Math 341 - Computational Methods

Fall 1999 - Matthias K. Gobbert


This syllabus is designed to give you an overview of the material to be covered and is tentative in nature.
The chapter numbers refer to the text, Kendall Atkinson, Elementary Numerical Analysis, second edition, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.
Week Main Topic Chapter
1 Taylor's theorem: review, examples, error bounds 1
2 Numerical integration: motivation, examples 7
3 Numerical integration: error analysis, program 7
4 Numerical differentiation: basic formulas and their error terms 7
5 Nonlinear equations: bisection method 4
6 Nonlinear equations: Newton's method 4
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations:
problem, Euler's method, program
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations:
truncation error, Runge-Kutta methods
9 Gaussian elimination: LU factorization, operations count 8
10 Gaussian elimination: pivoting strategies, round-off error 8
11 Computer numbers: definition, tests, implications 2
12 Numerical differentiation revisited: effects of round-off error 7
13 Interpolation and approximation: comparison of concepts 5, 6
14 review

Copyright © 1999 by Matthias K. Gobbert. All Rights Reserved.
This page version 1.0, May 1999.