10  The UMBC tribullet markers

The umbctribullets package provides attractive triangular markers for itemized lists. To set itemization bullets to UMBC tribullets, put the command \useinnertheme{umbctribullets} in the preamble.

This works not only with UMBC themes but also all other Beamer themes as well. In the following example we use umbctribullets with Beamer’s default theme:

% umbctribullets-demo.tex

\begin{frame}{UMBC tribullet markers}

\item item 1
    \item item 1
        \item item 1
        \item item 2
        \item item 3
    \item item 2
    \item item 3
    \item item 4
\item item 2
\item item 3
\item item 4



The default colors may be changed using the command \umbctribulletscolors command which takes three arguments, corresponding to nesting level of the markers. (Tribullet markers are not available beyond three nesting levels.) As an example:


The default tribullet colors are defined as:


For the meaning of orange!40!yellow see Blending Colors.