Plotting tubes

This section describes dynagraph's tubeplot() command for plotting tubes around curves in space. It takes a curve description as in spacecurve() but instead of drawing the curve, draws a tube of constant circular cross-section around the curve.

The radius of the cross-sectional area can be specified with the tuberadius=r option. The default tuberadius is 1.0. The number of points to use to draw a cross-section can be set with the tubepoints=n option. The default tubepoints is 16. The number of points to use along the axis of the tube can be set with the numpoints=n option. The default numpoints is 60.

The tubeplot() command

    tubeplot([f, g, h], t=a..b);

       f, g, h: are expressions in t

Numerous optional arguments can modify the default appearance of the tube. These are described in Plotting Options.

Multiple tubes can be plotted with one tubeplot command by enclosing their definitions in curly braces {...}.


    > tubeplot([cos(t), sin(t), 0], t=0..2*Pi, tuberadius=1/2);
    > tubeplot({[cos(t), sin(t), t], [-cos(t), -sin(t), t]}, t=0..2*Pi);
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