Using Touch to Support Physical Activity in Slow Walking Conditions


A mobile tactile exertion interface has been developed which enables older adults to monitor and modify their walking habits, with the long-term aim of sustaining appropriate levels of physical activity. Empirical studies were conducted with older adults to determine the feasibility of the proposed solution. Findings indicated that tactile signals could be perceived while in motion and could support participants in walking at a range of paces. Diary studies were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the solution over a longer period of time. Our results highlight the benefits of integrating tactile feedback with mobile exertion applications.


More recent work has focused on comparing different tri-axial accelerometer solutions to determine their efficacy for slow walking conditions.


System Development

Nokia N95 device

Mobile device with application is affixed to the waist

Nokia N95 device (

Mobile device with application is affixed to the waist






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