If you are running R, connected to the internet, and have write privileges on your computer's disk, you can
install GrassmannOptim by typing the following command in the R command window:
> install.packages("GrassmannOptim")
To use the GrassmannOptim package you must enter the library command in R:
> library(GrassmannOptim)
Some Optimization Examples Using GrassmannOptim
The following are some examples of the use of GrassmannOptim package.
Example 1:
Likelihood Acquired Direction (Cook and Forzani, 2009).
Is it a car, a plane, a bird? The package is used to reproduce the result of Cook and Forzani (2009). Figure 1 shows the plot of the two direstions obtained from the optimization.
The dataset is can be accessed here.
lad = function(X, y, d=1,...)
# The following code assume that
# X is a n x p data-matrix and y is a
mf <- match.call()
op <- dim(X);
p <- op[2]
n <- op[1]
if (p > n) stop("This method requires n larger than p")
Xc <- scale(X, TRUE , FALSE)
Sigmatilde <- t(Xc)%*%Xc/n
projection <- function(alpha, Sigma)
{ return(alpha%*%solve(t(alpha)%*%Sigma%*%alpha)%*%t(alpha)%*%Sigma)
groups <- unique(sort(y))
nSlices <- length(groups)
N_y <-vector(length=nSlices)
Deltatilde_y = vector(length=nSlices, "list")
for (i in 1:nSlices)
{ N_y[i] <- length(y[y==groups[i]])
X_y <- X[which(y == groups[i]),]
X_yc <- scale(X_y, TRUE, FALSE)
Deltatilde_y[[i]] <- t(X_yc)%*%(X_yc)/N_y[i]
Sigmas <- list(Sigmatilde=Sigmatilde, Deltatilde_y=Deltatilde_y, N_y=N_y)
Deltatilde <- 0
for (i in 1:nSlices) Deltatilde <- Deltatilde + N_y[i]*Deltatilde_y[[i]]
if ((d==0)|(d==p)) return("This code is not designed for that dimension")
if ((d!=0)&(d!=p))
objfun <- function(W)
Q <- W$Qt
d <- W$dim[1]
p <- W$dim[2]
Sigmas <- W$Sigmas
n <- sum(Sigmas$N_y)
U <- matrix(Q[,1:d], nc=d)
V <- matrix(Q[,(d+1):p], nc=(p-d))
# Objective function
terme0 <- -(n*p)*(1+log(2*pi))/2
terme1 <- -n*log(det(Sigmas$Sigmatilde))/2
term <- det(t(U)%*%Sigmas$Sigmatilde%*%U)
if (is.null(term)|is.na(term)|(term <= 0)) return(NA) else terme2 <- n*log(term)/2
for (i in 1:length(Sigmas$N_y))
term <- det( t(U)%*%Sigmas$Deltatilde_y[[i]]%*%U )
if (is.null(term)|is.na(term)|(term <=0)) {break; return(NA)}
terme3 <- terme3 - Sigmas$N_y[i]*log(term)/2
value <- terme0 + terme1 + terme2 + terme3
terme0 <- solve(t(U)%*%Sigmas$Sigmatilde%*%U)
terme1 <- sum(Sigmas$N_y) * t(V)%*%Sigmas$Sigmatilde%*%U%*%terme0
terme2 <- 0
for (i in 1:length(Sigmas$N_y))
temp0 <- solve(t(U)%*%Sigmas$Deltatilde_y[[i]]%*%U)
temp <-Sigmas$N_y[i]*t(V)%*%Sigmas$Deltatilde_y[[i]]%*%U%*%temp0
terme2 <- terme2 - temp
gradient <- t(terme1 + terme2)
return(list(value=value, gradient=gradient))
objfun <- assign("objfun", objfun, env=.GlobalEnv)
W <- list(dim=c(d,p), Sigmas=Sigmas)
grassmann <- GrassmannOptim(objfun, W,...)
return(matrix(grassmann$Qt[,1:d], ncol=d))
dat <- read.table(url("http://www.math.umbc.edu/~kofi/GrassmannOptim/marcewhole.txt"), header=FALSE)
Gm <- lad(X=dat[,-1], y=dat[,1], d=2, sim_anneal=TRUE, cooling_rate = 1.2, max_iter_sa=200, max_iter=400, verbose=TRUE)
V<- t(Gm)%*%t(dat[,-1])
mycol <- dat[,1]
jpeg(filename = "carplanebird.jpg")
plot(V[1,], V[2,], xlab="Dir1", ylab="Dir2", pch=as.numeric(dat[,1]), cex=1.50, col=mycol);
title(main="Figure 1")
Example 2:
This second example also uses LAD on the flea beetles data (The GGobi book, Dianne Cook and Deborah F. Swayne). Figure 2 is the outpout of the data projected on the
two directions obtained by the Grassmann optimization.
dat <- read.csv(url("http://www.ggobi.org/book/data/flea.csv"), header=TRUE)
Levels <- unique(dat[,1]); y <- length(dat[,1]); X <- dat[,-1]
for (i in 1:length(Levels)) y[dat[,1]==Levels[i]] <- i
Gm <- lad(X=X, y=y, d=2, sim_anneal=TRUE, cooling_rate=1.2, max_iter_sa=200, max_iter=400, verbose=TRUE)
V<- t(Gm)%*%t(X)
mycol <- y
jpeg(filename = "fleaLAD.jpg")
plot(V[1,], V[2,], xlab="Dir1", ylab="Dir2", pch=as.numeric(y), cex=1.50, col=mycol)
title(main="Figure 2")
Example 3:
I consider using LDA Projection Pursuit index of Lee and Cook (2009) on the flea beetles data. Figure 3 shows the corresponding output.
dat <- read.csv(url("http://www.ggobi.org/book/data/flea.csv"), header=TRUE)
n <- nrow(dat)# The number of observations
Levels <- unique(dat[,1])# The classes or groups
nLevels <- length(Levels) # The number of groups or classes
y <- vector(length=n); X <- dat[,-1]
for (i in 1:nLevels) y[dat[,1]==Levels[i]] <- i; # labeling classes by 1,2,3.
N_y <-vector(length=nLevels);
for (i in 1:nLevels) N_y[i] <- length(y[y==i])
xbar_y = vector(length=nLevels, "list")
xbar <- apply(X, 2, mean)
B <- 0; # Between-group sum of squares
A <-0; # within-group sums of squares
tempX <- vector("list")
for (i in 1:nLevels){
tempX[[i]] <- X[y==i,]
B <- B + N_y[i]*(apply(X[y==i,], 2, mean) - xbar)%*%t(apply(X[y==i,], 2, mean) - xbar)
temp <- 0
for (j in 1:N_y[i]){
terme0 <- matrix(as.numeric(tempX[[i]][j,] - apply(tempX[[i]], 2, mean), nc=1))
temp <- temp + terme0%*%t(terme0)
A <- A + temp
proj_index <- function(W){
det(t(W$U)%*%W$A%*%W$U)/det(t(W$U)%*%(W$A + W$B)%*%W$U)
Qt <- OrthoNorm(matrix(runif(36), ncol=6))
W <- list(dim=c(2, 6), Qt=Qt, U=Qt[,1:2], V=Qt[, 3:6], A=A, B=B)
pp_opt <- function(W) return(list(value=proj_index(W)))
ans <- GrassmannOptim(pp_opt, W, sim_anneal = TRUE, cooling_rate = 1.2, max_iter_sa=200, max_iter=400, verbose = TRUE)
mycol <- y
jpeg(filename = "fleaLDAPP.jpg")
plot(t(ans$Qt[,1])%*%t(X), t(ans$Qt[,2])%*%t(X), xlab="Dir1", ylab="Dir2", pch=as.numeric(y), cex=1.50, col=mycol)
title(main="Figure 3")
Example 4:
This example uses the usual LDA function f(U)=U'BU(U'AU)^{-1}. A Grassmann optimization is performed to separate the classes on the flea beetles data.
Figure 4 shows its output.
From www.r-project.org, the home for R, you can get a wealth of information about the software R. The help file of GrassmannOptim available from the R Help menu is also useful.
Cook RD, Forzani L (2009) Likelihood-based Sufficient Dimension Reduction, J. of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 104, No. 485, 197--208.
Lee E-K, Cook D (2009) A Projection Pursuit Index for Large p Small n Data, Statistics and Computing
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This page was last modified on December 12, 2011 21:17