There is actually a python2 and python3 modified python2. Since there is a lot of python2 available for download on the web, I cover that first, then the changes in python3. Also, python is an interpreter and may be run interactively, yet, for this tutorial I use input files because my typing is very bad.
If you do not have python on your Linux: sudo apt install python Then, to also have python 3: sudo apt install python3 Then, for many python library packages: sudo apt-cache search python Links to source file .py and .out output file, click to read any not shown source file hello_world_py.out output file # example file # starts comment, like // in C and Java print "hello fromcd python" # three ways to print the same line print 'hello from python' # no extra spaces allowed at beginning of line print "hello", # comma at end prevents new line print "from python" # quote or apostrophe same hello_world_py.out: hello from python hello from python hello from python command line to run and output to file: python > hello_world_py.out A more professional structure that is more like Java: source file mainex_py.out output file showing professional structure def main(): # note : now need indentation print " running " funct() # just calling function below print "note indentation and unindent" # blank line critical def funct(): print "in funct" # another blank line needed if __name__ == '__main__': # like C main program main() mainex_py.out: running in funct note indentation and unindent
Subscripts in Python are the same as C and Java. [0] is first, [1] is second [n-1] is last for n items. Links to source file and output, shown below source file hello_py.out output file # example file indentation and blank lines important # simple .py can be without def main(): # if __name__ == '__main__': # main() import math def main(): print "hello from python" # three ways to print the same line print 'hello from python' print "hello", print "from python" a_int=7 a_float=7.25 a_real=7.2597256357e+300 print "a_int=", print a_int print "a_float=", print a_float print "a_real=", print a_real a_list=[7, 7.25, "abc"] print "a_list=", print a_list print "a_list[2]=", print a_list[2] a_list.append("def") print "append=", print a_list del a_list[1] print "delete=", print a_list print "len(a_list)=", print len(a_list) print " " a_tuple=2, 3, 5, 7 # can not modify b_tuple=(2, 3, 5, 7) # same as above print "a_tuple=", print a_tuple print "b_tuple=", print b_tuple print "b_tuple[2]=", print b_tuple[2] print " " dict={1:'a', 2:'b', 3:'c'} # dictionary key : value print "dict=", print dict dict[5]='e' print "dict 5=", print dict print "dict[3]=", # look up by key print dict[3] print " " z=range(5) print "range(5)=", print z z=range(1,5) print "range(1,5)=", print z z=range(1,7,2) print "range(1,7,2)=", print z x = 0.7071 print "x = ", print x print "anyfunct(x) = note complex result", print anyfunct(x) # end of main def anyfunct(x): # thus main can be in front of needed functions, cmath also z = math.cos(x) + 1.0j*math.sin(x) - math.sqrt(x) return z if __name__ == '__main__': main() # end of see also hello_py.out: hello from python hello from python hello from python a_int= 7 a_float= 7.25 a_real= 7.2597256357e+300 a_list= [7, 7.25, 'abc'] a_list[2]= abc append= [7, 7.25, 'abc', 'def'] delete= [7, 'abc', 'def'] len(a_list)= 3 a_tuple= (2, 3, 5, 7) b_tuple= (2, 3, 5, 7) b_tuple[2]= 5 dict= {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c'} dict 5= {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 5: 'e'} dict[3]= c range(5)= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] range(1,5)= [1, 2, 3, 4] range(1,7,2)= [1, 3, 5] x = 0.7071 anyfunct(x) = note complex result (-0.080643380759+0.649631783705j)
Links to source file and output, shown below source file for_else_py.out output file # use of "else" after "for" print " running" for i in range(0, 3): # : required 0,1,2 no 3 print 'i= ', i for j in range(1,5,2): # step 2, nested loop 1, 3 no 5 print 'i=', i, ' j= ', j a=1 b=2 if(a==b or a!=b and a>b or a<b and a>=b or a<=b): print 'foo' elif(a==a): # any number of elif print 'elif' else: print 'bar' for n in range(2, 21): for x in range(2, n): if n % x == 0: print n, 'equals', x, '*', n/x break else: # loop fell through without finding a factor print n, 'is a prime number' # end for_else_py.out: running i= 0 i= 0 j= 1 i= 0 j= 3 i= 1 i= 1 j= 1 i= 1 j= 3 i= 2 i= 2 j= 1 i= 2 j= 3 foo 2 is a prime number 3 is a prime number 4 equals 2 * 2 5 is a prime number 6 equals 2 * 3 7 is a prime number 8 equals 2 * 4 9 equals 3 * 3 10 equals 2 * 5 11 is a prime number 12 equals 2 * 6 13 is a prime number 14 equals 2 * 7 15 equals 3 * 5 16 equals 2 * 8 17 is a prime number 18 equals 2 * 9 19 is a prime number 20 equals 2 * 10 Printing limiting number of digits after decimal point scipy.py3 source file scipy_py3.out output file
Note "import math" then "print dir(math)" to see all available functions Available math functions: Links to source file and output, shown below source file test_math_py.out output file sample use of functions after import math print " running" import math print dir(math) # ugly list of functions and values print "math.pi=%g" % (math.pi) print "math.e=%g" % (math.e) print "math.sin(math.pi)=%10.3f" % (math.sin(math.pi)) print "math.cos(math.pi)=%10.3f" % (math.cos(math.pi)) print "math.tan(math.pi)=%g" % (math.tan(math.pi)) print "math.atan(1.0)=%10.3f" % (math.atan(1.0)) print "math.asin(1.0)=%10.3f" % (math.asin(1.0)) print "math.acos(0.5)=%10.3f" % (math.acos(0.5)) print "math.sinh(1.0)=%10.3f" % (math.sinh(1.0)) print "math.cosh(1.0)=%10.3f" % (math.cosh(1.0)) print "math.tanh(1.0)=%10.3f" % (math.tanh(1.0)) print "math.sqrt(2.0)=%10.3f" % (math.sqrt(2.0)) print "math.exp(2.0)=%10.3f" % (math.exp(2.0)) print "math.log(2.0)=%10.3f" % (math.log(2.0)) print "min(1.0,2.0)=%10.3f" % (min(1.0,2.0)) print "max(1.0,2.0)=%10.3f" % (max(1.0,2.0)) print "abs(-2.5)=%10.3f" % (abs(-2.5)) print "min(1,2)=%d" % (min(1,2)) print "max(1,2)=%d" % (max(1,2)) print "abs(-2)=%d" % (abs(-2)) a=complex(1.0,2.0) print "a=complex(1.0,2.0)= %f %f" % (a.real,a.imag) b=(3.0-2.0j) print "b=(3.0-2.0j)= %f %f" % (b.real,b.imag) c=a*b print "c=a*b= (%f+ %fj)" % (c.real,c.imag) print "no sqrt of complex" print "math.sqrt(abs(c))=%10.3f" % (math.sqrt(abs(c))) print "big number =%g" % (1.23456e300) print "small number =%g" % (1.23456e-300) print "end" test_math_py.out: running ['__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', 'acos', 'asin', 'atan', 'atan2', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'e', 'exp', 'fabs', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'hypot', 'ldexp', 'log', 'log10', 'modf', 'pi', 'pow', 'radians', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh'] math.pi=3.14159 math.e=2.71828 math.sin(math.pi)= 0.000 math.cos(math.pi)= -1.000 math.tan(math.pi)=-1.22461e-16 math.atan(1.0)= 0.785 math.asin(1.0)= 1.571 math.acos(0.5)= 1.047 math.sinh(1.0)= 1.175 math.cosh(1.0)= 1.543 math.tanh(1.0)= 0.762 math.sqrt(2.0)= 1.414 math.exp(2.0)= 7.389 math.log(2.0)= 0.693 math.pow(2.0,3)= 8.000 min(1.0,2.0)= 1.000 max(1.0,2.0)= 2.000 abs(-2.5)= 2.500 min(1,2)=1 max(1,2)=2 abs(-2)=2 a=complex(1.0,2.0)= 1.000000 2.000000 b=(3.0-2.0j)= 3.000000 -2.000000 c=a*b= (7.000000+ 4.000000j) no sqrt of complex math.sqrt(abs(c))= 2.839 big number =1.23456e+300 small number =1.23456e-300 end Links to source file and output, shown below source file source file test_import_funct_py.out output file # just has funct(n) that returns n def funct(n): return n a,b,c=0,0,0 def rabc(): a=1 b="rabc string" c=[3, 4, 5, 6] return a,b,c # note many values may be returned # import funct_to_import and run funct and rabc import funct_to_import print funct_to_import.funct(3) print funct_to_import.rabc() x,y,z = funct_to_import.rabc() print "z[1]=", print z[1] test_import_funct_py.out: 3 (1, 'rabc string', [3, 4, 5, 6]) z[1]= 4 Links to source file and output, shown below source file test_passing_function_py.out output file # def f(x): return x*x def trap_int(f, xmin, xmax, nstep): # integrate f(x) from xmin to xmax area=(f(xmin)+f(xmax))/2.0 h = (xmax-xmin)/nstep for i in range(1,nstep): x = xmin+i*h area = area + f(x) return area*h # trapezoidal method print " running" xmin = 1.0 xmax = 2.0 n = 10 area = trap_int(f, xmin, xmax, n) print "trap_int area under x*x from ",xmin," to ",xmax," = ",area test_passing_function_py.out: running trap_int area under x*x from 1.0 to 2.0 = 2.335
"import" needs a python library to be available. sudo apt install python-tk Links to source file .py and .out output file, click to read any not shown source file plot_parab_py.jpg plot # from Tkinter import * root=Tk() root.title('') winw=400 winh=400 canvas=Canvas(root,width=winw,height=winh,bg='white') nx=20 ny=25 xmin=-1.0 xmax=1.0 print 'xmin=', print xmin, print ', xmax=', print xmax ymin=-1.0 ymax=1.0 print 'ymin=', print ymin, print ', ymax=', print ymax zmin=1000.0 zmax=-1000.0 hx=(xmax-xmin)/(nx-1) hy=(ymax-ymin)/(ny-1) # for plotting ya=0.5 # orthographic typ 0.1 to 0.5 zcol=['black', 'brown', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'violet', 'gray'] ncol=len(zcol) for i in range(ncol): canvas.create_line(5,60-6*i,30,60-6*i,width=5,fill=zcol[i]) def parab(x,y): return x*x+y*y def ortho(x, y, z, xm, ym, zm, xs, ys, ya, winh): x1=x-xm # zero base y1=y-ym z1=z-zm x2=x1+y1*ya # ortho z is up, y is back y2=z1+y1*ya x3=x2*xs # scale y3=y2*ys return x3+5, winh-y3-5 # away from boarder zp=[[0 for j in range(ny)] for i in range(nx)] for i in range(nx): x=xmin+hx*i for j in range(ny): y=ymin+hy*j z=parab(x,y) zp[i][j]=z zmin=min(z,zmin) zmax=max(z,zmax) print 'zmin=', print zmin, print ', zmax=', print zmax # orthographic projection scaled to winw, winh xs=(xmax-xmin) ys=(ymax-ymin) zs=(zmax-zmin) xs=xs+ys*ya ys=zs+ys*ya xs=(winw-10)/xs ys=(winh-10)/ys print 'ya=', print ya, print 'xs=', print xs, print ', ys=', print ys x1, y1 = ortho(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x2, y2 = ortho(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x3, y3 = ortho(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x4, y4 = ortho(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,width=2,fill=zcol[0]) canvas.create_line(x2,y2,x3,y3,width=2,fill=zcol[0]) canvas.create_line(x3,y3,x4,y4,width=2,fill=zcol[0]) canvas.create_line(x4,y4,x1,y1,width=2,fill=zcol[0]) x5, y5 = ortho(xmin, ymin, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x6, y6 = ortho(xmax, ymin, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x7, y7 = ortho(xmax, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x8, y8 = ortho(xmin, ymax, zmax, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) canvas.create_line(x5,y5,x6,y6,width=2,fill=zcol[ncol-1]) canvas.create_line(x6,y6,x7,y7,width=2,fill=zcol[ncol-1]) canvas.create_line(x7,y7,x8,y8,width=2,fill=zcol[ncol-1]) canvas.create_line(x8,y8,x5,y5,width=2,fill=zcol[ncol-1]) for k in range(ncol): dx=(x5-x1)/(ncol) xt=x1+k*dx xu=xt+dx dy=(y5-y1)/(ncol) yt=y1+k*dy yu=yt+dy canvas.create_line(xt,yt,xu,yu,width=2,fill=zcol[k]) for k in range(ncol): dx=(x6-x2)/(ncol) xt=x2+k*dx xu=xt+dx dy=(y6-y2)/(ncol) yt=y2+k*dy yu=yt+dy canvas.create_line(xt,yt,xu,yu,width=2,fill=zcol[k]) for k in range(ncol): dx=(x7-x3)/(ncol) xt=x3+k*dx xu=xt+dx dy=(y7-y3)/(ncol) yt=y3+k*dy yu=yt+dy canvas.create_line(xt,yt,xu,yu,width=2,fill=zcol[k]) for k in range(ncol): dx=(x8-x4)/(ncol) xt=x4+k*dx xu=xt+dx dy=(y8-y4)/(ncol) yt=y4+k*dy yu=yt+dy canvas.create_line(xt,yt,xu,yu,width=2,fill=zcol[k]) for i in range(nx-1): x=xmin+hx*i for j in range(ny-1): y=ymin+hy*j z1=zp[i][j] x1, y1 = ortho(x, y, z1, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) z2=zp[i+1][j] x2, y2 = ortho(x+hx, y, z2, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) z3=zp[i][j+1] x3, y3 = ortho(x, y+hy, z3, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) icol=int((ncol/2.0)*(z1+z2)/(zmax-zmin)) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,fill=zcol[icol]) icol=int((ncol/2.0)*((z1-zmin)+(z3-zmin))/(zmax-zmin)) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x3,y3,fill=zcol[icol]) for i in range(nx-1): x=xmin+hx*i y=ymax z1=zp[i][ny-1] x1, y1 = ortho(x, y, z1, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) x=x+hx z2=zp[i+1][ny-1] x2, y2 = ortho(x, y, z2, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) icol=int((ncol/2.0)*((z1-zmin)+(z2-zmin))/(zmax-zmin)) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,fill=zcol[icol]) for j in range(ny-1): y=ymin+hy*j x=xmax z1=zp[nx-1][j] x1, y1 = ortho(x, y, z1, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) y=y+hy z2=zp[nx-1][j+1] x2, y2 = ortho(x, y, z2, xmin, ymin, zmin, xs, ys, ya, winh) icol=int((ncol/2.0)*((z1-zmin)+(z2-zmin))/(zmax-zmin)) canvas.create_line(x1,y1,x2,y2,fill=zcol[icol]) canvas.pack() root.mainloop() plot output:fourier_fit.py3 source file
I keep both compilers on my computer and have many source files of both. Thus, I need to have a different command and different file extension. e.g python3 hello_world.py3 If you want to use both, you need a complete install of both because each has a large library. Typing python -v # shows version mine says python 2.7.5 The biggest change is "print" no longer a command, now a function: Links to source file .py and .out output file, click to read any not shown hello.py3 source file hello_py3.out output file # hello.py3 example file of in python2 changed to python3 print("hello from python") # three ways to print the same line print('hello from python') print("hello", end=' ') print("from python") a_int=7 a_float=7.25 a_real=7.2597256357e+300 print("a_int=", a_int) print("a_float=", a_float) print("a_real=", a_real) a_list=[7, 7.25, "abc"] print("a_list=", a_list) print("a_list[2]=", a_list[2]) a_tuple=2, 3, 5, 7 b_tuple=(2, 3, 5, 7) # same as above print("a_tuple=", a_tuple) print("b_tuple=", b_tuple) print("b_tuple[2]=", b_tuple[2]) hello_py3.out: hello from python hello from python hello from python a_int= 7 a_float= 7.25 a_real= 7.2597256357e+300 a_list= [7, 7.25, 'abc'] a_list[2]= abc a_tuple= (2, 3, 5, 7) b_tuple= (2, 3, 5, 7) b_tuple[2]= 5 Some Python3 graphics lines_tk.py3 source codecolor1_tk.py3 source code
Files that could move a toy or robot: square.move directions circle.move directions Python to read and graphic .move files move_tk.py3 source code with debug
Last updated 10/24/2021