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Women's Autobiography

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:47:57 EDT
From:     Mary Beth Kwasek <Memok8  @  AOL.COM>
Subject:  Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

Does anyone know an anthology of women's autobiographies, letters, 
journals?  Or a critical text that looks at biography and autobiography.


Mary Beth Kwasek
Black Hawk College

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 13:10:05 -0500
From:     "Morgan-Curtis, Samantha" <scurtis  @  TNSTATE.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

I would recommend Domna Stanton's _The Female Autograph_.
Sam Morgan-Curtis
scurtis  @  tnstate.edu

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:32:51 -0400
From:     Darcy Martin <martindj  @  ACCESS.ETSU.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

I am using The Norton Book of Women's Lives,1993, edited by Phyllis Rose in
my Intro to Women's Studies class.  You might wish to take a look at it.  It
contains a variety of excerpts from autobiographical works, journals,
memoirs of a rich array of 20th century women including de Beauvoir,
Hayslip, Bernadette Devlin, Joan Didion, Annie Dillard, Audre Lorde, to name
just a very small sampling.  One interesting tidbit:  Rose cross-references
each writing to others in (as well as outside) the anthology dealing with
similar issues, e.g., mother/daughter relations, women and war, childhood,
etc.  I am hoping it will work well as a complementary text.  I know I have
enjoyed reading the book.

Darcy Martin, M.A.
Women's Studies
East Tennessee State University
phone: (423) 439-6311
fax: (423) 439-8004
Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:42:36 EDT
From:     JudithK493  @  AOL.COM
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

I would suggest all of Sidonie Smith's and Julia Watson's inspiring works.

Judith Fortune Koplewitz, Ph.D.
Timberlane Women's Therapy
150 Dorset St.
S. Burlington, VT 05403
judithk493  @  aol.com

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 15:03:32 -0400
From:     Temma Berg <tberg  @  GETTYSBURG.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

I would add Liz Stanley's THE AUTO/BIOGRAPHICAL I. --Temma

Temma F. Berg
Professor of English
Coordinator of Women's Studies
Gettysburg College
Gettysburg PA 17325
Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:06:36 -0500
From:     "M. Catherine Jonet" <mjonet  @  PURDUE.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

the work of sidonie smith is a great place to start.

Subjectivity, Identity, and the Body:  Women's Autobiographical
Practices in the
Twentieth Century.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993.

A Poetics of Women's Autobiography:  Marginality and the Fictions of
Self-Representation.  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press, 1987.

Women, Autobiography, Theory: A Reader.  Co-edited with Julia Watson.
University of Wisconsin Press, 1998.

Getting a Life: Everyday Uses of Autobiography.  Co-edited with Julia
Watson. University of Minnesota Press, 1996.

De/Colonizing the Subject: Gender and the Politics of Women's
Autobiography. Co-edited with Julia Watson.  Minneapolis: University of
Minnesota Press, 1992.

M. Catherine Jonet
mjonet  @  purdue.edu
Purdue University
Dept. of English

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 15:36:39 -0400
From:     J Biddle <jandjb  @  EROLS.COM>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals


Jill Ker Conway has two anthologies of such materials.

There's also an anthology called The Feminist Papers, published by
Northeastern U Press, I think.

Regarding other texts--I've written a narrative to accompany my own
Course at The New School, called Reading Between The Lines....   I can't
remember just now some of the other books available...

Joan I. Biddle Ph.D.
LTC, USAR (ret)
jandjb  @  erols.com
Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 15:01:59 -0500
From:     Mev Miller <wplp  @  WINTERNET.COM>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

>Does anyone know an anthology of women's autobiographies, letters,
>journals?  Or
> a critical text that looks at biography and autobiography.

From the Women's Presses Library Project:

In the Footsteps of the Goddess: Personal Stories
Cristina Biaggi editor
Cristina Biaggi Illustrator
Knowledge, Ideas & Trends, Inc. (KIT)
2000 1-879198-30-4 C $20.00  5 1/4 x 7 176 pages
Spirituality/Religion, Self-Help, New Age, Autobiography

       *In the Footsteps of the Goddess* is a compilation of Goddess
stories provided by people from many walks of life as well as the story
of my own coming to the Goddess and how this transformed my life and
work. -- Cristina Biaggi

Bibliography: Yes
Index: No
Illustrations: Yes


Women's Presses Library Project
..keeping women's words in circulation
Mev Miller, Project Coordinator
1483 Laurel Ave.
St. Paul, MN 55104-6737

651-646-1153 /fax

wplp  @  winternet.com

Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:47:30 -0500
From:     "Amy L. Wink" <drwink  @  THEWRITINGMENTOR.COM>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

There are *many* anthologies of women's autobiographies such Jill Ker
Conway's Written By Herself (the entries are heavily edited and do not
necessarily offer a complete understanding of each woman's completed
autobiography); The Norton Book of Women's Lives, etc, etc. For collections
of diaries, check Suzanne Bunker's Diaries of Girls and Women: A Midwestern
Sampler (U of Wisconsin 2001), or Margo Culley's  A Day at a Time, or the
Covered Wagon Women series reissued from University of Nebraska Press. There
are also many collections of letters, the recent "800 Years of Women's
Letters" for example.  An easy thing to do to find a collection you like is
to search Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com using "women's autobiography" or
"diaries" as a search term. This will yield  *many* selections and allow you
to find a theme or issue which might be of particular interest.

In addition, there are  a large number of critical texts that examine
autobiography and biography, Carolyn Heilbrun's Writing a Woman's Life is a
good place to start, and an excellent read. A recently published anthology,
(1998-2000?) whose name escapes me at this moment also includes *most* of
the significant articles written on women's autobiography and biography  and
is designed as a reader for courses in women's autobiography and biography

I also have a bibliography which I can send you privately, and I know we
have had similar discussions on WMST-L previously so some of the archives
should have a nice listing as well.

Best wishes,

drwink  @  thewritingmentor.com
Amy L. Wink, Ph.D.
The Writing Mentor:
Professional Assistance for Scholarly and Non-Scholarly Writers
Date:     Fri, 31 Aug 2001 17:10:10 -0400
From:     Rosa Maria Pegueros <rpe2836u  @  POSTOFFICE.URI.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

Behar, Ruth, ed. Women Writing Culture (Univ. of California Press 1995)

Braxton, Joanne M. Black Women Writing Autobiography : A Tradition Within a
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989)

Brodzki Schenck Life/Lines: Theorizing Women's Autobiography.(Cornell
University Press, 1988)

Brownley, Martine W. and Allison B. Kimmich, editors Women and Autobiography
(Scholarly Resources 1999)

Brewster, Anne Reading Aboriginal Women's Autobiography
(Sydney University Press. 1996)

Brodzki & Schenck Life Lines Theorizing Women's Autobiography
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1988)

Buss, Helen M Mapping Our Selves Canadian Women's Autobiography In English
(Montreal & Kingston: McGill Queens Univ Press 1993)

Culley, Margo ed., American Women's Autobiography: Feasts of Memory(Univ.
of Wisconsin Press)

Culley, Margo (ed) Day at a Time. A Diary Literature of American Women from
1764 t Present
(The Feminist Press, 1985)

Fowler, Lois J. and David H. Fowler (eds.),  Revelations of Self: American
Women in Autobiography
(SUNY, 1990)

Ibsen, Kristine. Women's Spiritual Autobiography in Colonial Spanish America.
(Gainesville,FL U. of Florida 1999)

Jelinek, Estelle C. (editor), The Tradition of Women's Autobiography: from
antiquity to the present: Sappho, Agrippina, Kempe, Bradstreet, Stanton,
Goldman, Stein, Hellman, Millett, Angelou, & more.(Boston, Twayne, 1986)

Jellinek, Estelle C., Ed. Women's Autobiography: Essays in Criticism
(Indiana University Press, 1980 )

Kosta, Barbara,  Recasting Autobiography: Women's Counterfictions in
Contemporary German Literature & Film
Parati, Graziella, Public History, Private Stories : Italian Women's
(Univ of Minnesota Press Minneapolis 1996)
Perkins, Margo V. Autobiography as Activism: Three Black Women of the Sixties.
(Jackson, MS: Univ Press of Mississippi, 2000)
Peterson, Linda H Traditions of Victorian Women's Autobiography: The
Poetics and Politics of Life Writing (Charlottesville 1999)

Smith, Sidonie DE/COLONIZING THE SUBJECT The Politics of Gender in Women's
(University of Minnesota Press, 1992)

Whitlock, Gillian, Intimate Empire: Reading Women's Autobiography
(Continuum Publishing Group 2000)

Wood, Mary Elene Writing On The Wall: Women's Autobiography (University of
Illinois Press)

The classic work on oral history is by Daphne Patai & Sherna Berger Gluck:
Womens words.The feminist practice of oral history (Routledge.1991)

Rosa Maria Pegueros, J.D., Ph.D.
Women's Studies Program &       Washburn Hall, 217C
Department of History           E-mail:
University of Rhode Island      <rpe2836u  @  postoffice.uri.edu>
80 Upper College Road, Suite 3  Telephone: (401) 874-4092
Kingston, RI 02881                    Fax: (401) 874-2595

"I have learned from my teachers and from my colleagues. But
I have learned the most from my students." --Rabbi Hanina

Date:     Sun, 2 Sep 2001 15:03:12 -0400
From:     Rhonda Jenkins Armstrong <raj10  @  PSU.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

You might also consider the following:

Susan Cahill, ed.  Writing Women's Lives.  HarperCollins, 1994.   It's a
20th Century collection, primarily excerpts from longer works, 5-10 pp.
each with biographical data on the authors.


Carolyn Heilbrun.  Writing a Woman's Life.  Ballantine, 1988.  It's a short
critical study, suitable for a general audience.

Rhonda Armstrong
raj10  @  psu.edu

Date:     Sat, 1 Sep 2001 13:53:12 -0600
From:     Marilyn Grotzky <mgrotzky  @  carbon.cudenver.edu>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

Women, Autobiography, Theory, edited by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson, has
many interesting looking chapters.

M Grotzky
Auraria Library
Denver, CO 80214
mgrotzky  @  carbon.cudenver.edu
Date:     Sat, 1 Sep 2001 13:58:14 -0600
From:     Marilyn Grotzky <mgrotzky  @  carbon.cudenver.edu>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

The Norton Book of Women's Lives is a nice collection -- mostly
autobiography, as I recall.
Phyllis Rose is the editor.  Her Parallel Lives is a nice set of biographies
about literary couples.  You may want to look at that also.

Marilyn Grotzky
Auraria Library
Denver CO
mgrotzky  @  carbon.cudenver.edu
Date:     Sat, 1 Sep 2001 13:34:55 -0700
From:     Eileen Boris <boris  @  WOMST.UCSB.EDU>
Subject:  Personal Narratives of Academics/Autobiographies

There are at least three collections of personal narratives by feminists

Voices of Women Historians, which I co-edited with Nupur Chaurdhuri, that
looks at personal, political, and professional (Indiana, 1999)
Barbara Laslett and Barrie Thorne co-edited a collection from sociologists,
Feminist sociology : life histories of a movement (Rutgers 1997)
and Feminist Press came out with narratives of "first generation" women's
studies scholars, The Politics of Women's Studies: Testimony from Thirty
Founding Mothers (The Feminist Press, 2000).

These might be of interest to students, especially read with some article
by a person who is telling her story!

Eileen Boris
Hull Professor of Women's Studies
Affiliate Faculty, Department of History
Women's Studies Program
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, Ca 93103
805 893 2727 (phone) 805 893 8676
boris  @  womst.ucsb.edu

Date:     Sun, 2 Sep 2001 11:01:59 -0500
From:     Audrey Crawford <acrawford2  @  PDQ.NET>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

*Writing a Woman's Life*, by Carolyn Heilbrun.
Audrey Crawford
acrawford2  @  pdq.net
Houston, TX
Date:     Wed, 5 Sep 2001 10:05:17 -0600
From:     Marilyn Grotzky <mgrotzky  @  carbon.cudenver.edu>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography, Biography, Letters, Journals

I very much enjoyed The Challenge of Feminist Biography: Writing the Lives
of Modern American Women, edited by Sarah Alpern et al.  Each chapter was
written by a woman who has written a substantial biography of an American
woman.  I don't have the book with me, so I'm going to make some errors.
One biographer, writing about Belle Markowitz, FDR's campaign manager, who
happened to be an ancestor, was treated like a faculty wife with a little
hobby -- "She's writing about her grandmother."  Another, working with the
life of a then living famous woman, had to disentangle herself from the
family, who were so welcoming that she was beginning to feel loss of
objective distance.  One spent a year in a place her husband needed to be
for his work, then when it was her turn, as previously agreed, it was no
longer convenient.

Marilyn Grotzky

Date:     Wed, 5 Sep 2001 13:50:56 -0500
From:     Deb Morrow <corzines  @  SIU.EDU>
Subject:  Fwd: Women's autobio

Joan and All Others --

I'd like to have the following response placed on WMST-L
from someone who is not a member of the listserve.  I've
copied the original question and responses to several
interested members on our campus, and Elyse asked that
I forward her message, if possible.

Deb Morrow, Women's Studies, SIUC, corzines  @  sui.edu

>Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2001 10:46:39 -0500
>From: elyse pineau <elyse  @  siu.edu>
>Subject: Women's autobio
>I caught the inquiry regarding women's autobiography/oral narrative
>that came across the listserve; thanks  to those who responded
>for the bib and cites. As women's autobiographical performance is
>my primary research interest, let me add the following perspectives
>from other disciplines and special contexts. Hope it catches
>someone else's eye.
>--Albright, Ann Cooper.  Choreographing Difference: The Body and
>Identity in Contemporary Dance. Wesleyan 1997. [feminist dance
>theory with several great chapters on autobiographical dance]
>--Pollock, Della. Telling Bodies Performing Birth. Columbia UP, 1999.
>[auto/ethnographic critical study of women's birth stories]
>--Middleton, Sue. Educating Feminists: Life Histories and Pedagogy.
>Teachers College Press, 1993. [how women teachers develop,
>negotiate their teaching selves in thru personal narratives]
>--Witherell, S. & Noddings, N. (Eds.) Stories Lives Tell: Narrative
>and Dialogue in Education. Teachers College Press, 1991.
>[similar to above]
>-- forthcoming:  Miller, Lynn, & Taylor, Jaqueline.  Voices Made
>Flesh: Performing Women's Autobiography.  Wisconsin UP--
>sometime this year I hope!! [collected performance scripts and
>critical essays by women scholars who perform their own and
>other's personal narratives.]
>Elyse Pineau
>Associate Professor, Speech Communication
>Southern Illinois University

Date:     Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:28:12 -0600
From:     Mary Carruth <mcarruth  @  ARCHES.UGA.EDU>
Subject:  Autobiography and Disability

A graduate student of mine is doing an independent study on
autobiographies by women who have disabilties, including "mental
illness."  (She may also consider works by men that fit within a gender
studies approach.)

Please send your suggestions for her reading list to my address:
mcarruth  @  uga.edu. Primary texts as well as secondary sources on
autobiography and disability studies would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Dr. Mary Carruth, Assistant Director
University of Georgia
Women's Studies Program
1200 S. Lumpkin Street   Benson Building
Athens, GA  30602-3647
Phone: 706-542-2846 Fax: 542-0049
mcarruth  @  arches.uga.edu

Date:     Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:46:41 -0700
From:     Lisa Gerrard <gerrard  @  HUMNET.UCLA.EDU>
Subject:  Re: Autobiography and Disability


Your student might want to read Nancy Mairs' Plaintext, which is
largely about Mairs' struggle with multiple sclerosis.


Lisa Gerrard
gerrard  @  humnet.ucla.edu

UCLA Writing Programs
271 Kinsey Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Date:     Thu, 6 Sep 2001 09:01:27 -0500
From:     Phyllis Holman Weisbard <pweisbard  @  LIBRARY.WISC.EDU>
Subject:  women's letters, diaries, etc. "anthology"

There is an excellent new electronic resource with hundreds of letters and
diaries of American women. It is _North American Women's Letters and
Diaries, Colonial to 1950_. The description we provide our users is
    "An extensive collection of published and unpublished women's diaries and
correspondence, drawn from more than 1,000  sources, including journal
articles, pamphlets, newsletters, monographs, and conference proceedings,
mostly in   copyright. The database is enhanced by more than 1,500
biographies, and can be searched by subject, event, place,  person, and
chronology. This resource is intended for students and scholars in history,
literature, sociology, and  genealogy. It will be published in five parts,
Winter 2001 to Summer 2002."

Obviously students in women's studies would also benefit from using this

The database is from Alexander Street Press (see
http://alexanderstreetpress.com). Although it costs more than small
institutions can afford (in the thousands of dollars), large institutions
and smaller ones that can obtain "one time money" or grants for special
collections should, I think, consider this one.

I just looked at the website for the first time in a while, and I see that
among their collections also is -_British and Irish Women's Letters and


    Phyllis Holman Weisbard, University of Wisconsin System
    Women's Studies Librarian
    430 Memorial Library, Madison, WI 53706
    (608) 263-5754               pweisbard  @  library.wisc.edu


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