T. H. Gindling--Current Research
The Distribution of Income In Central America, IZA Discussion Paper #7236 (with Juan Deigo Trejos of the University of Costa Rica), February 2013
Private and Government Fiscal Costs and Benefits of the Maryland Dream Act (with Marvin Mandell)--full report, November 2012 a shorter policy brief
Better Jobs in Central America: The Role of Human Capital (with Sajitha Bashir and Ana Maria Oviedo of the World Bank), Report of the Human Development Department, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, Washington, April/May 2012. Version en espanolSkills for the 21st Century in Latin America and the Carribbean (with Ian Walker, Cristian Aedo and others), 2012
Improving Compliance with Legal Minimum Wages in Costa Rica, with Juan Diego Trejos (University of Costa Rica). Version en espanol.
El Impacto de los Salarios Minimos en el Mercado de Trabano de El Salvador, with Jose Andres Oliva Cepeda and Alvero Triqueros Arquello (Fundación Salvadoreña para El Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES), El Salvador).
The Effect of Family Separation and Reunification on the Educational Success of Immigrant Children in the United States, IZA Discussion Paper 4887 (with Sara Poggio of UMBC)"Poverty and the Labor Market in Costa Rica," World Bank Policy Working Paper, 2007, April.
T. H. Gindling--Recent Publications
Self-employment in the Developing World (with David Newhouse of the World Bank), World Development, Vol. 56, pp.313-331, 2013, (a previous version is available for download as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #6201, Washington, September 2012).
"Is Hispanic Population Dispersion into Rural Counties Contributing to Local Economic Growth?" accepted for publication (published on-line Sept, 20, 2012), Contemporary Economic Policy, The published paper is a substantially revised version of IZA Discussion Paper 4682, January, 2010.
"Family Separation and Reunification as a Factor in the Educational Success of Immigrant Children," (with Sara Poggio of UMBC), Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 38, No. 7 (August, 2012), pages 1155-1173.
"The Impact of Minimum Wages on Wages, Work and Poverty in Nicaragua," (with Katherine Terrell of the Univesity of Michigan and Enrique Alaniz of FIDEG, Managua), Labour Economics, Vol. 18, (2011), pages 563-678. Version en espanol.
Sara Z. Poggio and T. H. Gindling, (2010) “Promoting the Educational Success of Latin American Immigrant Children Separated from Parents during Migration/” In Ira Gang and Gil Epstein (eds.) Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 8, Migration and Culture, Emerald Publishing Group, pp. 517-541.
here for an English version of this paper; "Single Mothers and
Poverty in Costa Rica")
Effects of Multiple Minimum Wages Throughout
the Labor
Market: The Case of
Changing Inequality in Costa Rica: 1980-99," (with Juan Diego Trejos of the University of Costa Rica), Journal
of Development Studies, Vol. 41, No. 5, (July 2005), pp. 898-926.
"Poverty in Latin America," Latin American Research Review, Vol. 40, No. 1, 2005, pages 207-222.
"La Desigualdad en America Central Durante los anos noventa," (with Juan Diego Trejos of the University of Costa Rica), La Revista de la CEPAL, Vol. 84 (December 2004), pp. 177-198. (English version--Inequality in Central America in the 1990s)