Hi, I'm Crystal, your average university student. There are so many different foods around the world to try. I'd like to say that I travel pretty frequently. This past 2015 Spring Semester, I had the opportunity to study abroad at Swansea, Wales in the UK. Naturally, I had the opportunity to eat many interesting foods and document the experience. Thus, Taste Abroad was born to share my foodventures. Join me as I explore the world and eat! Cheers!
I had the chance to eat some French sashimi when I was visiting Paris. They gave me a wonderful and colorful assortment of fish from salmon to tuna.
We absolutely had to stop by the famous pastry shop, Lauderee to taste their sweet macarons. That was a sad day for my wallet.
I don't normally drink coffee. My friend had to convince me to get a cup of coffee from this place and after seeing the beautiful latte art, it led me to start buying coffee just for their looks.
This was my first time experiencing a proper fish n chips meal when I was studying abroad...Let's just say that it was the first of many fish n chip meals.
This meal was eaten at Coast Cafe. They normalized the idea of taking pate casually, not pictured here! The salami was my favorite part!
This cute little number was found in a quiet street. The cappuccino had a lot more caffeine than expected.
I felt like I was 5 again when I ordered my ice cream sundae. The flag and teddy bear cookie were the best parts!