Humorous Short Stories by Women
This file contains suggestions for humorous short stories by women for use in
an Intro to Women's Literature course. For more WMST-L files now available on
the Web, see the WMST-L File Collection.
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 12:27:36 -0500
From: "Brothers, Deborah" <Deborah.Brothers AT LLCC.EDU>
Subject: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesHello--
I'm looking for suggestions for funny short stories by women to use
for a unit in my Intro to Women's Lit course (147 level course). I
have used Margaret Atwood's "The Little Red Hen Tells All," excerpts
from Shirley Jackson's 'family' books, among others, but would like
fresh suggestions. Thanks so much.
Deborah Brothers
deborah.brothers AT llcc.edu
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 13:37:14 -0400
From: Reese Kelly <rck517 AT GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesHello,
If you are looking for a comic, I recommend Diane DiMassa's "Hothead
Paisan: Homocidal Lesbian Terrorist." http://www.hotheadpaisan.com/
Reese Carey Kelly
Doctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology
University at Albany, SUNY
Visiting Instructor, Departments of Sociology and Women's and Gender Studies
Middlebury College
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 10:49:03 -0700
From: Marilyn Edelstein <MEdelstein AT SCU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesLorrie Moore (contemporary U.S. writer) writes some wonderfully funny
short stories--some both humorous and moving. See in particular some
of the stories in her collection _Self-Help_, esp. the hysterical "How
to Become a Writer" (which begins "First, do anything else. . .") and
also "How to Talk to Your Mother." She has at least one or two other
story collections, too. Marilyn Edelstein
Marilyn Edelstein
Associate Professor of English
Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara CA 95053
medelstein AT scu.edu
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 12:53:21 -0500
From: Chelsey Clammer <watermisbehaves AT GMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesAli Smith's new collection of short stories called The First Person: And
Other Stories is witty, well-written, and tackles a variety of issues. Plus,
she's just such an amazing writer.
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 13:58:06 -0400
From: Margaret D. Stetz <chavvy AT AOL.COM>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesThere are some excellent selections from a wide range of historical
periods in Daryl Dance's edited collection, Honey, Hush! An Anthology
of African American Women's Humor.
Margaret D. Stetz
Mae and Robert Carter Professor of Women's Studies and Professor of Humanities
University of Delaware
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 15:29:51 -0400
From: Jean Pfaelzer <pfaelzer AT UDEL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesHave taught Lily Tomlin . smart, edgy, fun. Jeannie Pfaelzer
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 17:30:25 -0400
From: Emily Wills <wille480 AT NEWSCHOOL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesMohja Kahf is a hilarious writer. I'm having trouble finding links to her
short stories online, but I know she has published some. If not, her poems
are accessible and fairly narrative, and also funny.
Emily Regan Wills
PhD Candidate, Department of Politics
New School for Social Research
wille480 AT newschool.edu
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 18:08:36 -0400
From: S Collingwood <collingwood.7 AT OSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Suggestions for Comic or Humorous Short StoriesA great comic science fiction story is Carol Emshwiller's "Abominable," in
her collection Report to the Men's Club. All the women have up and left,
and the men speculate about whether they ever really existed or not.
As I remember, it's about six pages long, a great way to start an intro
Funny, inventive lady
Dr. Sharon Collingwood
Department of Women's Studies
Ohio State University
286 University Hall
230 North Oval Mall
Columbus, Ohio 43210-1311
Second Life: Ellie Brewster
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Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 13:26:25 -0500
From: "Brothers, Deborah" <Deborah.Brothers AT LLCC.EDU>
Subject: Here's the Humor List As of NowAgain, thanks to those who responded to my request for funny short
stories to use as a unit in a 100 level Intro to Women's Lit course.
Dance, Daryl Cumber, ed. Honey, Hush! An Anthology of African American Women's Humor
Emshwiller, Carol. "Abominable." Report to the Men's Club
Griffin, Pat. "Diamonds, Dykes, and Double Plays." In Sports Dykes. Susan Fox Rogers, ed.
Kahf, Mohja. (Nothing specific named, but she is said to be very funny)
Moore, Lorrie. Self Help (collected) also her novel Anagrams
Smith, Ali. The First Person: And other stories
Welty, Eudora. "Why I Live at the P.O."
Deborah Brothers
deborah.brothers AT llcc.edu
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