Susan Hoban
List of Publications
Refereed Journals
1. "A search for the millimeter-wave transitions of CO+ in Comet P/Halley," 1986, Icarus 647, 515. S. Baum and S. Hoban.
2. "CN jets in P/Halley," 1986, Nature 324, 649. M. A'Hearn, S. Hoban, P. Birch, C. Bowers, R. Martin and D. Klinglesmith.
3. "A VLA search for continuum emission in comet P/Halley," 1987, Icarus 70, 264. S. Hoban and S. Baum.
4. "An investigation into periodicities in the morphology of CN jets in comet P/Halley," 1988, A. & A. 195, 331. S. Hoban, N.H. Samarasinha, M.F. A'Hearn and D.A. Klinglesmith.
5. "Spatial structure in the color of the dust coma of comet P/Halley," 1989, Icarus 79, 145. S. Hoban, M.F. A'Hearn, P.V. Birch and R. Martin.
6. "An analysis of G-band strengths in NGC 6397 and M55 red giants," 1990, Ap. J. 359, 307. M.M. Briley, R.A. Bell, S. Hoban and R.J. Dickens.
7. "Molecular hydrogen in the vicinity of NGC 7538 IRS 1 and IRS 2: temperature and ortho-to-para ratio," 1991, Ap. J. 370, 228. S. Hoban, D.C. Reuter, M.J. Mumma and A.D. Storrs.
8. "Tentative identification of methanol as the progenitor of the 3.52-micron emission feature in several comets," 1991, Icarus 93, 122. S. Hoban, M. Mumma, D. Reuter, M. DiSanti, R.R. Joyce and A. Storrs.
9. "Imaging the 3.4-micron emission feature in comet Levy (1990c)," 1992, Icarus 95 , 60. J.J. Klavetter and S. Hoban.
10. "A search for formaldehyde in several comets," 1992, Icarus 95, 329. D. Reuter, S. Hoban and M. Mumma.
11. "Serendipitous images of methanol in comet Levy (1990XX)," 1993, Icarus 104, 151. S. Hoban.
12. "The 32.-3.6 micron spectrum of comet P/Swift-Tuttle," 1993, M.N.R.A.S. 265, 1022. J.K. Davies, M.J. Mumma, D.C. Reuter, S. Hoban, H.A. Weaver, P.J. Puxley, and S.L. Lumsden.
13. "Infrared Observations of comet P/Swift-Tuttle," 1993, Icarus 105, 548. S. Hoban, D.C. Reuter, M.A. DiSanti, M.J. Mumma, and R. Elston.
Invited reviews
Unrefereed contributions
"Irish Pubs Across America," 1994. (Printed and distributed through Irish Imagineers).
Science Education
1. "A Resource List for Science Teachers," 1993. (Printed and distributed through NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) D. C. Reuter, S. Hoban, and E.E. Roettger.
1. "Ion morphology in comet P/Halley," 1986, BAAS 18, 803. S. Hoban, M. A'Hearn, P. Birch, R. Martin, M. Candy and D. Klinglesmith.
2. "Comet P/Halley CN jets - the direction of the rotation axis," 1986, BAAS 18, 826. M. A'Hearn, N. Samarasinha, S. Hoban and D. Klinglesmith.
3. "Properties of tail rays in comet Halley," 1987, BAAS 19, 887. S. Hoban and M. A'Hearn.
4. "Periodicities in the morphology of gaseous jets in comet Halley," 1987, BAAS 19, 866. M. A'Hearn, S. Hoban, N. Samarasinha and D. Klinglesmith.
5. "A VLA search for 2-cm continuum emission in comet P/Halley," 1987, Proceedings of the Cometary Radio Astronomy Workshop No. 17, Greenbank, WV, eds. Wm. Irvine et al., p.31. S. Hoban and S. Baum.
6. "A search for CO+ in comet Halley at millimeter wavelengths," 1987, Proceedings of the Cometary Radio Astronomy Workshop No. 17, Greenbank, WV, eds. Wm. Irvine et al., p. 77. S. Baum and S. Hoban.
7. "Gaseous jets in P/Halley," 1987, ESLAB Symp. Exploration of Halley's Comet, ESA SP-250, 483. M. A'Hearn, S. Hoban, P. Birch, C. Bowers, R. Martin and D. Klinglesmith.
8. "Ion morphology in the inner tail of comet P/Halley," 1987, ESLAB Symp. Exploration of Halley's Comet, ESA SP-250, 505. S. Hoban, M.F. A'Hearn, P. Birch, M. Candy, R. Martin and D. Klinglesmith.
9. "CN jets of comet P/Halley - Rotational properties," 1987, ESLAB Symp. Exploration of Halley's Comet, ESA SP-250, 487. N. Samarasinha, M.F. A'Hearn, S. Hoban and D. Klinglesmith.
10. "The rotational period of comet Halley as determined from CN jets," presented at the Symp. on the Similarities and Diversity of Comets, Brussels, Belgium, April 1987. N. Samarasinha, S. Hoban, M.F. A'Hearn and D. Klinglesmith.
11. "Spatial color variations in the dust coma of comet P/Halley," 1988, BAAS 20, 826. S. Hoban and M. A'Hearn.
12. "The relationship between the gas and dust in the jets of comet Halley," presented at Comets in the Post-Halley Era, Bamberg, FRG, April 1989. S. Hoban and M.F. A'Hearn.
13. "Inhomogeneities in the pre-solar nebula: clues from comet Halley," presented at the Centennial Scientific Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific: The Evolution of Planetary Systems, Berkeley, CA, June 1989. S. Hoban.
14. "Infrared observations of comet P/Brorsen-Metcalf with the Kitt Peak Cryogenic grating array spectrometer (CRSP)," 1989, BAAS 21, 938, S. Hoban, M. Mumma, A. Storrs, D. Reuter, D. Glenar, F. Espenak, H. Weaver and H. Larson.
15. "Infrared spectral and spatial mapping of NGC 7538 IRS 1 and IRS 2," presented at Protostars and Planets III, Tucson, AZ, March 1990. S. Hoban, M. Mumma, D. Reuter and R. Joyce.
16. "Infrared spectroscopy of comets P/Brorsen-Metcalf (1989o), Okazaki-Levy-Rudenko (1989r), Austin (1989c1) and Levy (1990c)," 1990, BAAS 22, 1096. S. Hoban, M. Mumma, M. DiSanti, D. Reuter, F. Espenak and A. Storrs.
17. "A search for CO emission in comet Austin (1989c1)," 1990, BAAS 22, 1094. M. DiSanti, M. Mumma, S. Hoban, D. Reuter, F. Espenak, J. Lacy and R. Parmar.
18. "Searching for formaldehyde in comets at infrared wavelengths," 1991, BAAS 23, 1162. S. Hoban, D.C. Reuter and M.J. Mumma.
19. "Observational evidence for heterogeneity of cometary nuclei: the ratio of methanol-to-formaldehyde as an indicator of cometary origins," 1991, BAAS 23, 1167. M.J. Mumma, D.C. Reuter, S. Hoban and M.A. DiSanti.