I pulled out an old textbook in June of '09 and the above-depicted card fell out. The card likely dates to the late '70s and an undergraduate CS course at Virginia Tech.
My guess is that most students have not seen punch cards of this sort. This one includes a word, likely a variable name at the beginning of an unfinished PL/I assignment statement. Why PL/I and not FORTRAN? The predominant FORTRAN compiler on the IBM 370/158 at Tech in that era was not yet FORTRAN 77, and so QUANTITY is too long to have been a FORTRAN variable name.
With seven distinct letters, the word quantity provides
enough information to suggest that the encoding was
probably EBCD
(an EBCDIC subset). The encoding is summarized to the right.
Reading the card: the rows 0-9 are clearly marked. The top row
is Y, and the row below that is X. The encoding
scheme places zero to three holes per column. A column with no
holes indicates a space and in the diagram is indicated
by - for both row and column. In the example card, every
column without a letter is a space—no holes.
On the card, look at the column below the letter 'U'. There are two holes punched, one in row 0 and one in row 4. Looking at the encoding in the table, 0-4 is 'U'. Look at the column under the 'A'. Rows Y and 1 are punched, indicating, in the table, 'A'. Certain punctuation characters require three holes. An example of this is '*', which uses 8, 4, and X.
Notice that, including space, EBCD allows for 64 different characters. The ones chosen are the most important ones for programming in an all uppercase world. On the face of it, so to speak, a card could accommodate a larger character set since 12 rows would correspond to 12-bit characters, allowing 4096 combinations. However, a Wikipedia article points out that more holes per column can endanger the structural strength of the card. One possible benefit of a richer character set would be lowercase letters. Another would be filling the chaff tray (where punched out holes reside until the card punch is cleaned out) faster, providing larger quantities of confetti for dormitory use.
For comparison, below is a FORTRAN statement on a card found at Wikipedia. Does this card use the same encoding as the card above?
To the
right is a
scene reportedly
from a National Archives storage facility taken in 1959. From Wikipedia:
Storage of IBM record cards at the Federal records center in
Alexandria, Virginia, November 1959. Between 1950 and 1966 the records
centers received millions of cubic feet of records, saving the federal
government more than the total spent for the entire operation of the
National Archives Records Service. Note: There are about 20 rows of
pallets visible, each row is 15 pallets wide, pallets are stacked two
high (at least). Each pallet contains 45 boxes of punched
cards. Standard card boxes contained 2000 cards. Each card held up to 80
characters, for a total of about 4.3 billion characters of data in
storage [in] this facility.