Policy on Attendance
Students are strongly encouraged to attend all the discussion sessions.
Much of the material discussed in class is not in your textbook. Students
should bring a notebook to class and take notes of the most important points.
note on Classroom Etiquette: You are expected to show the professor
and your fellow students respect. You are expected to arrive prior to the
start of the lecture, and not to leave until after the end of the lecture.
You are expected to pay attention to the lecture, and usually to take
notes. Behavior such as reading non-course related material, wearing headphones,
disrupting fellow students etc are unacceptable. If you need
to clarify a point with your neighbor, please do so in a "hushed
manner". You are encouraged to ask questions, but to do so you are
expected to raise your hand & wait to be called upon.
Please turn cell-phones OFF prior to entering the lecture hall.
Please do NOT use laptops or PDAs during class
Policy on Exams &
Make sure you read & understand the "rules" and consequences
of academic misconduct (see below).
Policy on Grading etc
Dr Martins will determine all final grades. Your final grade is based on your
actual total score. The grade will account for 15% of Phys122 Lectures (60 points)
Grade Distribution: Homework (20
points), Projects (20 points), Class participation and quizzes (20 points)
have one week from receiving a grade to appeal.
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Academic (Mis)Conduct
Cheating will not be tolerated. We all
know what that means, so I am not going to list all the possible "dos
& donts". However here are a few pointers:
& Exams (when apply) are to be completed alone (not with the help of your neighbors), aided
only by a (non-programmable) calculator (no notes, books, PDAs etc).
Lab Reports (when apply) are to be completed by yourself and must acurately reflect the
experiment you performed & results as you obtained (not
the results you think you should have obtained).
A note on academic integrity:
By enrolling in
this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active
participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which
everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty.
Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts
are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct
could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to,
suspension or dismissal.
consequences of misconduct will be severe, and may be reported to the
Academic Conduct Committee. See also this link on academic integrity.
If you are uncertain as to whether something is allowed: ASK FIRST!!