Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences



GES-311                                                                                             Dr. Ali Tokay

Weather and Climate                                                                          

Test #3


1) Thermal wind is a component of ...... wind and blows parallel to the .....


a) gradient, isobars

b) geostraphic, isotherms

c) gradient, isotherms

d) geostraphic, isobars


2) Consider a planet where its atmosphere is 1020 kg, and its radius is 106 km, the surface pressure will then be ..... millibars. (gravitational constant = 10 m sec-2)


a) 10/(4π)

b) 1000/(4π)

c) 105/(4π)

d) 109/(4π)


3) Monsoon circulation results in ......


a) wet summers and relatively dry winters.

b) wet climate regardless of season.

c) dry climate regardless of season.

d) dry summers and in relatively wet winters.


4) Equation of state is .........


a) air pressure = air density x gas constant x air temperature

b) air density = air pressure x gas constant x air temperature

c) air temperature = air pressure x air density x gas constant

d) gas constant = air pressure x air density x air temperature


5) ..... is due to Mie scattering by dust and haze.


a) Scintillation

b) Green flash

c) Crepuscular ray

d) Tangent arc


6) For a 200 kg mass accelerating at 20 m sec-2. If the pressure is 0.1 mb, the area is ..... meter square.


a) 40

b) 400

c) 4

d) 0.4


7) The size parameter is ..... for 0.5 mm drop at visible light (wavelength = 0.5 micrometer).


a) π10

b) π

c) π100

d) π1000


8) Halo is observed through ....... clouds.


a) cirrostratus

b) altocumulus

c) cirrocumulus

d) stratus


9) ...... of the atmospheric mass lies between the surface and 5.5 km.


a) 30%

b) 50%

c) 70%

d) 90%


10) ......... is a reflection phenomenon.


a) Glory

b) Circumzenithal arc

c) Tangential arc

d) Sun pillar


11) Consider an air parcel travels 10 km where the change in air pressure is 20 mb, if the density of the atmosphere is 1 kg/m3, what is the pressure gradient force?


a) 0.02 Newton

b) 2 Newton

c) 0.2 Newton

d) 0.002 Newton


12) Centripetal force is ..... directed and changes the ...... of the wind.


a) outward, speed

b) inward, direction

c) outward, direction

d) inward, speed


13) ..... is not a katabic wind.


a) Mistral

b) Zonda

c) Bora

d) Columbia Gorge wind


14) The ........ pressure center is centered in ........ during Santa Ana winds.


a) low, pacific northwest

b) high, pacific northwest

c) low, great basin

d) high, great basin


15) Desert winds develop when the atmosphere is ......


a) conditionally stable

b) absolutely unstable

c) absolutely stable (inversion)

d) absolutely stable (isothermal)


16) Las Vegas, Nevada reports 1002.4 mb. The station pressure cannot be ........ mb.


a) 999.4

b) 1000.5

c) 989.9

d) 1002.8


17) If a cloud consists of uniform droplets of 5 micrometers in diameter, what is the mass of a single droplet?


a) π/6 x (5)3 x (10)-18 kilogram

b) π/6 x (5)3 x (10)-12 kilogram

c) π/6 x (5)3 x (10)-15 kilogram

d) π/6 x (5)3 kilogram


18) If the dimensions of a cloud are 2 km, 4 km, and 3 km, what is the size of this cloud?


a) 24 x 103 m3

b) 24 x 1012 m3

c) 24 x 109 m3

d) 24 x 106 m3


19) If the wind direction is 100 degree, ........


a) meridional wind is positive, zonal wind is negative

b) meridional wind is negative, zonal wind is negative

c) meridional wind is positive, zonal wind is positive

d) meridional wind is negative, zonal wind is positive


20) If the wind is from east to west blowing at 2 knots, the zonal wind is ...... m/sec.


a) 0

b) 1

c) -2

d) -1


21) If the virtual temperature is 28 C, the air temperature is ...... C


a) 29

b) 27

c) 20

d) 32


22) Land breeze develop ...... and is ...... than the sea breeze.


a) at night, stronger

b) during the day, stronger

c) at night, weaker

d) during the day, weaker


23) Which one of the following statement is correct.


a) Monsoon rainfall is uniform and continuous

b) Monsoon rainfall is continuous but not uniform.

c) Monsoon rainfall is uniform but not continuous.

d) Monsoon rainfall is neither uniform nor continuous.


24) ........ is a warm and dry local wind.


a) Föhn

b) Burga

c) Bise

d) Papagayo


25) Which one of the following statement is not correct.


a) Turbulence is characterized by the random motion of air molecules.

b) Friction slows the wind within 1 km of the Earth’s surface.

c) Viscosity is the flow field that is affected by friction.

d) Atmospheric boundary layer is subject to friction.


26) ........ is subject to the lake-effect snow.


a) Madison, Wisconsin

b) Pittsburg, Pennsylvania

c) Cleveland, Ohio

d) Indianapolis, Indiana


27) Cloud Iridescence is the area within 20 degree of the sun where ....... has become distorted producing patches of color.


a) glory

b) halo

c) corona

d) sun pillar


28) Glory is a ....... phenomenon.


a) scattering

b) reflection

c) refraction

d) diffraction


29) Heiligenschein (German for halo) is associated with ............


a) rain drops

b) ice crystals

c) snow flakes

d) dew drops


30) Aneroid barometer is ....... accurate ......... portable than the mercury barometer.


a) more, and more

b) more, but less

c) less, but more

d) less, and less


31) Circumzenithal arc forms about 46 degree ..... the sun in the presence of .........


a) above, ice crystals

b) above, rain drops

c) below, rain drops

d) below, ice crystals


32) If the wind pressure is 36 m2/sec2, the wind speed is ......... m/sec.


a) 24

b) 8

c) 6

d) 12


33) When the Beaufort scale is ........., it designates the gale conditions.


a) 2

b) 5

c) 8

d) 11


34) Haboob is observed in ........


a) Phoenix, Arizona

b) Salt Lake City, Utah

c) Portland, Oregon

d) Denver, Colorado


35) Tangent arc is a bright arc of light at the top of ..... in the presence of ......


a) halo, ice crystals

b) sundog, ice crystals

c) halo, raindrops

d) sundog, raindrops


36) Secondary rainbow angle ranges between ...... and ...... degree.


a) 40-42

b) 44-46

c) 46-48

d) 48-50


37) During inferior mirage, the objects looks like ......... and .........


a) taller and elevated

b) taller and lower

c) shorter, elevated

d) shorter, lower


38) When the wind is from north to south in the Southern Hemisphere, the Coriolis force will deflect the wind toward ........


a) southwest

b) southeast

c) northeast

d) northwest


39) If a cloud consists of uniform droplets of 1000 in cubic meter. What is liquid water content when the mass of a single droplet is 10-3 kilogram.


a) 1 gram/m3

b) 10gram/m-3

c) 1000 gram/m3

d) 10 gram/m3


40) ................ force is not a component of surface wind balance.


a) Gravitational

b) Horizontal pressure gradient

c) Coriolis

d) Frictional