programmers. The site includes many helpful features and tutorials about web design and more general use of computers, along with surveys, gender-related articles, and information about several affiliated email lists.)
WITI: Women in Technology International
- (Now a customizable portal site for women in technology, WITI offers news, articles, career info, calendar of events, job announcements, profiles of accomplished women in IT, and more. Considerable attention to women in technology businesses.)
Women and Computer Science
- (Ellen Spertus' excellent collection of online papers [including Spertus' classic "Why Are There So Few Female Computer Scientists?"], other resources, and related links. Unfortunately, this page is less useful than it used to be because a number of links no longer work.)
Women and Girls Last: Females and the Internet
- (Janet Morahan-Martin's 1998 paper about the often problematic climate for women on the Internet. Includes reference to research about women and computing.)
Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
- (Extensive collection of links put together by Ellen Spertus. Less useful than it used to be because it needs updating.)
- (Website for women in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Carnegie Mellon has been particularly active in seeking ways to increase the numbers of women in computer science. The website provides information about a variety of activities and initiatives at Carnegie Mellon, as well as a Resources section that provides links to papers, organizations, high school teachers' sites, and other related websites.)
Women Employed
- (Women Employed's self-described mission is "to improve the economic status of women and remove barriers to economic equity." The web site provides useful information about workplace issues concerning women, resources for finding help and getting involved, news about workplace issues, and more. One section includes abundant information about careers for women in information technology.)
Women in Biology Internet Launch Page
- (Extensive, updated collection of links to sites offering information about female scientists, organizations for women in science, careers in science, studies concerned with the climate for women in science, and more, as well as a link to the bionet newsgroup women-in biology.)
Women in Computer Science: Two Studies on the Effects of Stereotypes
- (An undergraduate honors thesis by Maria Enderton of Macalester College. It deals with issues relating to the systematic under-representation of women in computer science, offering both a review of research and studies designed to further our understanding of the issues. One of the studies collects and analyzes female computer scientists' experiences with and views about the effects of gender stereotypes for women in computer science.)
Women in Computer Sciences: Closing the Gender Gap in Higher Education
- (Research on how to attract and retain women students in computer science by Allan Fisher and Jane Margolis is reported in two online papers: "Undergraduate Women in Computer Science: Experience, Motivation and Culture" and "Geek Mythology and Attracting Undergraduate Women to Computer Science")
Women in Computing Academic Resource
- (The site includes a compilation of colleges and universities that have formal and/or informal programs for encouraging/retaining women in computer science. Although the compilation was apparently last updated in 1997, it may still be useful. The page also has a link to suggestions for improving the graduate school environment for women in computer science. The link provided is no longer accurate; the correct link is http://inst.eecs.berkeley.edu/~wicse/index.php/improve_environment.html.)
Women in Computing Articles
- (An extensive, searchable database of articles dealing with women in computing, compiled and maintained by ACM-W. You can search on title, author, keywords, journal/conference, publisher, or year. Some entries lead to the full-text article, others just to the citation.)
Women in Computing Professions: Will the Internet Make a Difference?
- (This Adobe Acrobat file includes position papers by sixteen scholars from around the world. The papers were prepared for an Oxford Internet Institute Forum held in 2004.)
Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain
- (Recent reports show tremendous interest in the business world and in government for potential uses of blockchain technology. This goes well beyond its current use in cryptocurrencies. Women in Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain focuses on getting more women involved in these important areas. To this end, it offers a vast array of annotated resources.)
Women in Engineering Organization
- (Created by Tufts University's School of Engineering, this site seeks to encourage more women and girls to become engineers. It provides valuable resources to further that aim. These include discussions of "What is engineering?" and "Why choose engineering?" and separate sections of resources designed for Girls, Parents, K-12 Teachers, Guidance Counselors, College Women, College Faculty, Industry, and Project Directors.)
Women in Engineering: A Review of the 2004 Literature
- (The Society for Women in Engineering has made available this review of information about women in engineering published in 2004 and early 2005. The review includes journal articles, conference proceedings papers, dissertations, reports, and items from the media. The document is in pdf format and requires the use of a free Adobe Acrobat Reader.)
Women in Information Technology
- ("An annotated list of sites about and for women in the fields of library & information science, information technology, and computer science." A combination of blog/news and excellent, annotated links organized in several sections: Readings; Cool Links; Education, Events; In the News; Organizations; Working. An earlier version was called Web-sters' Net-Work. Unfortunately, the site does not seem to have been updated since 2006.)
Women in IT: Net Resources
- (Network World has put together this useful collection of reports, articles, forums, and organizations focusing on women in information technology.)
Women in Mathematics
- (Women in Mathematics is an organization designed to serve the needs
of women mathematicians at the U. of Maryland, College Park. The WIM web
site, However, should be of interest far beyond the UMCP campus. Offers
advice for graduate students in math and the sciences, career information,
related links, and more.)
Women in Mathematics: Resources and Other Useful Stuff
- (Sponsored by CAMEL, the Canadian Mathematical Society, this site contains information and excellent links of interest to women in mathematics and to those contemplating careers in mathematics. Separate sections devoted to Educational Issues for Girls and Women; Biographies; Organizations; Books, Articles, Speeches, and Bibliographies; and Miscellaneous Mathematical Links.)
Women in Math Project
- (Math professor Maria Vitulli's web site offers a valuable array of resources, including a collection of bibliographies [topics include gender & mathematics and feminist theories of science, among others]; biographies of women mathematicians; job, grant, and scholarship opportunities for women in mathematics; conferences, workshops, and programs about and for women in math; data on women in math; links to related sites; and more.)
Women in Physics
- (Affiliated with the American Physical Society, this web site offers a variety of resources, including a speakers list of women in physics, a roster of women and minorities in physics, a gender equity report, information about female-friendly physics departments, recruiting and retaining women in physics, links to related sites, and more.)
Women in Physics: Statistical Research
- (Reports from the American Institute of Physics containing data on the education and employment of women in physics in the U.S. and data on working women physicists across the world.)
Women in Podcasting Directory
- (The website's name says it all. A directory of women who have podcasts. The site also provides the opportunity for women to add their podcasts. If you're not sure what a podcast is, check the Wikipedia definition.)
Women in Podcasting: The List
- (Amy Gahran has compiled and updated an annotated list of women who host or co-host a podcast. A podcast is online audio content that's delivered via webfeed. She explains all this in more detail on her site [actually, part of her blog]. She also makes an argument for why more women should become involved in podcasting.)
Women in Programming
- (Computer Science professor Cindy Meyer Hanchey and others have put together this extensive listing of information and web sites about women who were involved in the development of programming. It is arranged alphabetically by the programmer's last name. It also includes links to a number of web sites that focus more broadly on women in technology.)
Women in Science: A Resource for Gender Mainstreaming
- (A resource bank initiated by the Committee for Mainstreaming – Women in Science in Norway. "It aims to be a tool for gender equality work in the academic sector. It includes statistics, literature, list of measures and best practises.")
Women in Science and Technology: A Bibliography
- (Compiled by the Smithsonian Institution Libraries in 2000, this bibliography includes books about the evolution of women's roles in science and technology and their contributions in these fields, as well as works dealing with/debating how far women have come in science and technology. The bibliography includes only works published after 1986.)
Women in Science and Technology (WIST)
- (Web site sponsored by the American Psychological Association to call attention to the accomplishments of women in science and technology over more than 4000 years and to provide news and resources relevant to women in these fields. In addition to news, links to reports, mentor programs, organizations, and relevant resources, the site includes a timeline of historical highlights.)
The Women in Science Bookshelf
- (British scientist and novelist Alison Sinclair has put together this interesting web site devoted to fiction and non-fiction about women in science.)
Women in Science, Engineering, & Technology
- (This web page offers a brief overview of some issues concerning women in Science, Engineering, Technology, and Mathematics (STEM), followed by links to relevant sites organized into the following categories: Women in STEM: Statistics; The Lack of Women's Participation in STEM Fields; Getting More Women Involved in STEM; Famous & Historical Women of Science; Organizations and Programs For Women in STEM; and Scholarships.)
Women in Science, Engineering, & Technology (WISEST)
- (Originating at the University of Alberta [Canada], this site offers a variety of practical resources for women in or contemplating study of science and technology. It includes information on making career decisions, mentoring, women's perspectives on their career paths in these fields, and more.)
Women in Science: Past, Present and Future....
- (As the title suggests, this blog by Peggy Kolm focuses on issues concerning women in science. In addition to several years' worth of blog entries, it contains links to a number of other blogs by women who blog about science and engineering. A blog entry for August 21, 2008 includes a YouTube video of a discussion of the book She's Such a Geek: Women Write about Science, Technology, and Other Nerdy Stuff and another video of professor Sapna Cheryan discussing her research about problems women face in the fields of Computer Science and engineering.)
Women in Science: A Selection of 16 Significant Contributors
- (Profiles of sixteen highly accomplished female scientists in physics, computer science, mathematics, astronomy, biology, medicine, and other fields. The introduction to the profiles cites a statement by historian of science Naomi Oreskes: "The question is not why there haven't been more women in science; the question is rather why we have not heard more about them." The website arose from a project at the San Diego Supercomputer Center.)
Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics ON THE AIR!
- (This site describes itself as "an audio resource for young girls, young women, parents, middle and high school teachers, college professors, guidance counselors, . . . and anyone interested in learning more about the past, present, and future role of women in science and technology education, fields, and careers." Included are brief audio profiles of great women in the history of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics; full-length audio accounts of what today's women are doing to encourage the next generation achieve success in these fields; interviews between teen girls and successful women in these fields; and more. The site also offers ideas for using these audio resources.)
Women in Science: What are the Obstacles?
- (A moderately detailed article that looks at the controversy stemming from Harvard University President Lawrence Summers' January 2005 speculations about why women are under-represented in top scientific positions. The article, which looks at relevant research in sociology and psychology, appears in The Why Files, an online science magazine published at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. The article includes a short bibliography.)
Women in the Sciences: Left Out, Left Behind
- (Sponsored by the National Women's Law Center, this site offers resources about the under-representation of women in university science, math, and engineering faculties and suggests steps one can take to reverse this trend. Among the resources is information about the number of women in science faculties at 150 American universities and links to several relevant reports, including A National Analysis of Diversity in Science and Engineering Faculties at Research Universities.)
Women in Statistics
- (The home page of the Committee on Women in Statistics of the International Statistics Institute offers summaries of a panel discussion on The Role of Women in Statistics, numerous brief news items about women in statistics [with links to relevant web sites], and information about a current project whose aim is to arrive at "relative characterizations of women statisticians.")
Women in STEM: A Guide to Bridging the Gender Gap
- (This guide from Maryville University offers useful information about the gender gap in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and some strategies for reducing it. The issues the guide discusses include (among others) Minority Women in STEM Fields, History of Women in STEM, Importance of Women in STEM Fields, Obstacles to Women in STEM, Bridging the Gap, and Resources and Organizations for Women in STEM.)
Women in Technology
- (A promotional site for ITT Technical Institute, the site nonetheless offers some useful information focused on women in technology. Resources include articles on the importance of a female-friendly work environment, closing the gender gap in pay, success stories of women who received degrees in technology from ITT, and annotated links to related sites.)
Women in Technology
- (A Hawaii-based organization that seeks to improve the "economic quality of life for women by encouraging them into higher-paying technology occupations." Women in Technology has developed a number of initiatives to achieve this goal, some aimed at middle- and high-school students, others at college students and women in the workforce. The web site includes information about all the initiatives, along with resource articles, scholarship information, a calendar of events, and extensive links to related sites.)
Women in Technology & Culture: Researchers, Designers, and Artists Working in Pervasive Computing-Related Fields
- (Anne Galloway has compiled this listing, which includes name, institutional affiliation, research interests, country, and a link to each person's web site.)
Women in Technology: Hear Us Roar
- (The technology publisher O'Reilly hosts this series of approximately 30 articles written by and about women in technology. The series was created in 2007 by Tatiana Apandi, an associate editor at O'Reilly. Some sample titles: "To Sir with Love: How to Get More Women Involved in Open Source"; "From Princess to Goddess: Female Success in IT"; "I Don't Like Articles about Women in Technology"; "Bringing Up Girl Geeks.")
Women Internet Researchers
- (Nicola Döring has created this very useful annotated listing of "women who think and write about the Internet and its social implications, mostly from an academic view." The listing includes women from many countries, describes their interests, and provides links to their personal home pages whenever possible.)
Women: Lost in Cyberspace?
- (Essay by Kenyon College professor Laurie Finke calling attention to the loss of human agency in most accounts of the benefits of information technology and urging more attention both to feminist pedagogy and to information technology's impact on women.)
Women, Minorities, and Persons with Disabilities in Science and Engineering 2004
- (This report is the 12th in a series of Congressionally-mandated biennial reports on the status of women and minorities in science and engineering. It documents both short- and long-term trends in the participation of women, minorities, and persons with disabilities in science and engineering education and employment. The 2002 Report is also available.)
Women Nobel Prize Laureates
- (Information and links about all women who have won the Nobel Prize;
arranged by field, and then chronologically)
Women of NASA
- (Site designed to encourage more young women to pursue careers in science, math, and technology. Includes profiles of female scientists, ideas for integrating the site's information into the curriculum, an annotated bibliography of books related to gender equity in math and science, and more. Some aspects of the site are available also in Spanish. Aimed primarily at K-12, but useful also at the college level.)
Women's Biography Sites
- (This useful site created by Sharon Hushka provides links to more than 250 women's biography web sites. They are arranged both alphabetically and in nine categories: Arts & Entertainment; Diversity; General; HerStory; International; Of Interest; Politics; Science, Math, & Technology; and Sports.)
Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for Development
- (The purpose of the Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for Development project is "to help increase the number of sustainable ICT-based enterprises run by groups of poor women in developing countries." The web site provides online guidance and networking about women's ICT-based enterprises in developing countries. Among the resources the site provides is a "Handbook for More and Better Women's ICT-Based Enterprises," case studies [also available through Eldis--see next entry below], related publications, events, contacts, and links to related sites.)
Women's ICT-Based Enterprise for Development: Case Studies Page
- ("A set of twelve analytical case studies of the women's IT sector enterprises in developing countries. Each provides a summary of performance, success factors, good practices and risks. In total, they show the potential for an IT sector approach to deliver gender goals for development." The countries represented in the studies [in some cases, by more than one study] include Mozambique, Ukraine, Zimbabwe, India, Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zambia. From Eldis, which also has a very extensive Gender Resource Guide from an international perspective.)
Women's Information Technology Transfer (WITT)
- (This site has been established as a portal to link women's organizations and feminist advocates for the Internet in Eastern and Central Europe. It supports Eastern and Central European women in developing the web as an instrument of social activism. The website proclaims WITT's commitment to "bringing women's actions, activities, and struggles into the spotlight" and "promoting the use of free software as a way to highlight women's voices.")
- (WomenTechWorld describes itself as "the on-line home for women technicians to connect with one another. . . . Whether you are a Network Engineer, a Mechanic or a Sound Tech or a female student in a tech major, you'll want to visit WomenTechWorld.Org...." The site offers biographies of women in technology, an email list and a message board, e-mentoring, career information, and a set of annotated links to related sites. WomenTechWorld is run by the National Institute for Women in Trades, Technology & Science.)
Women Wanted: Scholarships, Colleges, and Careers in Computer Science
- (A resource guide compiled by ComputerScienceOnline.org to help women and girls learn more about "how K-12 schools, colleges, and non-profits are helping women break into and succeed" in computer science.)
WSIS Gender Caucus
- (The World Summit on the Information Society [WSIS] Gender Caucus, formed in Mali in 2002, is a group of women and men working "to ensure that gender equality and women's rights are integrated into WSIS and its outcome processes." The web site includes information about the Gender Caucus's core programme, press releases and other relevant news, a calendar of events, information about national and regional programmes, links to related sites, and more.)
Go back to complete list of women-related WWW sites
Copyright 2023 by Joan Korenman.
Please send all additions and corrections to:
Joan Korenman . However, please do not ask me to suggest web sites or other resources, and do not ask me to link to sites that are not rich in academic women-related resources. I unfortunately do not have time to respond to such requests.
Many thanks.