haskell programming language
Learn from examples
1. Program to output a string, integer, and floating point
exhl1.hs source code
# exhl1.hs example print string, integer, float
-- exhl1.hs example print string, integer, float
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl1.hs running";
print "next line"
print 7
print 'A'
print 37.235E-7
print [[1,2], [3,4,5]]
print (('a',1), ('c', 2, 123.456))
putStr "Hello "
putStr "again"
putStr " and again\n" -- new line works
putStrLn "more lines"
putStrLn ("option "++show(7)++" of show")
print "exhl1.hs finished";
Output from execution:
"haskell exhl1.hs running"
"next line"
Hello again and again
more lines
option 7 of show
"exhl1.hs finished"
2. commands to execute the source code
at a minimum, Windows, Linux, MacOSX.
? exhl1.hs
ghc -o exhl1 exhl1.hs
ghc -o exhl1 exhl1.hs
Sample Makefile:
3. You must be able to declare variables and arrays
and matrix of various types.
exhl3.hs source code
-- exhl3.hs example declare and use variables, list, arrays, matrix
-- variable names must start lower case
-- function names start upper case
vec :: [Double]
vec = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]
mat :: [[Integer]]
mat = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl3.hs running";
let i = 2
putStr "i = "
print i
let name = "any string"
print name
let avec = ["a", "b", "c"]
putStr "avec = "
print avec
let a = sqrt 9.0
putStr "sqrt 9.0 = "
print a
let a = cos pi/2
putStr "cos pi/2 = "
print a
let a = 3 + (-2) + 1
putStr "3 + (-2) + 1 = "
print a
let a = 3 -2 + 1
putStr "3 -2 + 1 = "
print a
putStr "from above "
putStr "vec="
print vec
putStr "mat="
print mat
print "exhl3.hs finished";
Execution output:
"haskell exhl3.hs running"
i = 2
"any string"
avec = ["a","b","c"]
sqrt 9.0 = 3.0
cos pi/2 = -0.5
3 + (-2) + 1 = 2
3 -2 + 1 = 2
from above vec=[1.0,2.0,3.0]
"exhl3.hs finished"
4. You need to be able to have loops, iteration statements
-- exhl4.hs example loops iteration, functions in haskell
sumAll :: (Num a) => [a] -> a -- define function sumALL
sumAll (x:xs) = x + sumAll xs
sumAll [] = 0
a :: [Int]
a = [1, 2, 3]
b :: [Double]
b = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3]
c :: [Int]
c = []
main :: IO ()
print "haskell exhl4.hs running";
print "define and use function sumALL, "
putStr "a = "
print a
putStr "sumALL = "
print (sumAll a)
putStr "b = "
print b
putStr "sumALL = "
print (sumAll b)
putStr "c = "
print c
putStr "sumALL = "
print (sumAll c)
print "exhl4.hs finished";
Execution output:
"haskell exhl4.hs running"
"define and use function sumALL, "
a = [1,2,3]
sumALL = 6
b = [1.1,2.2,3.3]
sumALL = 6.6
c = []
sumALL = 0
"exhl4.hs finished"
5. You need if then else conditional statements
exhl5.hs source code
-- exhl5.hs example if then else, must be in functions in haskell
factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a -- special type, multiple precision
factorial n = if n < 2
then 1
else n * factorial (n - 1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl5.hs running";
print "conditional must be inside function"
putStr "factorial(3) = "
print (factorial(3))
putStr "factorial(20) = "
print (factorial(20))
print "exhl5.hs finished";
Execution output:
"haskell exhl5.hs running"
"conditional must be inside function"
factorial(3) = 6
factorial(20) = 2432902008176640000
"exhl5.hs finished"
6. You need to be able to create functions, procedures,
exhl6.hs source code
-- exhl6.hs example create and use functions
factorial :: (Integral a) => a -> a -- special type, multiple precision
factorial n = if n < 2
then 1
else n * factorial (n - 1)
-- factorial Using recursion (with pattern matching)
factr :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factr 0 = 1
factr n = n * factr (n - 1)
-- Using recursion (with guards)
factrg :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factrg n
| n< 2 = 1
| otherwise = n * factrg (n - 1)
-- Using a list and the "product" function
factp :: (Integral a) => a -> a
factp n = product [1..n]
calc :: String -> [Float] -- define function calc
calc = foldl f [] . words
f (x:y:zs) "+" = y+x:zs
f (x:y:zs) "-" = y-x:zs
f (x:y:zs) "*" = y*x:zs
f (x:y:zs) "/" = y/x:zs
f xs y = read y : xs
a = "2.0 3.0 *"
b = "2.0 3.0 * 1.5 +"
c = "2.0 3.0 * 3.0 0.5 * +"
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl6.hs running";
print "4 versions of factorial function"
putStr "factorial(3) = "
print (factorial(3))
putStr "factorial(20) = "
print (factorial(20))
putStr "factorial(52) = "
print (factorial(52))
putStr "factr(3) = "
print (factr(3))
putStr "factrg(3) = "
print (factrg(3))
putStr "factp(3) = "
print (factp(3))
putStrLn "fact4.hs finished"
print "function calc takes reverse polish expressions"
putStr(a++" = ")
print(calc a)
putStr(b++" = ")
print(calc b)
putStr(c++" = ")
print(calc c)
print "exhl6.hs finished";
Execution output:
"haskell exhl6.hs running"
"4 versions of factorial function"
factorial(3) = 6
factorial(20) = 2432902008176640000
factorial(52) = 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000
factr(3) = 6
factrg(3) = 6
factp(3) = 6
fact4.hs finished
"function calc takes reverse polish expressions"
2.0 3.0 * = [6.0]
2.0 3.0 * 1.5 + = [7.5]
2.0 3.0 * 3.0 0.5 * + = [7.5]
"exhl6.hs finished"
7. You need to be able to read and write files in various formats.
exhl7.hs source code
-- exhl7.hs example read and write files of various types
import System.Environment
split :: String -> [String]
split [] = [""]
split (c:cs) | c == '\n' = "" : rest
| otherwise = (c : head rest) : tail rest
where rest = split cs
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl7.hs running"
print "exhl7.hs two args in command"
[fin,fout] <- getArgs
putStr "arg1 = "
print fin
putStr "arg2 = "
print fout
print "reading file"
s <- readFile fin
print s -- entire file as string new lines
print "writing file"
writeFile fout s
print " "
print "split lines"
let ss = split s
print ss
print " "
let s0 = head ss
print s0
let t0 = tail ss
let s1 = head t0
print s1
let t1 = tail t0
let s2 = head t1
print s2
print " "
print "exhl7.hs finished"
Execution output:
"haskell exhl7.hs running"
"exhl7.hs two args in command"
arg1 = "file.txt"
arg2 = "junk.out"
"reading file"
"first line\nsecond line\nlast line\n"
"writing file"
" "
"split lines"
["first line","second line","last line",""]
" "
"first line"
"second line"
"last line"
" "
"exhl7.hs finished"
8. You need to be able to use a number of files combined to
build a program. This may include packages, libraries,
operating system commands, header files, etc.
exhl8.hs source code
-- exhl8.hs example use libraries
main :: IO ()
main = do
print "haskell exhl8.hs running";
-- coming when known
print "exhl8.hs finished";
Execution output:
"haskell exhl8.hs running"
"exhl8.hs finished"
Last updated 9/19/2019