LSFit 3 variables  Chose a power 1 to 5.
  Provide data in form below to get the least square polynomial
  fit of your data. Or, click on Browse and get your data from a file.
  x and y denote independent variables, u denotes output
u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y + c3*z for first power, at least 4 data u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y + c3*z + c4*x*x + c5*x*y + c6*x*z + c7*y*y + c8*y*z + c9*z*z for second power, at least 10 data u = c0 + c1*x + c2*y + c3*z + c4*x*x + c5*x*y + c6*x*z + c7*y*y + c8*y*z + c9*z*z + c10*x*x*x + c11*x*x*y + c12*x*x*z + c13*x*y*y + c14*x*y*z + c15*x*z*z + c16*y*y*y + c17*y*y*z + c18*y*z*z + c19*z*z*z for third power, at least 20 data c0 to c24 for fourth power, at least 25 data c0 to c56 for fifth power, at least 57 data


enter your data  x  y  z  u  each floating point number followed by a space
