Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences



GES-311                                                                                             Dr. Ali Tokay

Weather and Climate                                                                          


Please use the answer sheet.  Each has 2.5 points.


1) If the saturation vapor pressure with respect to ice is 1.03 mb, the saturation vapor pressure with respect to water is ...... mb at the same temperature?


a) 0.80

b) 8.72

c) 6.11

d) 1.25


2) If the mixing ratio is 1.5 g/kg, and the relative humidity is 50%, the saturation mixing ratio is..... g/kg?


a) 3.0

b) 1.0

c) 0.75

d) 0.5


3) 160 calorie of heat is required to melt ...... gram of ice at 0℃.


a) 4

b) 8

c) 2

d) 16


4) If the specific humidity is 10 g/kg, the mixing ratio can be .... g/kg.


a) 10.1

b) 9.8

c) 11.4

d) 8.8


5) The wet-bulb temperature can be ...... C if the dew point temperature is -20℃.


a) -26

b) -22

c) -30

d) -18


6) If the specific humidity is 3 g/kg and the vertical pressure gradient is 10 mb, the precipitable water is ..... mm (gravitational constant = 10 m/sec2).


a) 3

b) 30

c) 0.3

d) 0.03


7) If the EL is 480 mb, LFC cannot be ..... mb.


a) 330

b) 740

c) 510

d) 944


8) Heavy snow occurs when the visibility is less than ....... mile.


a) 0.25

b) 0.5

c) 1

d) 0.75


9)....... rain occurs when the intensity is between 0.11 and 0.30 inches per hour.


a) Light

b) Moderate

c) Heavy

d) Very heavy


10) Dew point temperature becomes a factor for human health, if it is higher than ...... F.


a) 65

b) 50

c) 60

d) 68


11) If the wet-bulb depression is 10 C, and the web-bulb temperature is 30 C, the air temperature is ...... C.


a) 40

b) 35

c) 30

d) 25


12) If an air parcel of 3 m3 at 10 C undergoes expansional cooling, the final volume can be ..... m3 and final temperature can be ...... C.


a) 3.4, 11

b) 2.8, 9

c) 3.4, 9

d) 2.8, 11


13) Consider an unsaturated air parcel that is lifted adiabatically, the temperature will be ......C at 800 m if the initial temperature is 10 C at the surface.


a) 8

b) 4

c) 2

d) -2


14) .......has the least amount of water among four reservoirs.


a) Ocean

b) Ground Water

c) Ice caps

d) Atmosphere


15) Arctic sea smoke results from ............... fog.


a) steam

b) radiation

c) advection

d) upslope


16) ....... is also known as vapor density of water.


a) Specfic humidity

b) Absolute humidity

c) Mixing ratio

d) Vapor pressure


17) ...... calories of heat are released during condensation of 2 gram of water vapor at 100℃.


a) 1020

b) 620

c) 1080

d) 540


18) is a symbol for ....... in a weather map.


a) snow pellet fog

b) ice pellet fog

c) snow grains fog

d) hail


19) 10 calories of heat are needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of ice from -55℃ to ......℃


a) -15

b) -35

c) -45

d) -25


20) Valley fog is a type of ...... fog.


a) radiation

b) advection

c) upslope

d) steam


21) 80 calories of heat are needed during warming 2 gram of water from .....℃ to 80℃.


a) 50

b) 60

c) 40

d) 30


22) Which one of the following statements is correct.


a) Precipitation over land and over ocean exceeds evaporation annually.

b) Evaporation over ocean and over land exceeds precipitation annually.

c) Precipitation over land exceeds evaporation and vice versa is true over the oceans.

d) Evaporation over land exceeds precipitation and vice versa is true over the oceans.


23) If a saturated air parcel is lifted 500 m from a level where the temperature is -10 C, the parcel’s final temperature will be .... C


a) -7

b) -13

c) -5

d) -15.


24) 1 centimeter of rain corresponds to .... kg m-2 of rain.


a) 1

b) 10

c) 0.01

d) 100


25) All snowflakes are ..... And their typical size is ..... millimeter in diameter.


a) four-sided, 10

b) four-sided,0.01

c) six-sided, 10

d) six-sided, 0.01


26) .....fog is responsible for the fog along the Pacific Coast of the US.


a) upslope

b) advection

c) steam

d) radiation


27) 0,5 micrometer in diameter corresponds to ...... condensation nuclei.


a) small

b) midsize

c) large

d) giant


28) Deposition nuclei become active at temperatures below ..... C.


a) -9

b) -5

c) -25

d) -20


29) Nimbostratus is mostly composed of ............ .


a) dust particles

b) water droplets

c) supercooled water droplets

d) ice crystals


30) If a raindrop has terminal velocity of 9 m/sec, its size is about ..... mm in diameter.


a) 3

b) 1

c) 2

d) 5


31) ..... results from mixing of cold dry and warm moist air.


a) Billow cloud

b) Nacreous cloud

c) Lee-wave cloud

d) Contrail


32) Which one of the following statements is correct?


a) Tipping bucket gauges are superior for both rain and snow measurements.

b) Weighing bucket gauges are superior for both rain and snow measurements.

c) Tipping bucket gauges are superior for rain while weighing bucket gauges are superior for snow measurements.

d) Weighing bucket gauges are superior for rain while tipping bucket gauges are superior for snow measurements.


33) ..... is used in radiosondes.


a) Electrical hygrometer

b) Dew point hygrometer

c) Dew cell

d) Aspirated psychrometer


34) Hydrograph is a ....... hygrometer.


a) hair

b) electrical

c) dew point

d) infrared


35) Snow squall usually falls from ..... clouds.


a) cumuliform

b) cirroform

c) stratus

d) nimbostratus


36) Which one of the following statements is correct?


a) Deicing is advised in light, moderate, and heavy icing cases.

b) Deicing is advised in moderate, and heavy icing cases.

c) Deicing is advised regardless of icing intensity.

d) Deicing is advised in heavy icing only.


37) ....... form when supercooled cloud droplets collide and freeze together.


a) Ice pellets

b) Snow pellets

c) Snow grains

d) Graupel


38) Rainfall is an integral product of ...... .


a) radar reflectivity

b) ice water content

c) liquid water content

d) raindrop size distribution


39) Under normal conditions, the water vapor pressure is ...... millibars.


a) 40

b) 20

c) 5

d) 10


40) Wet haze results in ...... color sky.


a) red

b) blue

c) yellow

d) grey