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In the Winter of 1995, Father Bob Albright, Catholic Campus Minister at Towson University in Maryland along with his Newman Council debated and considered the possibility of establishing a College Council of the Knights of Columbus at the Newman Center. After a few months of positive reactions to the idea, a session was set up on July 6, 1995 with Don Geiger, Chairman of the College Council Development in Maryland. Presentations, questions, and dialogue between the Newman Council and the KofC representatives ensued.

Father Bob and his Council had four major reasons why they wished to establish such a
College Council:

1) Fraternities and Sororities are on the rise on College Campuses. What better way to fulfill this need than by establishing a fraternity whose purpose and existence exemplifies the same as Catholic Ministry to Higher Education.

2) To build up the male population of Catholic Campus Ministry here at the Newman Center.

3) To add some financial stability to the Ministry through KofC activities, fundraising and scholarships for college students.

4) That a KofC College Council could be molded to our philosophy, needs and resources here at the Towson Newman Center.

In the Fall of 1995, the Towson University Newman Center Catholic Campus Ministry Council voted to establish a College Council of the KofC as part of its ministry. Following plans and preparations, a first meeting for interested prospective candidates was held on February 18, 1996. After a positive response to this meeting, officers were chosen and membership increased to the 30 necessary to establish a Council. We named ourselves the Cardinal Newman Council, received our 1st Degree and awaited recognition by the Supreme Council. On November 10, 1996 we were installed as a Council by State officials and in June 1997 received #12001 from Supreme.

Since the Council was established we have spent a lot of time studying and learning about the inner workings of the KofC bureaucracy (dues, bank account, forms, etc.). However, we have also done some quality activities such as: Establishing a Male Spirituality Group; picnic dialogue on the text of the First Degree ceremony; Tootsie Roll Drive; Day of Recollection; 30 Hour Famine; Mardi Gras; Vocation Night; Respect Life Night; Oktoberfest; Halloween; St. Patrick Irish Dancing; adding 5 new recruits to our original Charter members; forming a basketball team and tournament with other KofC Councils; Black History Month presentations; Holocaust Remembrance Week Planning Committee; and other similar endeavors.

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