Narrative Forms
Group Report Schedule, Fall, 2000
Each group report should serve as an introduction to your texts. That is you should offer the class some background information, duscuss what you see as the narrative and thematic center of the texts, and then focus briefly on the assigned topic (which is related to the class discussions the week of the report).
You may divide the work in any way you think best, but it is important that you work together to clarify your ideas and decide on what material to present to the class. If you have any questions about preparing your report please stop by my office or e-mail me to discuss your problem.
Scroll down the list to find your group.
Group Report #1: October 2nd.
Focus: The thematic and narrative significance of the setting in "Winter Dreams."
Erika Reinthaler ereint1@umbc.edu
Toby Green tgreen2@gl.umbc.edu
Group #2: October 9th.
Focus: the ways in which the narrator serves to color and shape the audiences understanding of the events and the characters "Araby."
Roslyn Honsberger roshons@aol.com
Kim Corbel RKC2@erols.com
Lindsey Borys Linds75380@aol.com
Group #3: October 23rd.
Focus: The social and political circumstances of America in the 1880s which are reflected in "A White Heron."
Debbie Wischmann DPSYCH2B@aol.com
Jill Dauber jdaube1@umbc.edu
Laura Espinosa chamonks@att.net
Group #4: October 30.
Focus: Ford's transformation of Johnson's short story "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" into a comment on the coming of civilization to the western frontier.
Andreia Neto aneto1@gl.umbc.edu
Tabby Earley tarasunflo@aol.com
Kathleen Morlan kathiecm@aol.com
Group #5: November 13th.
Focus: Rescue fantasies: the thematic significance of the similarities and differences between Wade Whitehouse (Affliction) and John McClane (Die Hard).
Jennifer Phillips all_smiles99@hotmail.com
Ramal Jenkins LangPL@hotmail.com
Katie Collins cinderellakt@juno.com
Group #6: November 27th.
Focus: Francis Ford Coppola's use of Conrad's Heart of Darkness to Comment on the war in Vietnam in Apocalypse Now.
Amy Trickey quango13@aol.com
Shannon Watts swatts2@umbc.edu
Casey Miller cmille1@gl.umbc.edu