Department of Geography



GEOG-311                                                                                         Dr. Ali Tokay

Weather and Climate                                                                          


1)....... cloud has a flat base occurring along the gust front and attached to cumulonimbus cloud.


a) Roll

b) Anvil

c) Shelf

d) Funnel


2)A hurricane has about ....... the diameter of an average extra-tropical cyclone.


a) twice

b) the same

c) one-third

d) one-tenth


3) 12360 m height is typically observed on a ....... mb map.


a) 200, 120

b) 300, 202

c) 200, 202

d) 300, 120


4) If the time difference between thunder and lightning is 20 sec, the lightning strike occurred about .......... from the observer's location.


a) 4 miles

b) 1.5 miles

c) 2.5 miles

d) 10 miles


5) Mesoscale convective complex is not observed in ............


a) Pacific Northwest

b) Great Plains

c) Midwest

d) Southeast


6) ............ is the positively charged electrical current that emanates from the ground.


a) Stepped leader

b) Dart leader

c) Return stroke

d) Dry storke


7) 2990 m height can be found at ....... mb map and is coded as ........


a) 850, 990

b) 700, 299

c) 700, 990

d) 850, 299


8) Hurricane is considered as ....... air mass.


a) cP

b) mP

c) cT

d) mT


9) Hawaiian high is a ...........


a) cold-core anticyclone

b) warm-core anticyclone

c) cold-core cyclone

d) warm-core cyclone


10) About 90% of the hurricane-induced fatalities are caused by ..........


a) coastal and inland floodwaters

b) associated tornadoes

c) wind induced damage

d) heavy rains


11) A weather symbol for a moderate and heavy hail showers is ......







12) Winds are parallel but in opposite direction on the two sides of a ..... front.


a) cold

b) stationary

c) warm

d) occluded


13) Low level jet is found at ..... mb map.


a) 1000

b) 700

c) 500

d) 400


14) Which one of the following statement is correct.


a) A macroburst is short-lived, and more destructive than a microburst.

b)A macroburst is long-lived and more destructive than a microburst.

c) A macroburst is long-loved, and less destructive than a microburst.

d) A macroburst is short-lived and less destructive than a microburst.


15) A bomb may occur when a cold front moves over ....... ocean current.


a) Labrador

b) California

c) Brazil

d) Kuroshio


16) The lowest value of an isotach is ...... knots on a weather map.


a) 120

b) 80

c) 100

d) 60


17) Which one of the following statements is correct.


a) A tornado is usually less energetic but larger than a waterspout.

b) A tornado is usually more energetic and larger than a waterspout.

c) A tornado is usually less energetic and smaller than a waterspout.

d) A tornado is usually more energetic and smaller than a waterspout.


18) 40 dBZ corresponds to ...... mm6 m-3


a) 100

b) 1000

c) 10,000

d) 100,000


19) Radar reflectivity is proportional to the ....... power of raindrop diameter.


a) third

b) sixth

c) second

d) fifth


20) Winds are from ......... behind the cold front.


a) northwest

b) northeast

c) southeast

d) southwest


21) The lake effect snow is associated with southern movement of ….. air mass.


a) cP

b) mP

c) cT

d) mT


22) If the reflectivity rain rate relation is given as Z = 100 R1.4, the rain rate is ...... mm h-1 at 100 mm6 m-3.


a) 1o:p>

b) 0.1

c) 100

d) 10


23) .......... is necessary for the development of mid-latitude cyclone.


a) Meridional temperature gradient

b) Absence of temperature advection

c) Weak vertical wind shear

d) Convergence aloft


24) An air mass should stay in a source region in a ....... as a minimum.


a) hour

b) day

c) week

d) month


25) Frontal fog is observed in the presence of ..... clouds in front of ...... front.


a) stratocumulus, cold

b) stratus, warm

c) stratus, cold

d) stratocumulus warm


26) ............ is subject to large accumulation of hail on a given year.


a) Central Florida

b) Southern California

c) New England

d) High Plain


27) Height contours are plotted every 30 m on a ....... map.


a) 1000

b) 500

c) 200

d) 850


28) ............ is the initial electrical discharge in a lightning.


a) Stepped leader

b) Dart leader

c) Return stroke

d) Sheet lightning


29) On a cold side of a cyclone stack, wind ...... with time ......... frontal passage.


a) veers, with warm and cold

b) backs, with warm and cold

c) veers, without

d) backs, without


30) Vorticity maximum is observed at ....... mp map.


a) 300

b) 500

c) 700

d) 850


31) Derecho is mostly observed during ......... over the US.


a) March

b) May

c) August

d) October


32) ....... originates in front of warm front.


a) Dry airstream

b) Warm conveyor belt

c) Cold conveyor belt

d) Wet airstream


33) ........ cyclones is observed all year around.


a) Alberta

b) Colorado

c) Gulf-track

d) Hatteras


34) Operational Weather radars in the US operates at ........


a) S-band

b) C-band

c) X-band

d) L-band


35) Polar low is ........ than the mid-latitude cyclone and occurs at ...... latitude.


a) smaller, 40 degree

b) larger, 60 degree

c) smaller, 60 degree

d) larger, 40 degree


36) A hailstone forms when a ..... grows by .........


a) ice pellet, aggregation

b) ice pellet, accretion

c) snow grains, aggregation

d) snow grains, accretion


37) If the temperature is 5.4 C and dew point is -3.7 C, dew point depression is coded as .......


a) -4

b) 5

c) 8

d) 9


38) Warm-type occlusion is observed at .........


a) Great Lakes

b) New England

c) Pacific Northwest

d) Mid-Atlantic


39) If the rainfall is overestimated 10% and the observed rain rate is 10 mm h-1, the estimated rain rate is ....... mm h-1.


a) 20

b) 11

c) 9

d) 19


40) ....... lighting consist of bright flashes across the sky indicating cloud-to-cloud lightning.


a) Sheet

b) Dry

c) Ball

d) Heat