Activism Course Readings
The following discussion of readings for a course on Feminist Campus Activism
took place on WMST-L in November 2006. For additional WMST-L files available
on the Web, see the WMST-L File Collection.
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:20:46 -0800
From: "Nelson, Jennifer" <Jennifer_Nelson AT REDLANDS.EDU>
Subject: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseHi all:
I am teaching a new course next semester called "Feminist Campus
Activism." It's an intro level Women's Studies course designed for
students to organize an on-campus activist project over the course of
the semester. I want to do some reading with them that will introduce
them to "feminist activism" in a lively and engaging fashion. I'm
already planning to use portions of "Grassroots" and "Manifesta" by
Jennifer Baumgardner and Amy Richards. I'm also considering using
portions of Inga Muscio's "Cunt."
Jennifer Nelson, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Women's Studies Program
University of Redlands
1200 E. Colton Ave.
PO Box 3080
Redlands, CA 92373-0999
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 12:53:51 -0600
From: Julie Daniels <j.daniels AT CENTURY.EDU>
Subject: Re: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseIs Katz and Veland's "Get Smart!: A Woman's Guide to Equality on
Campus" too outdated for your purposes? Julie
Julie K. Daniels
English and Women's Studies
Century College
3300 Century Ave. N.
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
julie.daniels AT century.edu
"Earth worms are so pleasant." Zoe K. Daniels, at age 3
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 14:48:19 -0500
From: Mary Jo Aagerstoun <mjaagerstoun AT MATHISNET.COM>
Subject: Readings for Feminist Activist CourseWe (Elissa Auther and I) think any and all courses on feminist activism
should use our forthcoming special issue of the NWSA Journal on feminist
activist art (Issue 19.1, Spring 2007). It will be out in April, and
features 6 essays on feminist activism reaching back to the '70s (Suzanne
Lacy's pioneering feminist performance that transformed discourse on rape)
to what is happening right now in Afro Cuban feminist hip hop, 4 in-depth
review essays covering 9 texts with critiques of their attention to feminist
activist art, a stimulating forum featuring key voices from feminist art
criticism and history, and two outstanding feminist collectives, subRosa and
the Guerrilla Girls. The Girls appear twice in our issue, the second time in
a revealing three-way interview conducted by Kristen Raizada, and including
the Dyke Action Machine (DAM!) and Toxic Titties from LA. Liberally
illustrated, with some images in color, a first for this journal.
Don't miss it! Of course, if you are an NWSA member, you will get it
automatically. And, hopefully, your library is a subscriber.
Mary Jo Aagerstoun, Ph. D.
Independent Art Historian
West Palm Beach, Florida
mjaagerstoun AT mathisnet.com
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 03:08:32 -0600
From: "Scheper, Jeanne A" <jscheper AT CENTRAL.UH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseDear Jennifer Nelson,
Here are a few readings and resources (in no particular order) that I
have used both in undergrad Intro to WS and in a graduate seminar
Feminist Approaches to Performance Studies for a unit on activism,
including an essay I recently published on campus TA union organizing
and feminist art. - best, Jeanne
1. Cvetkovich, Ann. Intro + Ch 5 "AIDS activism and Public Feelings:
Documenting ACT UP's Lesbians," and "Legacies of Trauma, Legacies
of Activism: Mourning and Militancy Revisited," in An Archive of
Feelings by Ann Cvetkovich, pp156-238.
2. "Listening to Local Practices: Performance and Identity Politics
in Riverside California" by Deborah Wong in Decomposition:
Postdisciplinary Performance, pp 18-38.
3. "Visualize Academic Labor in the 1990s: Inventing an Activist
Archive in Santa Barbara," by Jeanne Scheper. Feminist Studies 31.3
4.WAC Archives:
5. Mark Dery, "Culture Jamming: Hacking, Slashing, and Sniping in
the Empire of Signs"
http://www.markdery.com/culture_jamming.html (also
available from Open Magazine).
PISSAR (People In Search of Safe and Accessible Restrooms)
Jeanne Scheper, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Houston
Women's Studies
624 Agnes Arnold Hall
Houston, TX 77204-3005
jscheper AT uh.edu
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 00:53:26 -0500
From: Shereen Siddiqui <siddiqui AT FAU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseI'd love to see the syllabus for your course. I've taught a course
called "Feminism and Social Activism," and I assign activist projects
in all my classes, even if "activism" isn't in the course title. (This
semester, for example, students in my "Women, Violence, & Resistance"
course organized a Take Back the Night event.) Below are some of the
books I've used when teaching the undergraduate feminist activism
Feminism: The Essential Historical Writings by Miriam Schneir
Moving the Mountain: The Women's Movement in America Since 1960 by
Flora Davis
Manifesta: Young Women, Feminism, and the Future by Jennifer
Baumgardner and Amy Richards
Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism by Alice Walker
That Take Ovaries: Bold Females and Their Brazen Acts by Rivka Solomon
The latter is not specifically about political activism, but the
contributors share true stories of outrageous acts and everyday
rebellions that some might consider activist in nature. It's a fun
accompaniment to the heavier readings, and my students are energized
and inspired by it. One semester they did a "That Takes Ovaries Open
Mike" for their group project.
Shereen Siddiqui
Florida Atlantic University
siddiqui AT fau.edu
Date: Sat, 18 Nov 2006 13:45:46 -0800
From: Barbara Scott Winkler <winklerb AT CHARTER.NET>
Subject: Re: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseOur Women's Studies Program at Southern Oregon University is in the midst of
transforming our final requirement for our minor; in the past it has been a
"Practicum" that has mostly attracted students in Social Science who are
interested in social service placements or service learning opportunities. I
would like to broaden the course to bring in more of our Arts and Letters
(arts, humanities) students and our minors who major in business as well. I
am thinking of retitling the course "Feminist Theory (or Theories) in
Action" since we cannot sustain a feminist theory course. We are under the
budget gun - the whole university is - with low enrollments.
Any ideas for readings, videos, other resources, on feminist activism in a
broad understanding of that term would be highly desired. Send to me:
Barbara Scott Winkler, Director
Women's Studies Program
winklerb AT sou.edu or winklerb AT charter.net (first email address is
preferable). If there is interest from the list I will share. Best,
P.S. I also teach Moving the Mountain in my Contemporary U.S. Women's
Movements class and even though it needs updating it is very well received
as highly readable by the students. I also try to "smuggle" feminist
theories into that class, but it is not for minors only, is gen ed, and I
stay on the history/organizations.
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 14:12:19 +0100
From: Judith Ezekiel <ezekiel AT UNIV-TLSE2.FR>
Subject: Readings for "Feminist Activism" courseMy book on the women's movement in Dayton, Ohio,
Feminism in the Heartland (Columbus: OSUP, 2002),
could be useful in a class on feminist activism.
In her review in Against the Current, Sonya Huber
says that it is "essential for activists who are
hungering for context and wisdom to guide their
own organizing efforts."
Judith Ezekiel
ezekiel AT univ-tlse2.fr
Equipe Race et Genre
UniversitT de Toulouse-Le Mirail
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 08:52:07 -0500
From: Claire N. Kaplan <cnk2r AT VIRGINIA.EDU>
Subject: Feminist Activism CourseThe UVA Women's Center offers two courses on feminist activism, coupled
with an internship either in the center itself or at a local agency that
advocates for women in some respect. Among the books required for the
course (in addition to many individual readings) are:
"Community Activism and Feminist Politics in the United States" (fall
Baumgardner, J., & Richards, A. (2005). /Grassroots: A field guide for
feminist activism/. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
hooks, b. (2000). /Feminism is for everbody: Passionate politics/.
Cambridge, MA: South End Press.**
///iris/. (Spring 2005). Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia
Women's Center.
Labaton, V., & Martin, D. L. (Eds.). (2004). /The fire this time: Young
activists and the new feminism/. New York: Anchor Books.
Tea, M. (Ed.). (2003). /Without a net: The female experience of growing
up working class/. Emeryville, CA: Seal Press.
"Community Activism and Feminist Politics: A Global Perspective" (spring
Burn, S. M. (2005). /Women across cultures: A global perspective/
(Second ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
Ehrenreich, B., & Hochschild, A. R. (Eds.). (2002). /Global woman:
Nannies, maids, and sex workers in the new economy/. New York: Owl Books.
Seager, J. (2003). /The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World/ (Third
ed.): Penguin.
If you'd like copies of the syllabi, contact Dawn Anderson at
dla3y AT virginia.edu. She's a member of this list, but I haven't seen any
response from her about this subject (apologies if she has and this is a
Claire Kaplan
Claire N. Kaplan, Ph.D.
Director, Sexual & Domestic Violence Services
University of Virginia Women^-s Center
PO Box 800588
Charlottesville VA 22908-0588
cnk2r AT virginia.edu
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