Mr. Park's CMSC341 Sections Homepage

Section 01: Tuesday & Thursday, 10:00am – 11:15am, ITE 233

Section 02: Tuesday & Thursday, 1:00pm – 2:15pm, Fine Arts 014


Your grade is based on 6 programming projects, 6 homework assignments, 2 in-class exams and the final exam. The points are distributed as follows:

points # Total
Project 0 3 1 3
Project 1-5 7 5 35
Homework 1-6 2 6 12
Exam 1 & 2 15 2 30
Final Exam 20 1 20
Total: 100

Your final letter grade is based on the standard formula:

0 ≤ F < 60 ≤ D < 70 ≤ C < 80 ≤= B < 90 ≤ A ≤ 100.

These levels may be adjusted slightly in your favor, but grades will not be “curved” in the conventional sense.

Your grade is given for timely work done during the semester; incomplete grades will only be given for medical illness or other such dire circumstances.


Note that the due dates for the projects and the dates of the exams are already set. See calendar below. Please plan your schedules accordingly. Makeup exams will be given only under the most dire circumstances (almost never).

Reading Schedule

Date Topic Reading Lecture Notes
Tue 01/30Introduction L01-Intro-topics-JP.pdf
Thu 02/01Memory & ProcessesChap 1 & 2L02-Dynamic Memory and Pointers-JP.pdf
Tue 02/06Project 1, Circular Queues3.4
Thu 02/08Linked Lists vs Arrays3.1 - 3.2L04-Lists -Gibson-JP.pdf
Tue 02/13Running TimesChapter 4L05-Asymptotic Analysis.pdf
Thu 02/15STL Stacks & QueuesChapter 5, 6L06-STL-Stacks-Queues.pdf
Tue 02/20more Stacks & Queues, Pointers
Thu 02/22TreesChapter 7L09-Trees-Intro.pdf
Tue 02/27Binary Search Trees, Project 210.1 L10-Binary-Search-Trees.pdf
Thu 03/01more BSTs 
Tue 03/06AVL Trees10.2 L11-AVLTrees.pdf
Thu 03/08AVL Trees, Splay Trees10.3 L12-SplayTrees.pdf
Tue 03/13Midterm 1 Review Midterm topic list
Thu 03/15Midterm Exam 1 
Tue 03/20Spring Break 
Thu 03/22Spring Break 
Tue 03/27Project 3 out 
Thu 03/29Splay Trees, Red-Black Trees10.5 L13-RedBlackTrees.pdf
Tue 04/03Red-Black Trees   
Thu 04/05HeapsChapter 8 L14-Priority Queues and Heaps-JP.pdf
Tue 04/10More Heaps  L15-Leftist-Heaps-JP.pdf
Thu 04/12Project 4 
Tue 04/17Hash Tables9.1-9.2 L16-Hashes-all-JP.pdf
Thu 04/19Hash Tables 
Tue 04/24Midterm 2 Review  Midterm 2 topic list
Thu 04/26Exam 2 
Tue 05/01Project 5 
Thu 05/03Sorting11.1-11.3 L18a-MergeSort.pdf
Tue 05/08More Sorting,
Average Running Time
Thu 05/10Disjoint Sets11.4 L20-Disjoint-Sets.pdf
Tue 05/15Final Exam Review  Final Exam topic list