Feb 24, 1997

By Richard Jensen

Professor of History U of Illinois-Chicago

Table of Contents
click on the category

  1. -- Search the WWW
    1. YAHOO: Yahoo, a commercial operation, is the most useful starting point. It adds 1000+ sites every day
    2. Yahoo's excellent guide to popular & semipopular history resources:
    3. AltaVista: most powerful search tool; may produce too many hits
    4. Webcrawler excellent searches
    5. METACRAWLER simultaneously uses several search engines
    6. LYCOS good searches
    7. EXCITE good conceptual searches
    Table of Contents


  2. Area Studies

  3. Demography
    1. Census: using US Census (1950-1990) for class projects
    2. Demographic resources an excellent guide
    3. Demographic statistics OPR at Princeton, with historic data
    4. Essex Social Science Data Archives Leading British data archive, with much historical data
    5. Ethnicity, migration EDCOMER - the European Documentation Centre and Observatory on Migration and Ethnic Relations
    6. General Social Survey [annual poll of USA] superb guide to social science citations & abstracts of all studies that used this major data base. The complete GSS can even be downloaded
    7. Historical Geography from AAG
    8. Maison des Sciences de l'Homme
    9. Sociological Research Online e-journal

  4. Education


  5. History: General
    1. U of Kansas Lynn Nelson's excellent guide to history sources.
    2. Assoc for History and Computing Very good collection of texts, esp for US politics and diplomacy
    3. Canadian Journal of History full text of scholarly articles on non-Canadian topics
    4. Early Church enyclopedia
    5. full text of articles from popular history magazines
    6. French Les programmes officiels d'Histoire des colleges et lycees francais
    7. German Social history
    8. H-Net pages for 70+ email lists
    9. Hanover College: Historical texts and documents, a very ambitious approach to putting translated documents and secondary works on- line for undergraduate history classes
    10. Historical Text Archive; equally ambitious; worldwide, esp Latin America
    11. History of Science/Technology/Medicine
    12. Labor history
    13. ORB Medieval Studies
    14. NCSS National Council for Social Studies
    15. Tennessee-Tech: with many additional links
    16. US/World History Standards full text of Standards
    17. Victoria Research Web; 19c Britain
    18. World War I documents

  6. History: US
    1. 1950s course, & excerpts
    2. American Social History Project,
    3. Another good source from Virginia with many links
    4. Center for Military History (includes full-length books, esp the "Army Green Series" of official ww2 histories)
    5. Chicago Fire Impressive exhibit from Chicago Historical Society and Northwestern U.
    6. Civil War Center at LSU
    7. Early American History
    8. Early National: E-Journal
    9. George Washington Papers
    10. historical US documents
    11. Immigration History Research Center
    12. Indiana Historical Society
    13. Kansas Historical Society
    14. Library of Virginia 600,000 images in colonial history & WW2 photos
    15. Martin Luther King project
    16. New Deal Cartoons
    17. US South
    18. Old South: includes ICPSR census data on southern counties, 1790- 1860
    19. Thomas Jefferson in ATLANTIC MONTHLY
    20. Truman Presidential Library
    21. Vietnam bibliography
    22. Valley of the Shadow social history of Virginia, 1850s-'60s
    23. WestWeb Western USA
    Table of Contents

  7. History Departments/ Research Institutes/ Associations
    1. American Historical Review
    2. American Social History project
    3. Australian history links
    4. Center for History & New Media, George Mason U
    5. global list of all history depts, from George Mason U
    6. Institute for Historical Research, London: [this is a well-respected British history center, NOT to be confused with a Holocaust denial operation in California that calls itself "The Institute for Historical Review"]
    7. U of Montreal
    8. Ohio State U.
    9. Russian Academy of Sciences
    10. Scholarly Societies all fields
    11. U of Saskatchewan

  8. Libraries, Archives; bibliography
    1. OPAC (On-Line Public Access Catalogs) Most major library OPACs are available. (Yahoo tracks them.) One of the best is the U of California system, with vast holdings and the ability to email searched back to you (MAIL TO usernam and to subscribe to updates of new listings (UPDAT . Melvyl is not on WWW; you must have your browser configured to use a TELNET helper. (answer "VT100" for terminal question.
    2. Archives (Britain & overseas)
    3. Archives (US National Archives)
    4. British Libraries
    5. Articles: CARL has very complete guides to most journals (coverage from late 1980s to last month)
    6. The CARL REVEAL service [select: terminal = vt100, "Uncover"] $20/year for TOC of 50 journals
    7. Harvard- Yenching Library/ Asian Studies
    8. History bibliographies
    9. Law reviews
    10. Library of Congress
    11. Navy Department Library (many links)
    12. Revues Gophisto: tables of contents of numerous history journals

  9. News, newspapers, magazines, radio
    1. NewsLink Web page includes free links to several thousand newspapers, broadcasters, magazines, on-line news services, and other useful sites.
    2. Electronic Newsstand free TOC and free articles from many magazines.
    3. Australian Broadcasting Online
    4. BBC
    5. National Public Radio, with real audio
    6. Reuters reports.
    7. Times Higher Education Supplement
    8. US Network TV News archives detailed, searchable abstracts of major news shows, 1968 to 1996
    9. US Information Agency [daily news]
    10. Washington Post [daily news]
    Table of Contents

  10. Political Science
    1. Americana Encyclopedia articles on US politics
    2. Encyclopedia Britannica articles on US politics
    3. American Political Science Association
    4. APSA section on Computers and Multimedia
    5. Political Science research
    6. Political science conference papers & abstracts
    7. Political science department home pages
    8. Houghton Mifflin's Politics Now resources for textbook users
    9. Foreign Policy
    10. International relations, primary documents
    11. Supreme Court (famous cases)
    12. Yahoo Guide to Politics
    13. Election 96
    14. ABC/Washington Post/Ntl Journal very rich reports, state-by-state; vg on polls
    15. Almanac of American Politics Statistical and historical data on every state and congressional district
    16. Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report Fullest reports on Congress; roll calls; analysis of issues
    17. ICPSR Major data center at U Michigan
    18. National Election Studies/ICPSR, 1948-1994
    19. Roper Center [polls]
    Table of Contents

  11. Publishers
    1. American Association of University Presses
    2. Amazon = largest commercial bookstore
    3. Dial-A-Book complete text of first chapter new books; browser's paradise
    4. Washington PostThe Book Review section features the first chapter of hundreds of recent fiction and nonfiction books, plus the Post's review.
    5. Project MUSE Johns Hopkins U.P. journals
    6. Links to hundreds of publishers
    7. H- Net's scholarly book reviews
    8. Copyright and fair use information
    9. Guide to Copyright
    10. Copyright and Internet excellent guide to recent and ongoing lawsuits in US courts


    special thanks to R. Stewart Ellis -

    A version of this Guide is online [here] at the University of Chicago History Dept WWW page

    For the latest version, click here [here]

    (c) 1997 Richard Jensen. Scholars are invited to post the complete Guide to campus WWW sites and distribute it to students. Please pass along suggestions to Prof. Jensen