Notes and Highlights:

02/10/2010 – UMBC closure: As you all know we have been hammered pretty hard by the snow and UMBC has been closed for several days. I want to setup a plan so that you can continue studying efficiently during this period. I have sent a message to each student with instructions on how we will continue this course. If you have not received my message, please send me an e-mail and I will add you to the list.


02/10/2010 – Make sure you hit the refresh bottom in each link that you visit.


 Course Info

  Course Syllabus

  Course Calendar

  Policies & Expectations

  Opportunities in undergraduate research

  Material Covered in Class

  Homework assignments

  Course project

  Demos, links, and programs to download

  Presentations, figures and Notes


Instructor:     Dr. Jose Vanderlei Martins

Office Hours:                          

Physics Building – room 429     

Phone: 410-455 2764                                         


Lectures Time/Place:
Tu:  8:30-10:20 in PHYS226 tutorial center

Grade:  15% of Phys122 Lectures (60 points)

Homework (20 points), Projects (20 points), Class participation and quizzes (20 points) 

Class Notes:  Though some course materials will be distributed in class and made available online, the students are encouraged to have a notebook and take notes during classes. Several of the discussions based on real time questions have information that should be noted by the students.

Textbooks: The textbook requirement is the same as the Phys 122 Introductory Physics II Lecture course

Course SyllabusSame as Phys 122 Lecture


·  PHYS 122H

(from Catalog)


Honors Introductory Physics II - Discussions
This course emphasizes electricity, magnetism, heat and thermodynamics. Topics include Coulomb's law, Gauss's law, electric fields and electric potential, currents, simple circuits and Kirchhoff's laws, generation of magnetic fields by charges in motion, electromagnetic induction, magnetic materials, oscillatory circuits, temperature, heat and the laws of thermodynamics. Prerequisite: PHYS 121.


Phys 122H Calendar - Spring 2010

Feb 2

First Day of Classes

Feb 9

Last day to add a class

Feb 23

Last day to drop a class without a grade “W”

Mar 13-21

Spring Break

Apr 14

Last day to drop with “W”


Project presentations

May 11

Last day of classes

Students are expected to be familiar with the Policies & Expectations of this course, and all UMBC regulations.