The following are a list
of Internet links to information on Alfred Hitchcock. They contain filmographies,
critical commentary, reviews, stills and film clips which you will find both
useful and amusing.
Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense. A good site for information and links to other sites.
The Hitchcock Page. Another good collection of imformation on the director.
The MacGuffin Homepage. The site of The MacGuffin Magazine (Australia) which contains references to useful secondary materials.
Alfred Hitchcock, la legende du suspense. An outstanding French site devoted to the director. It contains stills and summaries of individual films, a bibliography, and an interesting commentary on his film music.
Multimedia Hitchcock. A site which will offer multimedia information on Alfred Hitchcock. It is still under construction, but promises to be very useful. Don't miss it.
Hitchcock Online. An excellent source for the many Hitchcock websites not included here.
Here is a list of Hitchcock's cameo appearances in his films.
A fact sheet for the Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV series (plots, casts of characters, broadcast dates, etc.)
Click here for a complete Alfred Hitchcock Filmography.
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