CMSC 104, Section 01, Fall 2016
Problem Solving and Computer Programming

Project 6

Due Date: Tuesday, November 15th @ 5:30 PM

Point Value: This project is graded with a 75 point max score.


To become more familiar with:

  1. (35 points) To help Issac Newton with his gravity experiments, you must write a program called campusid_grav.c for calculating the position of a falling object at given time intervals. The program should take as input from Sir Issac the initial height from which the object is dropped, and the change in time for printing the position.

    The physics of the system are simple. Let h0 be the initial height of the object, let Δt be the size of the time intervals for calculating the new height, and let g be a constant acceleration due to gravity. Then,

    h1 = h(Δt) = h0 - g(Δt)2
    h2 = h(2Δt) = h0 - g(2Δt)2
    h3 = h(3Δt) = h0 - g(3Δt)2
    ht+1 = h((t+1)Δt) = h0 - g((t+1)Δt)2

    The program should prompt the user for a positive starting height and a positive change in time (i.e. Δt). The constant of acceleration should be

    #define G 9.8

    The program should output the starting time (0.0), the starting height, and then all subsequent times (Δt, 2Δt, 3Δt, ...) and the heights at each time. The program should terminate once the height reaches 0 or passes below 0, printing the ending position of 0.0. You do not need to worry about units. As an example, the following is the output for h0 = 10 and Δt = 0.2.

    0.0	10.00
    0.2	9.60
    0.4	8.43
    0.6	6.47
    0.8	3.72
    1.0	0.20
    1.2	0.00

  2. (40 points) Create a program called campusid_arith.c to calculate arithmetic tables for the operations +, -, *, and /. Using a menu, have the user select the operator of choice. Once the operator is selected, the user should be prompted for an operand range in [1,100]. The user will need to input both a minimum value (min) for the range and a maximum value (max) for the range. Error checking should be used to ensure that min is less than max and that min and max are between 1 and 100 inclusive. Once the user input is collected, the program should calculate the arithmetic table for the selected operator in the range of integer values and print the results in a nicely formatted table.

    As an example, for the operand + and an input range of [3,7], the nicely formatted output table would be

    +       3       4       5       6       7
    3       6       7       8       9       10
    4       7       8       9       10      11
    5       8       9       10      11      12
    6       9       10      11      12      13
    7       10      11      12      13      14

    While it is possible to accomplish this various ways, you MUST employ a switch instruction for using the various operators. Be sure to test your program for all operators and various ranges of values. Note: the / operator requires the output to be floating-point -- in this case, display the result to two decimal places.

  3. (10 points EXTRA CREDIT) Create a copy of your campusid_arith.c called campusid_arith_enhanced.c and modify it such that the user can enter a maximum value less than the given minimum value to display an arithmetic table with values in descending order instead of ascending order. The user should still be able to enter a maximum value greater than a minimum value and get the same result displayed by the original campusid_arith.c; in other words, your campusid_arith_enhanced.c should function exactly like campusid_arith.c with the additional capability of displaying values in descending order.

    As an example, for the operand + and an input range of [7,3], the nicely formatted output table would be

    +       7       6       5       4       3
    7       14      13      12      11      10
    6       13      12      11      10      9
    5       12      11      10      9       8
    4       11      10      9       8       7
    3       10      9       8       7       6

When you have finished, submit your campusid_grav.c, campusid_arith.c, and (optionally) campusid_arith_enhanced.c files using the following commands:

curl -L -F file=@campusid_grav.c

curl -L -F file=@campusid_arith.c

(optional) curl -L -F file=@campusid_arith_enhanced.c

Additionally, email your campusid_grav.c, campusid_arith.c, and campusid_arith_enhanced.c files as an attachment to using the subject line Project Submission - 6 - Lastname, Firstname, replacing Lastname, Firstname with your name.

Last Modified: November 10th, 2016 6:23 PM