Our group is working with a marine bacterium
named Teredinobacter Turnirae (the background shown here is a phase-contrast
microscopic image of the same bacterium captured by NIH Imaging System).
The marine nature and unique biochemical characteristics of the bacterium
(the bacterium produces two enzymes i.e. cellulase and protease with unique
characteristics of wide pH and temperature stability in addition to high
salt tolerance) makes it a fascinating candidate for bioprocess engineering
research. Our work involves studying bioprocess strategies to maximize
the production of the enzymes and optimizing the purification process for
the enzymes.
The bacterium has been observed to show pleomorphism.
Our future efforts aim at understanding the impact of morphology on the
growth of the bacterium and the enzyme production.
My research collaborator in this work is Gisela
M. Ferreira. This work is being done under the supervision of my advisor
Antonio R. Moreira.
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