Women and War: Suggested Readings
Most of the following suggestions for readings on Women and War were sent
to WMST-L in April 1993. They include a fairly extensive bibliography
compiled by Virginia Sapiro that begins shortly after line 500, about 2/3
of the way into Part 1. Part 2 focuses on fiction, poetry, etc. Its
messages were sent to WMST-L in late October 1994. For additional WMST-L
files now available on the Web, see the WMST-L File List.
Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 10:49:27 CST
From: "L. Banaszak" <S1.LAB @ ISUMVS.BITNET>
A colleague of mine who does not generally work on feminist or
gender issues asked me today if I knew of any good books with a
feminist or women's perspective on war. She is teaching a course
called the Political Psychology of War next fall and complained that
all of the readings she had so far were written by men.
Does anyone know of some interesting readings that might be good for
undergraduates. Since she doesn't read or teach much in the way of
feminist theory it must also be understandable to someone without
that background.
I'd appreciate any advice on the matter. You can respond privately
to s1.lab @ isumvs or s1.lab @ isumvs.iastate.edu.
Lee Ann Banaszak
Iowa State University
Harriet Alonzo has just published PEACE AS A WOMEN'S ISSUE with Syracuse
University Press ($17.95). It's aimed at a general audience and addresses
both historical and thematic issues of women and peace in US history.
Valarie Ziegler
Ziegler @ Rhodes.Bitnet
From: "Mary M. Rosenbloom" <MROSENBL @ UKANVM.BITNET>
I thought the following might be of interest to the list readers who are
working on women and war:
"Women's Memories, Women's Memoirs of the Great War," by Richard R. Ring in
COLLECTION MANAGEMENT, vol. 15, 3/4, 1992, pages 301-352.
This is a bibliography of 500 published memoirs of World War I written or
translated into english.
I don't know whether your colleague has any interest in fiction, but there
is an immensely powerful, brief novel on the Lebanese Civil War called
Sitt Marie Rose, which looks closely at gender issues. It is by Etel Adnan
and I know that it is in print. I forget the publisher at the moment but
can get that to you if you need it.,
Best of luck to your friend. Will you post a complete listing of the
suggestions you've gotten on the list?
Lisa Majaj
andalexa @ wpi.edu
From: maureen korp <MKORP @ UOTTAWA.BITNET>
I recall that recently someone was seeking sources re
women in wartime. This morning on my local CBC radio
station, I caught the end of an interview with Ruth Latta
who is the editor/compiler of a collection of reminescences
of 25 women who were young adults in WWII. Survivors all
appears to be the connecting theme of these stories of Canadian
women, many of whom were post-war immigrants to Canada.
Latta includes a postscript to each tale
which relates what the women did later with
their lives. Published by General Publishing, the text is
called...The Memory of All That.
Maureen Korp, PhD
University of Ottawa
mkorp @ uottawa
mkorp @ acadvm1.uottawa.ca
From: hwhipple%cfa7.DECNET @ CFA.HARVARD.EDU
I don't know if this is the same book as mentioned earlier, but
J. B. Elshtain and S. Tobias edited _Women, Militarism, and War_.
hwhipple @ cfa.harvard.edu
Berenice Carroll has written about feminist perspectives on war and
peace - in political science type journals, 1970's-on, I think.
sorry I do not have the cites on hand. She is now at Purdue, I think,
and should be on this list.
Marion Wagner
From: Marjorie Cohen <mcohen @ SFU.CA>
The foremost Canadian scholar on women and war & peace is Ruth Roach
Pierson. She is author of "They're Still Women After All:" The Second World
War and Canadian Womanhood, (McClelland and Stewart, 1986), and Women and
Peace: Theoretical, Historical and Practical Perspectives (Croom Helm,
1987). This last is an edited text and there are several articles in it on
women and war.
Marjorie Cohen
Simon Fraser University
From: "Dr. Judy Gibbons, Psychology,
Another interesting perspective on war and gender comes from the cross-
cultural studies of Carol and Mel Ember, i.e.
Ember, C. R. & Ember, M. Warfare, aggression, and resource problems:
Cross-cultural codes, Behavior Science Research, 26, 1-4, 1992,
pp. 169 - 226.
They argue that (1) socialization for aggression is a consequence, not
a cause of war, and (2) war in nonindustrial societies is _not_
related to a shortage of women.
Judy Gibbons
From: Michelle Kendrick-Jones <kendrick @ U.WASHINGTON.EDU>
On this topic I highly recommend Susan Jeffords' book The
Remasculinization of America: Gender and the Vietnam War. She does a lot
of very important work in this area. Also see her article, "Women, Gender
and the War" in Critical Studies in Mass Communication, March 90 v 6, n1.
Michelle Kendrick
University of Washington
kendrick @ u.washington.edu
Last week (I think), you posted a query to the Women's Studies
listserv about Women & War. (I've deleted the original message.) Anyway,
I just noticed that in vol.4, no. 1 (1993) of Women & Criminal Justice,
there are 2 articles on this topic: "Women in the Military, 1980-1990" by
Carolyn Becraft, and "Women in the U.S. Armed Services: The War in the
Persian Gulf" by Carolyn Becraft.
From: Jo Ellen Green Kaiser <JGKAIS00 @ UKCC.UKY.EDU>
I don't know if this would be relevant, but Susan Schweik has written an
excellent book on women who wrote about war in the 20th century--it's
titled *A Gulf So Deeply Cut*. The book approaches both women's writing
and war from a feminist perspective.
Jo Ellen Green Kaiser jgkais00 @ ukcc.uky.edu
U. Kentucky
From: Sally L Kitch <skitch @ MAGNUS.ACS.OHIO-STATE.EDU>
None of the responses to the request for materials on women and
war mentioned _On Peace, War, and~
A Challenge to Genetic Explanations_, ed. Anne E. Hunter (Feminist Press,
1991). The book is part of the Genes and Gender series, which is dedicated to
revealing the political purposes to which genetic explanations of human
behavior and social organization have been and continue to be put.
Sally Kitch
Center for Women's Studies
Ohio State University
sallyK @ humanities1.cohums.ohio-state.edu
From: Linda Lopez McAlister <DLLAFAA @ CFRVM.BITNET>
Another war reference that I'm not personally familiar with but just came
across in a paper submitted to Hypatia is:
Jane Marcus, "Corpus/Corps/Corpse: Writing the Body in/at War" in
Arms and the Woman: War, Gender, and Literary Representation, ed.
Helen M. Cooper, Adrienne Munich, Susan Merrill Squier. Chapel Hill,
University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
Linda Lopez McAlister/HYPATIA: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
Women's Studies Dept. Internet: DLLAFAA @ CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU
Univ. of South Florida Bitnet: DLLAFAA @ CFRVM
Tampa, FL 33620 (813) 974-5531
From: Joya Misra <SOCAK663 @ EMUVM1.BITNET>
About women and war readings, I don't think anyone mentioned
Jean Bethke Elshtain's 1987 _Women and War._ NY: Basic Books.
Also, does anyone know why sometimes answers appear on the network
before questions? Differences in distributing the mail across
systems? It gets kind of confusing.
Joya Misra
From: "R. CHATTERJEE" <rchatter @ UWOVAX.UWO.CA>
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but there's
a book called _Women on War: Essential Voices for the Nuclear
Age_ edited by Daniele Gioseffi. There are pieces by Winnie
Mandela, Grace Paley, Hannah Arendt, Simone de Beauvoir,
Simone Weil, Doris Lessing, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker,
Nadine Gordimer and many many more.
The book is published by Touchstone, New York, 1988.
R. Chatterjee
Dept. of English
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
rchatter @ uwovax.uwo.ca
From: "Sharon.Rambo" <21798RAM @ MSU>
Hi! "Political Psychology" is one of those discourse terms which seem to
hide more than it reveals, but here goes. Throughout this century, American
as well as women from other parts of the globe have advanced peace as
important to feminist ideology. Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Jane Addams and
Jeanette Rankin never supported US entry into WW1--they spoke and wrote, and
suffered social ostracism. Does your colleague make assumptions by using
'war?' I've just finished using Enloe--probably not useful, but she written
losts of articles.
From: Elizabeth Tobin <etobin @ abacus.bates.edu>
Your might try a book with the title of Women Behind the Lines,
which has an interesting essay by Joan Scott. There's also an older book
called Women, War and Revolution, also edited articles. Then there are
two interesting books by British authors on women in each of the two world
wars. I don't have the titles here, but they are fairly simple if I
recall, Women in the First World War, and so on. The one on the second
World War is particularly interesting to me because it addresses ways in
which capitalism and patriarchy conflicted over women's labor during the war.
Liz Tobin
Bates College
Lewiston, ME 04240
etobin @ abacus.bates.edu
From: MAREK_J1 @ PLU
As for fiction, it occurs to me that a very interesting work
that can be seen as related to "women's ideas about war"
is Nadine Gordimer's JULY'S PEOPLE. In this case, it's race war--
an absorbing, compelling vision. Just a thought.
Jayne Marek IN%"marek_j1 @ plu.bitnet"
Your friend might want to try The Women's International League for Peace
and Freedom, Race Street, Phila., PA. They have a long history with
positions against war. There was also a book review concerning the grou
p, an international organization, in either last week or the week before
_Chronicle of Higher Education_.
Virginia Knowlden, Asc. Professor of Nursing, St. Joseph College, West
Hartford, CT
knowldenv @ sjc.bitnet
From: STRETCH OR DROWN/ EVOLVE OR DIE <finkel @ kenyon.edu>
The classic work on women and war was written by Cynthia Enloe ,Does Khaki
Become You? also Shelley Saywell, Women in War, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Women
and War. Actually I have a proposed syllabus that a faculty member here
proposed for a course on women and war if your colleague would like to see it.
Laurie Finke
finkel @ kenyon.edu
From: lin3 @ HUSC.BITNET
You might want to look at the first chapter (possibly the first two
chapters - I'll check when return home) of Judith Herman's Trauma_and_
Recovery which discusses some of the psychological aspects of
domination in war, both global and domestic.
- Austin S. Lin
lin3 @ husc.harvard.edu
From: eisaksso @ cc.helsinki.fi (Eva Isaksson)
I saw your information request on WMST-L and here's another suggestion:
TITLE: Women and the military system : proceedings of a symposium
arranged by the International Peace Bureau and Peace Union
of Finland / ed. by Eva Isaksson
PUBLICATION: New York : Harvester-Wheatsheaf, 1988
MATERIAL: vii, 455 s.
ISBN: 0-7450-0475-X
It's a collection of articles written by a very diverse group of
women from a number of countries, with two contributions by Cynthia
Enloe. You could also try to contact Cynthia. Her e-mail address
is: cenloe @ vax.clarku.edu. In my opinion, she is the most useful
and intelligent researcher in this field, and incredibly helpful.
Eva Isaksson * University of Helsinki Observatory & Astrophysics Laboratory
eisaksson @ cc.helsinki.fi / Eva.Isaksson @ Helsinki.Fi / eisaksson @ finuh.bitnet
From: Consuelo Springfield <CSPRINGF @ UCS.INDIANA.EDU>
There is lots out there. I use Betty Reardom.
oops that's Reardon. Sexism and the War System (NY: Columbia, 1985).
Good luck.
Consuelo Lopez Springfield
Indiana U.
From: Karen Fresco <kfresco @ UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
Try Evelyne Accad, Women and War (1990), which is now out in paperback
(sorry, I can't remember which publisher). Karen Fresco
From: Linda Lopez McAlister <DLLAFAA @ CFRVM.BITNET>
A place for your friend to start might be Sara Ruddick's paper "From
Maternal Thinking to Peace Politics" in Eve Browning Cole and Susan
Coultrap-McQuin's collection entitled Explorations in Feminist Ethics
(Indiana UP 1992) or, indeed Ruddick's book Maternal Thinking.
There will be a special issue on Hypatia on Feminism and Peace in a
few months, but not soon enough for your friend's current needs.
War is also the theme of the next meeting of the International Association
of Women Philosophers to be held in Vienna in 1995. So stuff from feminist
philosophers in this area is in the works.
Linda Lopez McAlister/HYPATIA: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
Women's Studies Dept. Internet: DLLAFAA @ CFRVM.CFR.USF.EDU
Univ. of South Florida Bitnet: DLLAFAA @ CFRVM
Tampa, FL 33620 (813) 974-5531
Cynthia Enroe, who I believe is in the political science department at
Clark has several books on this subject. Two titles are: Bananas, beaches,
and bases and Does khaki become you? I don't have anymore citation informa-
tion, but both were published in paperback not too long ago. Also, the
journal Contemporary Social Psychology had an issue on the Gulf War in
December, 1992 and some of the articles in it were relevant.
Rhoda Unger
unger @ apollo.montclair.edu INTERNET
From: wong theresa <wong8345 @ MACH1.WLU.CA>
Regarding Rhoda Unger's suggestion that you look into
Cynthia Enloe's book "Bananas, Beaches and Bases: Making
Feminist Sense of International Politics," I'm not sure how
useful it would be in examining a feminist perspective on war.
Essentially, Enloe analyzes the role of women in international
politics and articulates that "the personal is international"
and "the international is personal." Some of her chapter
titles include "Gender Makes the World Go Round", "On the
Beach: Sexism and Tourism", "Nationalism and Masculinity",
"Base Women", etc. The book was published by Univ. of California
Press in 1989. It doesn't really look at war, so much as it
looks at the role of women in the international political
economy and the necessity perceived by states, men (who
comprise the state), and corporations in perpetuating and
reinforcing gender subordination. It is a very interesting book,
but still I'm not so sure that it's useful for what you wish to
- Theresa Wong
Wilfrid Laurier University
wong8345 @ mach1.wlu.ca
From: Leslie Bender <LBENDER @ SUVM>
You might want to recommend some things on
peace as well, as more feminists seem to write about peace
than war. I would suggest looking at Sara Ruddick's book,
Maternal Thinking, Cynthia Enloe's Bananas, Beaches, & Bases,
and Carol Cohn's article, Sex and Death in the Rational World
of Defense Intellectuals, 12 SIGNS 687 (1987). While these
may not be directly on point, they are poignant, related
feminist critiques. Hope this helps. Leslie Bender
SYRACUSE, NY 13244-1030
PHONE: (315) 443-4462 OR FAX:(315) 443-5394
From: Kimberly Ann Crabtree <crabtree @ scf.usc.edu>
My studies of the relationship between women and war (which were quite
extensive when I was in the Air Force) concentrated on female flyers in the
Army Air Corp. I am not sure if you are looking for historical information
or current stuff. At any rate, one really interesting biographical account
is "Jackie Cochran: The Autobiography of the Greatest Woman Pilot in Aviation
History" published by Bantam Books in 1987. She gives a first hand account
of the struggles that really great pilots went through. The Air Force has
only had female pilots since 1977. This was an awesome revelation to me when
I hit pilot training in 1990. And I, of course, learned first hand how
unprepared the Air Force was, to teach and support women in pilot training,
even after 13 years of practice. In essence, they treat the women with
contempt, and make no effort whatsoever, to correct for the deficiencies
women have due to opportunities being so new. It was a fascinating study in
gender relations. I suppose I should write about them eventually. I hope,
someday, to be a women's studies professor, then I can teach what I have
learned first hand.
Kimberly Crabtree
University of Southern California
crabtree @ scf.usc.edu
(310) 478-3086
From: J.BERG @ acad.suffolk.edu
Judith Stiehm, a political scientist, has three books out on this topic:
Women and Men's Wars (1983), Bring Me Men and Women: Mandated Change at the US
Air Force Academy (1981), and Arms and the Enlisted Woman (1989).
Also, I noticed a response on the list citing "Cynthia Enroe"--that was a typo,
her name is Enloe.
Hope this is of some help.
John Berg
j.berg @ acad.suffolk.edu
From: Ann Weinstone <syd @ igc.apc.org>
I would highly recommend "Black Women in the Peace Movement" by
wilmette Brown.
Ann Weinstone
syd @ igc.apc.org
From: NKNIPE @ CCNODE.Colorado.EDU
There is a 1992 book, _War and peace through women's eyes: aselective bibli-
ography of twentieth-century American women's fiction_ by Susanne Carter
that lists 374 works of fiction by women (WWI thru Vietnam and nuclear war).
Synopsis included for entries. Published by Greenwood, ISBN 0-313-27771-0,
$55. Your library might have it.
Nancy Knipe
Women's Studies Librarian
Colorado College
nknipe @ ccnode.colorado.edu
From: Allison Fraiberg <fraiberg @ u.washington.edu>
Your friend might try reading some of Susan Jeffords' work. She wrote _The
Remaculinization of America_ (on the Vietnam War) and has a new collection
coming out on the
Persian Gulf War soon. The work is accessible and it focuses on popular
culture, especially film.
Good luck,
Allison Fraiberg
fraiberg @ u.washington.edu
Susan Brownmiller has a portion on rape and war (a timely issue these
days) in _Against Our Wills_. There is also a book by Sue Mansfield
called _The Gestalt of War_ which may help, though I found in lacking
in the seminar I read it in (Gender, Violence and Religion). If you'd
like a copy of that bibliography, I would be happy to send it to you.
Laura Ammon
From: Allan Hunter <AHUNTER @ ccvm.sunysb.edu>
Maybe she could use Myriam Miedzian's BOYS WILL BE BOYS: BREAKING THE
- Allan Hunter
<ahunter @ sbccvm>
<ahunter @ ccvm.sunysb.edu>
From: "darlene hantzis" <CMDARLEN @ ruby.indstate.edu>
I just read your request on the list; I'm sure you will hear from
many others. There is so much feminist literature on militarism and
war. I would recommend Cynthia Enloe (both Does Khaki Become You?
and Bananas, Beaches, and Bases), Sara Ruddick, Maternal Thinking.
There is also the recent work by Susan Jeffords on Vietnam--The
Remasculinization of America. There are others: documents from the
feminist pacifist movement, debates about gender and war, writings
from women in war (especially a lot of good stuff about and from
Hope this helps. (I think Enloe is a good read, generally accessible
although challenging.)
Darlene Hantzis
Director of Women's Studies
Indiana State University
cmdarlen @ ruby.indstate.edu
From: Andreas N Alexandrou <andalexa @ wpi.WPI.EDU>
I don't know whether your colleague has any interest in fiction, but there
is an immensely powerful, brief novel on the Lebanese Civil War called
Sitt Marie Rose, which looks closely at gender issues. It is by Etel Adnan
and I know that it is in print. I forget the publisher at the moment but
can get that to you if you need it.,
Lisa Majaj
andalexa @ wpi.edu
From: Virginia Sapiro <SAPIRO @ polisci.wisc.edu>
Following your message to WMST-L I took the liberty of sending the
attached bibliography to you. It is not just stuff appropriate for a course on
political psychology -- indeed, most of it is not. But it is a bibliography
file I keep on gender and IP, military, war, etc. for purposes of women and
politics stuff. If I were teaching a course on political psychology and wanted
to pick something, I might choose the Cohn piece, which is (beside everything
else) hysterically funny to read. I have used it in women and politics; a
couple of my IR colleagues have used it also. Jean Elshtain is an interesting
book as well, thought-provoking because it emphasizes the women and nurturance
stuff, but also points out that women have also been to some degree the "muses"
of war. And she recognizes the "Spartan Mothers." Another interesting issue to
deal with is the problem of sexual violence in war; Bosnia, of course, is far
from the first time that it is a weapon. My piece with Pam Conover uses the
NES Gulf War study to look at the impact of gender, feminist consciousness,
motherhood on Gulf War attitudes. It will appear in the AJPS in November.
I hope this is helpful.
Gina Sapiro
Afshar, Haleh and Carolyn Dennis, eds. 1992. Women, Recession and Adjustment in
the Third World. New York: St Martins.
Akers, Regina T. 1990. "Female naval reservists during World War II: A
historiographical essay.," Minerva 8 (Summer), 55-61.
Alband, Linda and Steve Ress. 1977. "Women and the volunteer armed forces."
Radical America 11 (January-February), 19-32.
Alonso, Harriet Hyman. 1993. Peace as a Women's Issue: A History of the U.S.
Movement for World Peace and Women's Rights. Syracuse: Syracuse University
Alt, Betty Sowers and Bonnie Domrose Stone. 1991. Campfollowing: A History of
the Military Wife. Westport: Greenwood.
Ashworth, Georgina and Lucy Bonnerjea, eds. 1985. The Invisible Decade: UK Women
and the UN Decade, 1976-1985. Hants: Gower Publishing.
Association of the Bar of the City of New York Committee on Military Affairs and
Justice. 1991. "The combat exclusion laws: An idea whose time has gone."
Minerva: Quarterly Report on Women and the Military 9 (Winter), 1-55.
Bar-Yosef, Rovka Weiss and Dorit Padan Eisenstarc. 1977. "Role system under
stress: Sex roles in war." Social Problems 25 (December), 135-45.
Bauwens, Eric. 1992. "Relations between male and female soldiers in the Belgian
armed forces." Minerva 10 (Spring), 32-47.
Berkin, Carol R. and Clara M. Lovett, eds. Women, War, and Revolution. New York:
Holmes and Meier.
Binkin, Martin and Shirley J. Bach. 1977. Women in the Military Washington,
D.C.: Brookings.
Bunch, Charlotte. 1990. "Women's rights as human rights: Toward a re-vision of
human rights." Human Rights Quarterly 12:486.
Butler, John Sibley and Rose M. Brewer. 1978. "The promotion of enlisted women
in the military." Armed Forces and Society 4 (Summer), 679-88.
Cohn, Carol. 1987. "Sex and death in the rational world of defense
intellectuals." Signs 12 (Summer), 687-718.
Coliver, Sandra, 1978. "United Nations Commission on the Status of Women:
Suggestions for enhancing its effectivenesss." Whittier Law Review 9.
Condell, Diana and Jean Liddiard. 1987. Working for Victory: Images of Women in
the First World War. New York: Routledge.
Conover, Pamela Johnston and Virginia Sapiro. fothcoming 1993. "Gender, Feminist
Consciousness and War." American Journal of Political Science.
Cook, Rebecca J. 1990. "Reservations to the convention on the elimination of all
forms of discrimination against women." Virginia Journal of International
Law 30 (Spring).
Cook, Rebecca J. 1990. "International human rights law concerning women: Case
notes and comments." Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 23:779-818.
D'Amico, Francine. 1990. "Women at arms: The combat controversy." Minerva 8
(Summer), 1-20.
DeFleur, Lois B. and David Gillman. 1978. "Cadet beliefs, attitudes, and
interaction during the early phases of sex integration." Youth and Society
10 (December).
DeFleur, Lois B., David Gillman, and William Marshak. 1978. "Sex integration of
the United States Air Force Academy." Armed Forces and Society 4 (Summer),
Durning, Kathleen P. 1978. "Women at the Naval Academy: An attitudinal survey."
Armed Forces and Society 4 (Summer), 569-88.
Dwork, Debórah. 1991. Children with a Star: Jewish Youth in Nazi Europe. New
Haven: Yale. (women's rescue work)
Edwards, Paul N. 1990. "The army and the microworld: Computers and the politics
of gender identity." Signs 16 (Autumn), 102-27.
Eisenhart, R. Wayne. 1975. "You can't hack it little girl: A discussion of the
covert psychological agenda of modern combat training." Journal of Social
Issues 31:13-24.
Elshtain, Jean Bethke. 1987. Women and War. New York: Basic.
Elshtain, Jeane Bethke and Sheila Tobias, eds. 1989. Women, Militarism, and War.
New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1980. "Women -- the reserve army of army labor." Review of
Radical Political Economy 12 (Summer), 42-52.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1983. Does Khaki Become You? The Militarization of Women's
Lives. Boston: South End Press.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1989. Bananas, Beaches, and Bases: Making Feminist Sense of
International Politics. Unwin Hyman.
Enloe, Cynthia. 1992. "The politics of constructing the American woman soldier
as a professionalized 'first class citizen': Some lessons from the Gulf
War." Minerva 10 (Spring), 14-31.
Feld, M.D. 1978. "Arms and the Woman." Armed Forces and Society 4 (Summer), 557-
Farmanfarmian, Abouali. 1992. "Sexuality in the Gulf War: Did you measure up?"
Genders 13 (Spring), 1-29.
Fishman, Sarah. 1991. We Will Wait: Wives of French Prisoners of War, 1940-45.
New Haven: Yale.
Galey, Margaret. 1979. "Promoting nondiscrimination against women: The UN
Commission on the Status of Women." International Studies Quarterly 23.
Galey, Margaret. 1984. "International enforcement of women's rights." Human
Rights Quarterly 6.
Galloway, Judith. 1976. "The impact of the admission of women to the service
academies on the role of the woman line officer." American Behavioral
Scientist 19 (May-June), 647-64.
Goldman, Nancy. 1973. "The utilization of women in the military." Annals 406
(March), 107-16.
Goldman, Nancy Loring, ed. 1982. Female Soldiers: Combatants or Non-Combatants.
Westport: Greenwood Press.
Grant, Rebecca and Kathleen Newland, eds. 1992. Gender and International
Relations. Bloomington: Indiana University.
Guggenheim, Malvina. 1977. "The implementation of human rights by the UN
Commission on the Status of Women." Texas International Law Journal 12
Held, Jane. 1988. "The British peace movement: A critical examination of
attitudes to male violence within the British peace movement, as expressed
with regard to the `Molesworth rapes.'" Women's Studies International
Forum 11:211-22.
Hevener, Natalie Kaufman. 1983. International Law and the Status of Women.
Boulder, Colo.: Westview.
Hevener, Natalie Kaufman. 1980. "An analysis of gender-based treaty law:
Contemporary developments in historical perspective." Human Rights
Quarterly 8:70-88.
Hewitt, Linda L. 1974. Women Marines in World War I. Washington. D.C.:
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.
Hicks, Jack. M. 1978. "Women in the U.S. Army." Armed Force and Society 4
(Summer), 647-57.
Higonnet, Margaret Randolph, Jane Jenson, Sonya Michel, and Margaraet Collins
Weitz, eds. 1987. Behind the Lines: Gender and the Two World Wars. New
Haven: Yale.
.Hoiberg, Anne. 1978. "Women in the Navy: Morale and ambition." Armed Forces and
Society 4 (Summer), 659-71.
Holsti, Ole R. and James N. Rosenau. 1981."The foreign policy beliefs of women
in leadership positions." Journal of Politics 43 (May), 326-47. [1982. In
Elizabeth Bonaparth, ed., Women, Power, and Policy. New York: Longman,
Hosken, Fran P. 1981. "Toward a definition of women's human rights." Human
Rights Quarterly 3:2.
Howes, Ruth and Michael Stevenson, eds. 1993. Women and the Use of Military
Force. Boulder, Colo: Lynn Reinner.
Hunter, Edna J., Sharon J. Rose, and J. Bradley Hamlin. 1978. "Women in the
military: An annotated bibliography." Armed Forces and Society 4 (Summer),
Klick, Jean E. 1978. "Utilization of women in the NATO aliance." Armed Forces
and Society 4 (Summer), 673-78.
Krill, Francoise. 1991. "The Protection of Women in International Humanitarian
Law. Minerva 9 (Fall), 43-47.
Landrum, Cecile. 1978. "Policy dimensions of an integrated force." Armed Forces
and Society 4 (Summer), 689-94.
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Compiled by Virginia Sapiro
Department of Political Science
University of Wisconsin - Madison 53706
sapiro @ polisci.wisc.edu
Thank you for acknowledgement even though this isn't "published."
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