Beamer recognizes images in any of the pdf, png and jpg formats. (Note that PostScript is not among these.)
In the following sample we include three pictures side-by-side in a slide.
% graphics.tex \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Copenhagen} \begin{document} \begin{frame}{Graphics} Here we include three images, one each of PDF, PNG, and JPG types. \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{image1.pdf} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{image2.png} \includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{image3.jpg} \end{center} \end{frame} \end{document}
Here is the result:
When you create an image with the intention of including it in a Beamer document, it is best if you save it in one of the pdf, png or jpg formats that are recognizable by Beamer.4 This is sometimes not possible. For instance, you may have downloaded the image from somewhere and it is in the gif format.
The department’s computer facilities provide a large number of utilities for converting and modifying graphical images.
To convert an Encapsulated PostScript image to pdf, do:
epstopdf filename.eps
This will produce a file named filename.pdf.5
The general-purpose convert
command converts from any graphics format
to any other graphics format. For instance, to convert a gif file
to the png format, do:
convert filename.gif filename.png
Similarly, to convert a tiff file to jpg, do:
convert filename.tiff filename.jpg
In fact, we can have convert
take over
the job of epstopdf
as well, as in:
convert filename.eps filename.pdf
however in my experience epstopdf
produces better results.
4 The png format works best for line drawings, such as graphs of functions in 2D. The jpg format works best with gradually varying shades, such as the photograph of a person’s face.
5 The epstopdf
utility is a perl
that calls ghostscript
to do the actual conversion. In
many Linux distributions it is bundled with the main
TeX/LaTeX package.
6 The convert
utility is a part of ImageMagick
suite of graphics manipulation utilities.