Obstacles to Women's Use of the Internet
The following brief discussion concerns obstacles that may
prevent women around the world from accessing and using
the Internet. It took place on WMST-L in November 2004. For
additional WMST-L files available on the Web, see the
WMST-L File Collection.
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 13:16:34 +0000
From: Dina Dahbany-Miraglia <ddmqcc AT ATT.NET>
Subject: WOMEN IN CYBERSPACE/ON THE INTERNEThi folks. i am working on a paper about women world-wide who are
prevented by education, religion, economics, etc from accessing and
using the internet. i've gone through the WMST archives so anything
else--published, unpublished, anecdotal--would be very much
appreciated. best regards, dina
Dina Dahbany-Miraglia Ph.D.
Department of Speech Communication
& Theater Arts
Humanities 129
Queensborough Community College
The City University of New York
Bayside NY 11364
E-mail: ddmqcc AT att.net
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 08:52:49 -0700
From: Tess Pierce <tess AT ETRESOFT.COM>
Subject: Re: WOMEN IN CYBERSPACE/ON THE INTERNETThe UN and related NGOs have much on this. Look under the key words
digital divide and gender. You could also try "Multistakeholder
Diplomacy" - a related topic that includes some issues. The Pew Trust
also reports on access issues. I subscribe to an excellent list that
holds online email seminars on related issues:
Ictnet AT un-instraw.org
You can access the conference information and documents about gender
and ICT at:
6th International
Women into Computing Conference
14th-16th July 2005
University of Greenwich
(Maritime Greenwich Campus)
The Gender Politics of Information and Communication Technologies
see: http://www.wic.org.uk/conference/
-- Tess Pierce
-- the kick ass liberal curmudgeon
tess AT etresoft.com
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 11:42:08 -0500
From: Joan Korenman <jskor AT UMBC.EDU>
Subject: Re: WOMEN IN CYBERSPACE/ON THE INTERNETHi, Dina. My "Women's Studies/Women's Issues Resource Sites" contains
material you might find useful. See especially the sections on
Women-Related Web Sites in Science/Technology
( http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/links_sci.html ) and perhaps Women-Focused
Cyberculture and Internet Information:
You might also check the archives for Tracy Kennedy's wonderful blog
Netwoman ( http://netwomen.ca/Blog/ ) as well as the blogs for
misbehaving.net ( http://www.misbehaving.net/ ) and Gender and Computing
( http://www.genderandcomputing.no/ ). The ICTNET archives that Tess
Pierce mentioned should also prove very useful. The URL I have for it
goes directly to the archives:
http://server778.dnslive.net/pipermail/ictnet_un-instraw.org/ .
Also of use may be the bibliography of books about women and IT compiled
by the Center for Women and Information Technology:
http://www.umbc.edu/cwit/cwitbooks.html . It includes links to
reviews, book web sites, etc.
Hope this helps.
Joan Korenman jskor AT umbc.edu
U. of Md. Baltimore County http://www.umbc.edu/cwit/
Baltimore, MD 21250 USA http://www.umbc.edu/wmst/
The only person to have everything done by Friday is Robinson Crusoe
Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 15:31:37 -0500
From: Mary Jo Aagerstoun <mjaagerstoun AT MATHISNET.COM>
Subject: Re: WOMEN IN CYBERSPACE/ON THE INTERNETPlease check out the special issue on cyberfeminism and art at
Mary Jo Aagerstoun
mjaagerstoun AT mathisnet.com
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 01:44:55 -0800
From: Niamh Reilly <niamh1reilly AT YAHOO.COM>
Subject: Re: WOMEN IN CYBERSPACE/ON THE INTERNETYou may be interested in the publication "I on the Mouse: ICTs for
Women's Advocacies and Networking in Asia and the Pacific." It's
available through Asian Women's Resource Exchange (www.aworc.org).
The APC women's network is a source of information about women and ICT
access/use in different regions:
The proceedings of the second Knowhow conference (Kampala, July 2002)
may also be of interest, if available. For more info about the
conference: http://www.iiav.nl/knowhow/
Niamh Reilly PhD
University of Limerick
niamh1reilly AT yahoo.com
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