PHYS 650 – Special Topics on Experimental Atmospheric Physics

Spring 2009



Additional Assignments


Requested date


Due date




General Reading assignments:

1-      Fact Sheet on EPA’s Particulate Matter Standard


2- Air Quality Index Reporting and Significant Harm Level for Fine Particulate Matter






Special Problem to be turned in as part of next week’s short report.



02/10/09 before noon




-         Short weekly report and this week’s HW (see class 3 ppt file)


-         Reading Assignment:  read the reference material related to class #3 indicated in the “Material Covered in Class” link. This will help you to prepare for next class.



02/17/09 before noon




Read the SBDART material on the “presentations, demos, links, and programs” link.







In preparation for next experimental class you must read these 3 articles and interpret them. In the first 15 minutes of next class there will be a short quiz with questions related to these texts:


- Read Appendix E (text given in class) of the Thomas and Stamnes book on Atmospheric Radiative transfer.


- Read the original article by Cox and Munk, 1954 on the reflection of the sunglint


- Read the paper by Gatebe at al. 2005 on measurements of the sunglint with the aircraft CAR instrument.


Additional Optional References: the following papers are also connected with the experiment that we will perform on next class. We recommend that you read at least the paper on Laboratory BRDF measurements by Georgiev et al, 2008.


You should at least browse through these other papers and try interpreting their figures.


-         Maignan et al., 2004 – BRDF measurements with Polder

-         Tsay et al. 1998 – BRDF measurements in the Amazon

-         Arnold et al 2002 -  BRDF measurements in Tundra and ICE

-         Soulen et al 2000 – BRDF measurements in the Great Dismal Swamp.



