ENGL 348: The Internet for Humanists
Help in Finding a Humanities-Oriented List
The World Wide Web has several good sources of information about humanities-related e-mail lists. I will provide basic instruction very early in the semester on how to use the web; these instructions should enable you to use the following three sources of information:
- Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences. You can search right away, or you can scroll down to browse through the subject index, which provides annotated listings of lists in areas such as "Art, Architecture, and Urban Design," "History," "Humanities (Comparative and Interdisciplinary)," "Literature," "Music," and "Philosophy and Ethics."
- Liszt . The largest and fastest search engine devoted to e-mail lists. It currently boasts a database of more than 90,000 lists. However, while Liszt is a terrific resource, do NOT depend on its classifications to find a humanities-related list. For purposes of this assignment, "humanities" lists are those dealing with art, ancient studies, dance, history, languages, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, theater, and writing.
Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists .
PAML has a smaller selection than Liszt, but it does include some lists not found above, and its scope is broader than that of the Directory of Scholarly and Professional E-Conferences. It has two indexes, one arranged by list name and the other (more useful, I think) arranged by subject.
If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me via e-mail. Here's how..
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