Demos, links, and programs
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Presentations, figures and
Notes |
Instructor: Dr. Jose Vanderlei
Martins |
Lectures Time/Place: |
Grading Method: Final Exam (25%), Mid-Term Exam (25%), Project (25%), Homework (25%) |
Required Textbook: G. E.
Thomas and K. Stamnes, 1999: Radiative Transfer in the Atmosphere and Ocean, |
Additional Textbooks: (not required) -R. M. Goody and Y. L. Yung, 1989: Atmospheric Radiation, Theoretical Basis, -K. N. Liou, 2002: An Introduction to Atmospheric Radiation, 2nd edition, Academic Press, 583 pp. |
Additional Textbooks: (not required) -G. W.
Petty, 2004: A First Course in
Atmospheric Radiation, Sundog Publishing, 446 pp. -3D Radiative Transfer in Cloudy Atmospheres. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York, edited by: Marshak, A. and Davis, A., ©2005, 686, 2005. |
Obs: A number of www-based aides, summary notes, etc. will be available but the students are always encouraged to take their own notes. |
Course Syllabus
Prerequisites: PHYS602, PHYS604, PHYS605, PHYS607, PHYS621, PHYS622. Course Description and
Objectives: The
main topics covered by this course include (not necessarily in this order): - Role of radiation in climate. Concept of extinction. Radiative quantities: optical path, extinction coefficients, intensity, flux. - Classical viewpoint of light-matter interactions. Thermodynamic equilibrium. Planck’s law. Wien’s law. Stefan-Boltzmann law. - Scattering by spherical particles. Rayleigh scattering. Mie scattering. - Phase functions. Legendre expansion. d-scaling. Optical properties of clouds and aerosols. - Publicly available RT tools. Class demonstrations. - Development of RT equation with scattering and emission. Solution of RT equation with no scattering. Atmospheric heating and cooling rates. Atmospheric sounding. - Solutions of the RT equation with scattering (1). Two-stream. d-Eddington. - Solutions of the RT equation with scattering (2). Accurate methods (1D). -
3D radiative transfer. - Vibration-rotation spectra. Link to QM interpretation. - Line shape. Broadening of spectral lines. Spectral absorption by the Earth’s atmospheric constituents. - Transmission by single line. Band absorption. Band models. - Broadband RT. Line-by-line. Transmission in homogeneous media. k-distribution method. - Transmission in inhomogeneous media. Scaling approximations. Correlated k-distribution method. - Cloud heating and cooling profiles. - Role of radiation in climate revisited. Role of gases. Role of clouds. Role of aerosols. Forcings. Feedbacks. Models for climate studies. Recent observations. Note:
The emphasis on a given topic or the course content may vary according to
specific interests of the class and links with special events on Atmospheric
Radiation. |
Phys 721 Calendar - Fall
Students are expected to be familiar with the Policies & Expectations of this course, and all UMBC regulations. |