Seminar in Literature and Culture: Hollywood Films and the Cold War, 1946-1990
Course Requirements
The Grade for English 448/648 will be based on four pieces pf work:
1. A journal in which you record your comments on the films viewed both in class and out of class. Ordinarily the journal entry for each film should be from 400-500 words in length. These journals will be collected on Thursdays marked on the syllabus.
2. A five-page (2,400 word) critical essay in which you discuss the impact of Cold War politics on a film not discussed in class. Please discuss your selected film with me before beginning your project. See the syllabus for due date.
3. A group report presented to the seminar.
4. A final research paper which will be due on May 14th. The topic for your should be chosen by April 20th.
If you have any questions concerning the assignments, please contact me at landon@gl.umbc.edu .