Dr. Raff's CMSC341 Sections Homepage

Section 08: Tuesday & Thursday, 5:30pm – 6:45pm, Math & Psych 103

Dr. Raff's office hours: See after class or email for appointment


Your grade is based on 6 programming projects, 6 homework assignments, 2 in-class exams and the final exam. The points are distributed as follows:

points # Total
Project 0 3 1 3
Project 1-5 7 5 35
Homework 1-6 2 6 12
Exam 1 & 2 15 2 30
Final Exam 20 1 20
Total: 100

Your final letter grade is based on the standard formula:

0 ≤ F < 60 ≤ D < 70 ≤ C < 80 ≤= B < 90 ≤ A ≤ 100.

I will reserve the right to curve grades if an exam was made too difficult, but are not guaranteed.

Your grade is given for timely work done during the semester; incomplete grades will only be given for medical illness or other such dire circumstances.


Note that the due dates for the projects and the dates of the exams are already set. See the "Schedule" tab under the course-wide home page. Please plan your schedules accordingly. Makeup exams will be given only under the most dire circumstances (almost never).

Lecture Schedule

Below is the intended lecture schedule, check it regularly for changes. Slides will be made available via blackboard. "Extra Materials" are not required, but may aid you if you want additional help / materials to better understand the topic.

Date Topic Reading Extra Materials
1: Thu 08/30 Introduction  
2: Tue 09/04 Memory & Processes Chap 1 & 2 video on stack vs heap
info on pointers to objects
3: Thu 09/06 Running Times Chapter 4
4: Tue 09/11 Project 1; Linked Lists vs Arrays 3.1 - 3.2
5: Thu 09/13 STL Stacks & Queues Chapter 5, 6
6: Tue 09/18 Circular Queues 3.4
7: Thu 09/20 more Stacks & Queues, Pointers
8: Tue 09/25 Project 2 10.1
9: Thu 09/27 Trees Chapter 7
10: Tue 10/02 Binary Search Trees, Project 2
11: Thu 10/04 AVL Trees 10.2
12: Tue 10/9 Midterm 1 Review  
13: Thu 10/11 Midterm Exam 1  
14: Tue 10/16 Project 3  
15: Thu 10/18 AVL Trees, Splay Trees 10.3
16: Tue 10/23 Splay Trees, Red-Black Trees 10.5
17: Thu 10/25 Red-Black Trees    
18: Tue 10/30 Project 4  
19: Thu 11/01 Heaps Chapter 8
20: Tue 11/06 More Heaps  
21: Thu 11/08 Hash Tables 9.1-9.2
22: Tue 11/13 Hash Tables  
23: Thu 11/15 Midterm 2 Review  
24: Tue 11/20 Exam 2    
Thu 11/22 Thanksgiving  
25: Tue 11/27 Project 5  
26: Thu 11/29 Sorting 11.1-11.3
27: Tue 12/04 More Sorting,
Average Running Time
28: Thu 12/06 Disjoint Sets 11.4
29: Tue 12/11 Final Exam Review  
Thu 12/13 Common Final Exam
3:30pm – @5:30pm
  Exams will be held in
SOND 409 and ENGR 027