Math 627 - Introduction to Parallel Computing

Fall 2006 - Matthias K. Gobbert

Schedule - Last Updated May 08, 2006

This schedule is designed to give you an overview of the material to be covered and is tentative in nature.
The chapter numbers refer to Peter S. Pacheco, Parallel Programming with MPI, Morgan Kaufmann, 1997.
Class Date Main Topic
1 Th 08/31 Chapter 1: Introduction
2 Tu 09/05 Chapter 3: Greetings!
3, #1 Th 09/07 Chapter 4: An Application: Numerical Integration
4 Tu 09/12 Chapter 11: Performance
5 Th 09/14 Chapter 5: Collective Communication
6, #2 Tu 09/19 Chapter 5: Collective Communication
7 Th 09/21 Chapter 5: Collective Communication
8 Tu 09/26 Chapter 2: An Overview of Parallel Computing
9 Th 09/28 Setup of a Beowulf Cluster
10, #3 Tu 10/03 Chapter 9: Debugging Your Program
11 Th 10/05 Techniques for Parallel Program Development
12 Tu 10/10 Chapter 6: Grouping Data for Communication
13 Th 10/12 Chapter 8: Dealing with I/O
14, #4 Tu 10/17 I/O on a Beowulf Cluster
15 Th 10/19 Chapter 13: Advanced Point-to-Point Communication
16 Tu 10/24 Chapter 13: Advanced Point-to-Point Communication
17 Th 10/26 Chapter 7: Communicators and Topologies
18, #5 Tu 10/31 Report on project background
19 Th 11/02 Chapter 10: Design and Coding of Parallel Programs
20 Tu 11/07 Chapter 10: Design and Coding of Parallel Programs
21 Th 11/09 Chapter 12: More on Performance
22 Tu 11/14 Update on Project Work
23 Th 11/16 Chapter 15: Parallel Libraries: ScaLAPACK
24 Tu 11/21 Chapter 15: Parallel Libraries: PETSc
Th 11/23 Thanksgiving Holiday
25 Tu 11/28 Update on Project Work
26 Th 11/30 Measuring Performance on a Beowulf Cluster
27 Tu 12/05 Application: Simulation of Calcium Waves in Heart Cells
28 Th 12/07 Application: Numerical Solution of the Boltzmann Equation
29 Tu 12/12 Preparation of Project Presentations
Tu 12/19 01:00-3:00 Project Presentations; notice the date and time!

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This page version 0.2, August 2006.