last edited: 2/20 12:10am
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Class: MW 5:30PM - 6:45PM in Math & Psychology 008 (1/27-5/13/2025), Instructor: Bedrich Sousedik
Recommended Textbook: Donald G. Saari, Mathematics of Finance: An Intuitive Introduction, Springer, series Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics, 2019
Prerequisite: You must complete Math225 and Math251 with a grade of C or better before you can enroll in this class.
The detailed class syllabus (pdf) is here. However, look below to see the actual progress of the class.
Topics: 1. Gambles: recalling basics of probability, arbitrage, hedging. 2. Options: calls, puts, put-call parity. 3. Modeling in finance and the Efficient Market Hypothesis. 4. More probability and Ito's lemma. 5. Black-Scholes equation - conversion to heat equation - solutions - the Greeks 6. Optional topics: exotic options, bonds, numerics for stochastic differential equations.
1/27 Introduction. 1.1 A football game, hedging, arbitrage.
1/31 1.1 Hedging without arbitrage. 1.2 Expected value and variance, standard form. 1.3 Fair bets and ensuring profit, horse racing. Hw 1 (due 2/5).
2/3 2.1 Calls: long, short (covered).
2/5 2.1 Calls: short (uncovered). 2.2 Puts. 2.3 Hedging: straddle and strangle. Hw 2 (due 2/12).
2/10 2.3 Designing portfolios. 2.4 Present value of money.
2/12 No class (Due to snow.)
2/17 2.4 Put-call parity. 2.5 Information gained. Hw 3 (due 2/24).
2/19 2.4 Put-call parity. 2.5 Information gained. Exercises.
2/24 3.1 Assumptions and modeling. 3.2 Efficient market hypothesis. Hw 4 (due 3/3).