People Faculty and Staff
UMBC Physics Department and Tel: 410-455 2764, FAX: 410-455 1072 Physics Bldg. room 429 Faculty page: http://physics.umbc.edu/bios/martins/index.php e-mail: martins@umbc.edu
Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA GSFC Physics Bldg. room 416 Tel: 301-614 6187, FAX: 301-614 6307 e-mail: rfborda@umbc.edu
Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA GSFC Tel: 410-455 1987, FAX: 410-455 1072 Physics Bldg. room 416 e-mail: cieslak@umbc.edu Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA GSFC Bldg. 33 room A214 Tel: 301-614 6194, FAX: 301-614 6307 e-mail: Lorraine.A.Remer@nasa.gov Post Docs top Alexandre L.
Correia, Post Doc, ORAU Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA GSFC Tel: 301-614 6226, FAX: 410-614 6307 Physics, Room 416 e-mail: Alexandre.Correia@nasa.gov Tianle Yuan, Post Doc, JCET Climate and Radiation Branch, NASA GSFC Tel: 301-614
6185, FAX: 410-614 6307 e-mail: tianle.yuan@gmail.com Manfredo Tabacniks, Goddard Visiting Fellow and Senior Research
Scientist (GEST) Tel: 410-455-2528, FAX: 410-614 6307 Physics, Room 432 e-mail: manfredo@umbc.edu Home
Institution: Department of Applied Physics, Graduate
Students top Zahra Chaudhry, Graduate Research Assistant Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science 2107-Computer and e-mail: zahra@atmos.umd.edu
Physics, Room e-mail: sbuczkowski@umbc.edu Li Zhu Physics, Room e-mail: zhuli1@umbc.edu
Physics, Room e-mail: gdolgos@umbc.edu
Physics, Room e-mail: limadri1@umbc.edu Undergraduate Students top Naomi Wolford Undergraduate Associate Tyler Schmitz Undergraduate Associate James Gerity Undergraduate Associate |