Zhiyuan Chen
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Professor Chair Information Systems Department University of Maryland Baltimore County ITE 404J 1000 Hilltop Circle Baltimore, MD, 21250, USA Phone: +1 (410) 455-8833 Fax: +1(410)455-1073 Email: zhchen@umbc.edu |
Zhiyuan Chen has obtained a BS and a MS from Fudan University, China, and a PhD in Computer Science from Cornell University. He is currently a professor at the Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland Baltimore County. His research covers the areas of data science, big data, privacy preserving data mining and data management, data exploration and navigation, semantic-based search and data integration using semantic networks, adversarial learning and its applications in cyber security. He has published extensively in these areas and has received funding from NSF, Department of Energy, IBM, Office of Naval Research, MITRE, and Department of Education.
My research covers following areas:
Adversarial learning. It is easy for attackers to modify their attacks to evade detection techniques used in cyber security. I am interested in attackers' evasion strategies as well as counter measures that can make detection techniques more robust.
Efficient and scalable RDF triple store in distributed and resource-constrained environment. RDF is the data format for semantic web. I am interested in developing systems that can store and process large scale RDF data efficiently in distributed and sometimes resource-constrained environment.
Please refer to my research page for details. If you are a student and is interested in taking independent study or doing research in databases, please stop by my office.