Math 221 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
Fall 2006 - Matthias K. Gobbert
Learning Goals and Detailed Learning Plan
This page can be reached via my homepage at
Learning Goals
By the end of this course, you should:
understand and remember the key ideas, concepts, definitions,
and theorems of the subject.
Examples in this course include
linear dependence and independence, the concept of a vector space,
eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and the rank theorem.
--> The quizzes, homework, and exams test this foundational knowledge.
be able to apply mathematical theorems and computational algorithms
correctly to answer questions,
and interpret their results correctly, including potentially
non-unique solutions or breakdowns of algorithms.
Examples include choosing among several theorems that help
decide if a matrix is diagonalizable and
the algorithm for row reduction that is non-unique in its steps and
that may break down, and we need to know how to interpret these breakdowns.
--> The group discussions, homework, and tests address these skills.
be able to choose the most useful theorem or
most efficient computational algorithm in a particular circumstance.
Examples include the Invertible Matrix Theorem that has many parts
among we can choose and the computation of determinants which can
be done more efficiently if selecting different algorithms for different
--> These more subtle skills are best discussed in a learning group.
appreciate the power of mathematical abstraction and
understand how mathematical theory is developed.
The classical example of mathematical abstraction in this class is
the axiomatic definition of a vector space which is done in
abstract generality after observing that the axioms hold true concretely
for vectors in the special case of Rn.
--> These integration goals will be supported by the lectures.
be able to communicate orally by discussing mathematical ideas and algorithms
with the instructor as well as other students.
--> The formation of learning groups will contribute to this goal.
be able to communicate in writing effectively by using the notation
and terminology of the subject correctly.
--> Homework, group quizzes, and tests will give you feedback.
have gained experience and developed skills in using all available types
of learning resources discussed in the learning plan.
--> This will develop self-confidence for learning mathematics
and other sciences.
Role of the Instructor
With the learning goals of the students as focal point of the course,
it becomes clear that you as student are responsible for
active participation in your learning.
I urge you to follow the learning plan outlined below.
So, what is the role of the instructor in this learner-centered environment?
The role of the instructor is to help you achieve these learning goals.
Concretely, the instructor will:
highlight the important ideas and concepts of this course
and put them into the context of mathematics and applications areas
outside of this course,
explain how to interpret mathematical definitions and theorems
and introduce computational algorithms with examples,
show how rigorous mathematical theory is developed using the
topic of this course as example,
make all supporting learning aids available in a timely fashion,
be available for help and advice,
give you honest feedback on your performance and be available for
suggestions how to improve,
maintain a professional learning environment in class.
In summary, the instructor will provide all help possible towards
your learning, but, as student, you must take responsibility and initiative
for your own learning in the end, because no instructor can learn for you.
Detailed Learning Plan
This learning plan is a detailed implementation of a
strategy to reach the learning goals above, using the concrete
teaching and learning aids available for this course.
Remember that the goal is for you to actually learn the material
and retain it in the long run.
We use the textbook as learning tool as well as
to organize the activities throughout the semester.
Moreover, we will use the course management software
to post additional information in the Course Documents area,
organized by the numerical order of the textbook sections
(not necessarily chronologically as covered in the course).
Most information for the section will be contained there,
including worked examples with voice-over
and the on-line quizzes.
The only other area of Blackboard that we will use is
the Discussion Board that is available to ask questions on
the material at any time.
The learning plan divides activities in three parts
-- before, during, and after class --,
which apply to every covered section of the textbook:
- Before class:
- Study the section in the textbook,
supported by information posted in Blackboard including
the worked examples with voice-over and taking into
account any announcements in class or by e-mail
specifically for this section.
- Take the on-line quiz posted in Blackboard and receive
immediate feedback on your performance. These quizzes focus
only on reading comprehension and basic vocabulary and
are intended to prepare you for class discussion.
- Monitor and post questions in the Blackboard Discussion Board.
Before you arrive in class, you should have an overview of the
material in the section, have read and/or seen several examples
for its use, and be ready to attempt the homework problems
under the guidance of the instructor.
- During class:
- Follow the lecture which highlights the material and
puts it into context.
- Participate actively in work with all members of your
learning group to solve the group quizzes and/or
homework problems at the end of class.
Discuss and ask questions of your group members and the instructor.
I will circulate from group to group during the group work periods
and be available for questions and guidance.
By the end of class, you should
have obtained answers to your questions either from group members
or the instructor and have an idea of how to approach the homework.
- After class:
- Work all assigned homework problems.
It may be helpful to re-view some of the worked examples
posted in Blackboard at this point.
- If questions arise, review the textbook, notes from class, and
examples in textbook or posted on-line; monitor the
Discussion Board in Blackboard for questions and answers
and use it to ask your own questions if necessary.
With the shift of work towards preparing more intensively for class
as opposed to seeing material for the first time in class,
the activities after class should consist mainly of putting all
the pieces together.
Moreover, the tightly spaced and integrated work before, during, and
after class should make the preparation for the tests short and effective.
In addition to the instructor, the members of your learning group,
other students, as well as the entire class (via the Discussion Board
in Blackboard) are available for communications at all times.
A note on the worked examples with voice-over:
They are flash files and no student has so far reported problems viewing them.
They were prepared during Summer 2006, some taped in
dedicated sessions and others taped during actual class.
The underlying idea was that it would be good for you to be able
to view repeatedly, to rewind, to pause, or to fast-forward
examples of many crucial algorithms in this course.
Additionally, despite the term "worked example", they are more than examples.
Some are in fact actual lectures, but even the examples contain
usually a thorough review of the theory behind the example,
similar to what I would say in a lecture when working an example.
Moreover, though many examples are taken from the textbook,
which is done for clarity of the organization and to keep the
workload of watching the examples manageable, many contain significant
extensions. Many examples are also worked out in slightly different ways
so as to demonstrate that there is more than one way to
execute many algorithms.
One student in Summer 2006 wrote to me saying that
"Worked examples were different enough (insights, tricks, examples,
history/background) that reviewing them was very worth while."
Therefore, I urge you to take full advantage of the worked examples
both in preparation for the class meetings
as well as for review later on during the work on homework or
during preparation for the tests.
And do help everybody by letting me know if you find anything wrong
or not working with the worked examples.
This learning plan relies on your active participation
in all learning activities; precisely for this reason, you will
learn the material better, retain more in the long run, and
increase your self-confidence as a learner!
Copyright © 1999-2006 by Matthias K. Gobbert. All Rights Reserved.
This page version 1.3, August 2006.