Service Learning Courses for Women's Studies
The following file offers some suggestions about service learning
courses for Women's Studies. These suggestions were sent to WMST-L
in October 2002. For additional WMST-L files available on the Web,
see the WMST-L File Collection.
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 15:15:32 -0500
From: "Lichti, Esther" <esther.lichti AT TTU.EDU>
Subject: Women's Studies and Service LearningI am looking for information on service learning courses developed for
Women's Studies and would appreciate receiving either copies of syllabi for
such courses or information on research sources in this area. Please reply
to me privately at esther.lichti AT ttu.edu . Thank you.
Esther Sundell Lichti, Ph.D.
Women's Studies
Texas Tech University
213 Administration Bldg.
Box 42009
Lubbock, TX 79409-2009
esther.lichti AT ttu.edu
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 19:37:03 -0400
From: Anne Wiley <wiley AT CROCKER.COM>
Subject: Re: Women's Studies and Service LearningHello Esther
You may want to look at Virginia Tech's web site and women's studies. I
think there was another college in the midwest, but I can not find it in my
bookmarks (Minnesota or Wisconsin--if I remember)
sample: http://www.cis.vt.edu/ws/SLprojects/internship.html
Anne M. Wiley, Ed.D. Professor, Psychology
Greenfield Community College
Greenfield MA 01301
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 08:35:11 -0400
From: Nancy Naples <nancy.naples AT UCONN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Women's Studies and Service Learningyou should check out Teaching Feminist Activism co-edited by Nancy Naples and
Karen Bojar.
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 09:13:08 -0500
From: Alison Piepmeier <alison.m.piepmeier AT VANDERBILT.EDU>
Subject: Re: Women's Studies and Service LearningHi, Esther--
I teach a service-learning course in Women's Studies; information about it is
available on my webpage, www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/english/piepmeier. The course
is Seminar on Gender and Violence. AAHE also has a book out on
service-learning in WS. Vanderbilt has a big service-learning initiative going
on right now, so I'm steeped in it. There are some great books out there to
get you started in service-learning, if you're interested. I love it.
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 10:22:19 -0600
From: "Lichti, Esther" <esther.lichti AT TTU.EDU>
Subject: Women's Studies and Service LearningThank you to everyone who replied to my query on this topic last week,
especially to those who have sent links to their syllabi or permission for
others to contact them for copies of syllabi. Several people suggested the
following book as a source of information: "Teaching Feminist Activism" ed.
by Nancy Naples and Karen Bojar and published by Routledge. Several people
also mentioned "The Practice of Change: Concepts and Models for
Service-Learning in Women's Studies" ed. by Barbara J. Balliet and Karrissa
Hefernan and published by the American Association for Higher Education.
Alison Piepmeier teaches a service learning course, Seminar on Gender and
Violence, at Vanderbilt University for which the syllabus is posted at
www.vanderbilt.edu/Ans/english/piepmeier . Gloria Cowan also teaches a
course in psychology on women and violence. She can be contacted at
Glorandbil AT aol.com . Gay Victoria teaches a required service
learning course for Women's Studies majors and can be contacted at
GVictoria AT ColoradoCollege.edu . Information on service learning
in general is available at numerous websites. I'll list a few of
them here. Most of them have links to others: Campus Compact
www.compact.org ; American Association of Community Colleges
Service Learning www.aacc.nche.edu/initiatives/SERVICE/SERVICE.HTM
; American Association for Higher Education
www.aahe.org/service/srv-lrn.htm ; the National Service-Learning
Clearinghouse www.nicsl.coled.umn.edu . Again, thanks to everyone
for their help. Esther
Esther Sundell Lichti, Ph.D.
Women's Studies
Texas Tech University
213 Administration Bldg.
Box 42009
Lubbock, TX 79409-2009
esther.lichti AT ttu.edu
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