The chapter and section numbers refer to the text, Stanley J. Farlow, An Introduction to Differential Equations and Their Applications, Dover, 1994.
Class | Date | Main Topic | Notes |
1 | W 08/27 | 1.0 Prologue | |
2 | F 08/29 | 1.1 Basic Definitions and Concepts | HW 1 due: handout |
M 09/01 | Labor Day | ||
3 | W 09/03 | 1.2 Some Basic Theory | |
4 | F 09/05 | 1.2 Some Basic Theory | HW 2 due: Sec. 1.1, 1.2 |
5 | M 09/08 | 2.1 First-Order Linear Equations | |
6 | W 09/10 | 2.2 Separable Equations | |
7 | F 09/12 | 2.3 Growth and Decay Phenomena | HW 3 due: Sec. 2.1, 2.2 |
8 | M 09/15 | 2.4 Mixing Phenomena | |
9 | W 09/17 | 2.5 Cooling and Heating Phenomena | |
10 | F 09/19 | 2.7 The Direction Field and Euler's Method | HW 4 due: Sec. 2.3, 2.4 |
11 | M 09/22 | 2.8 Higher-Order Numerical Methods | |
12 | W 09/24 | 3.1 Introduction to Second-Order Linear Equations | |
13 | F 09/26 | Test 1 (Chapters 1, 2) | HW 5 due: Sec. 2.5, 2.7 |
14 | M 09/29 | 3.2 Fundamental Solutions of the Homogeneous Equation | |
15 | W 10/01 | 3.3 Reduction of Order | |
16 | F 10/03 | 3.4 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Real Roots | HW 6 due: Sec. 3.1, 3.2 |
17 | M 10/06 | 3.4 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Real Roots | |
18 | W 10/08 | 3.5 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Complex Roots | |
19 | F 10/10 | 3.5 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Complex Roots | HW 7 due: Sec. 3.3, 3.4 |
20 | M 10/13 | 3.6 Nonhomogeneous Equations | |
21 | W 10/15 | 3.7 Solving Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients | |
22 | F 10/17 | 3.8 Solving Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Variation of Parameters | HW 8 due: Sec. 3.5, 3.6 |
23 | M 10/20 | 3.9 Mechanical Systems and Simple Harmonic Motion | |
24 | W 10/22 | 3.10 Unforced Damped Vibration | |
25 | F 10/24 | 3.11 Forced Vibrations | HW 9 due: Sec. 3.7, 3.8 |
26 | M 10/27 | 5.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform | |
27 | W 10/29 | 5.2 Properties of the Laplace Transform | |
28 | F 10/31 | Test 2 (Chapter 3) | HW 10 due: Sec. 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 |
29 | M 11/03 | 5.3 The Inverse Laplace Transform | |
30 | W 11/05 | 5.4 Initial-Value Problems | |
31 | F 11/07 | 5.5 Step Functions and Delayed Functions | HW 11 due: Sec. 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 |
32 | M 11/10 | 5.6 Differential Equations with Discontinous Forcing Functions | |
33 | W 11/12 | 5.7 Impulse Forcing Functions | |
34 | F 11/14 | 5.8 The Convolution Integral | HW 12 due: Sec. 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 |
35 | M 11/17 | 6.1 Introduction to Linear Systems: The Method of Elimination | |
36 | W 11/19 | 6.2 Review of Matrices | |
37 | F 11/21 | 6.3 Basic Theory of First-Order Linear Systems | HW 13 due: Sec. 5.8, 6.1, 6.2 |
38 | M 11/24 | 6.4 Homogeneous Linear Systems with Real Eigenvalues | |
39 | W 11/26 | 6.5 Homogeneous Linear Systems with Complex Eigenvalues | |
F 11/28 | Thanksgiving break | ||
40 | M 12/01 | 8.1 Phase Plane Analysis of Autonomous Systems | HW 14 due: Sec. 6.3, 6.4, 6.5 |
41 | W 12/03 | 8.2 Equilibrium Points and Stability for Linear Systems | |
42 | F 12/05 | Test 3 (Chapters 5, 6, 8) | |
43 | M 12/08 | Review | HW 15 due: e-mail |
W 12/17 | 01:00-03:00 Final exam (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8) | Note the date and time! |