PHYS 122H – Spring 2010

Honors Introductory Physics II


Course Project

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  • Introduction to the Phys 122H course project

Students are supposed to propose and work on a small course project for the Honors Introductory Physics II discussion class. The project grade will account for 1/3 of the final grade. The project can be experimental, theoretical, conceptual, computational, etc, and it is encouraged to be related to a research project in which the student is involved or is interested in getting involved with. Although the project may or may not be completely finished by the end of the course, students are supposed to present a brief final report that describes the idea, the developments executed along the course, and plans for continuation (if the project is to continue). The main requirement is that the subject of the project must be related to material covered in class.

Students are encouraged to connect this project with other activities they may be already involved with (other courses, research opportunities, etc.).


More information will be posted here as it becomes available.



·       Student groups will be required to make a presentation of their project at the end of the course. The presentation will be scheduled at the end of the semester.


·       The project must be connected to the subjects covered in class. In particular, the project must be included in the topics of thermodynamics, electric charges, electricity, electrical circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic waves.