LSFit 2 variables  Chose a power 1 to 6.
  Provide data in form below to get the least square polynomial
  fit of your data. Or, click on Browse and get your data from a file.
  x and y denote independent variables, u denotes output
u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y for first power, at least 3 data u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y + c3*x*x + c4*x*y + c5*y*y for second power, at least 6 data u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y + c3*x*x + c4*x*y + c5*y*y + c6*x*x*x + c7*x*x*y + c8*x*y*y + c9*y*y*y for third power, at least 10 data c0 to c14 for fourth power, at least 15 data c0 to c20 for fifth power, at least 21 data c0 to c27 for sixth power, at least 28 data


enter your data  x  y  u  each floating point number followed by a space
