Math 221 - Introduction to Linear Algebra
Fall 2005 - Matthias K. Gobbert
Section 0101 - Schedule Number 4040
This page can be reached via my homepage at
Grading Information
Final scores and grades
ordered by the identification numbers handed out in class
click here
To improve the clarity of the postings, I have moved the homework
assignments to their own page;
follow this link
Basic Information
- Matthias K. Gobbert,
Math/Psyc 416, (410) 455-2404,,
office hours: MW 03:00-04:00 or by appointment
- Classes: MP 103, MWF 01:00-01:50;
see the detailed schedule for more information.
- Prerequisites: Math 151 or Math 155,
or instructor approval
- Required textbook:
David C. Lay, Linear Algebra and Its Applications,
third edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
Associated webpage:
- Grading policy:
Homework and Quizzes
| Test 1
| Test 2
| Test 3
| Final Exam
| 20%
| 20%
| 20%
| 25%
In addition to these formally graded course components,
your professional behavior and
active participation in all aspects of the course are required.
In particular, you are required to read assigned sections
in the textbook ahead of their coverage in class.
The homework is generally
due every Monday (at the beginning of class).
To improve the clarity of the postings, I have moved the homework
assignments to their own page:
The assigned problems will be posted throughout the semester
on the homework page.
Working the homework is vital to understanding the course material,
and you are expected to work both the recommended and required
problems; but turn in only the required problems, some of which
will be graded.
The quizzes will generally be unannounced and brief
(e.g., 1 or 5 minutes) at the beginning or end of class.
For instance, they may be designed to initiate class discussion
or to give me feedback on your learning.
They may be technical or non-technical in nature.
The three tests and the final exam
are traditional in-class exams;
to help you focus on what is relevant,
they are closed-book, closed-notes,
and no calculators/computers allowed.
See the detailed schedule for the dates
of the exams.
Late assignments will not be accepted under any circumstances;
a sufficient number of homework and quiz scores will be dropped
in order to avoid penalizing infrequent absences.
Additional details or changes will be announced as necessary.
See also general policies and procedures
for more information.
Practically, Linear Algebra deals with problems that are posed
in terms of matrices, which are rectangular arrays of numbers.
Typical problems include systems of linear equations
and eigenvalue/eigenvector problems.
Linear Algebra is used in just about any scientific field,
for instance, economics, engineering, statistics, and, of course,
mathematics itself.
This course will develop both a proficiency with calculation techniques
and with the underlying abstract concepts and their use to solve problems.
This approach reflects the fact that it is not just the
calculation techniques that are used in the application areas,
but many fundamental theoretical results
and indeed the language of Linear Algebra itself are ubiquitous.
Other Information
- The
recommended literature on my homepage includes listings
of books on mathematics, computer programming, and learning.
UMBC Academic Integrity Policy
By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of
an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's
academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty.
Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts
are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic
misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is
not limited to, suspension or dismissal.
To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the
UMBC Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook,
the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory for undergraduate students,
or the Graduate School website for graduate students.
Copyright © 1999-2005 by Matthias K. Gobbert. All Rights Reserved.
This page version 3.2, December 2005.