PHYS 224 - Introductory Physics III

Oscillations and Waves

Spring 2008


Course Project




  • Introduction to the Phys 224 course project

Students are supposed to propose and work on a small course project for the Phys 224 class. The project grade will account as part of the 15% of the grade attributed to “quizzes and projects”. The project can be experimental, theoretical, conceptual, computational, etc. and should preferentially be performed in groups of 2 students. Although the project may or may not be completely finished by the end of the course, the groups are supposed to present a brief final report that describes the idea, the developments executed along the course, and plans for continuation (if the project is to continue). The main requirement is that the subject of the project must be related to material covered in class.

Students are encouraged to connect this project with other activities they may be already involved (other courses, research opportunities (see link in the main page), etc.).


More information will be posted here as it becomes available.



Ideas for the Phys 224 course project:

Any project idea related with oscillations and waves can be considered for the course project. Each project must be discussed a priori with the instructor and within our capabilities, available resources will be provided to allow students to perform experimental projects.


Here are some ideas of valid course projects but, any other idea can be considered and should be presented to the instructor:

  • Produce a short movie (or tutorial) describing the tuning forks/sound spectrograph demonstration shown in class

A camera and basic materials will be provided.

  • Study light reflection in a water tank with and without waves (the sunglint concept)

Basic material can be provided for this experiment.

  • Produce, measure, and study rainbow patterns

Further instruction will be provided.

  • Build a sound interferometer and study the interference of sound waves

Further instruction will be provided.

  • Explore vibrations in musical instruments

Discuss with instructor.

  • Perform the mathematical modeling  and explanation of oscillatory phenomena present in nature

Discuss with instructor.

  • Produce tutorials or applets for the demonstration of oscillatory phenomena

Discuss with instructor.

  • Produce a tutorial (or presentation) describing interesting oscillatory phenomena and its interpretation

Discuss with instructor.

  • Perform simple experiments with diffraction and interference in optics, or with mechanical waves

Discuss with instructor.

  • Use Fourier transform to explore the superposition of oscillatory phenomena

Further instruction will be provided.