//This is a command-line transcript of getting the codeigniter framework into a gl account. //Note that i have commented the lines with a double slash that you cannot type - it is just for notes to you. //We have to download an old version with a url taken from the Downloads tab - not the current version 2 linux1[6]% pwd /afs/umbc.edu/users/j/i/jianwu/pub/swe2020/is651/programs/ch9 linux1[7]% wget --no-check-certificate https://userpages.umbc.edu/~jianwu/is651/programs/ch9/CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip --2020-10-22 16:25:05-- https://userpages.umbc.edu/~jianwu/is651/programs/ch9/CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip Resolving userpages.umbc.edu... Connecting to userpages.umbc.edu||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 2234099 (2.1M) [application/zip] Saving to: ‘CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip’ CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip 100%[======================================>] 2.13M 1.29MB/s in 1.7s 2020-10-22 16:25:07 (1.29 MB/s) - ‘CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip’ saved [2234099/2234099] linux1[8]% ls CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip linux1[9]% unzip Code* //unzip using a regular expression for short typing Archive: CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip creating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/ inflating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/index.php inflating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/license.txt creating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/system/ creating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/system/application/ creating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/system/application/config/ inflating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/system/application/config/autoload.php //...MANY MANY more files inflating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/user_guide/toc.html inflating: CodeIgniter_1.7.3/user_guide/userguide.css linux1[10]% ls CodeIgniter_1.7.3 CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip linux1[11]% mv C*3 ci //rename the long have to a short one for convenience linux1[12]% ls ci CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip linux1[13]% rm Code* //get rid of the zip file rm: remove regular file `CodeIgniter_1.7.3.zip'? y linux1[14]% ls ci linux1[15]%